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Technical Support / Block sync stuck at 2074788 on Mac wallet
« on: March 29, 2015, 05:51:28 pm »

My block sync seems to be stuck. I tried remove the index and resync, but it always stops at 2074788: "Catching up....2074788 out of 21275xx blocks" (the total blocks number still changes).

I also saw some messages like this in my log:
Code: [Select]
2015-03-29T17:38:43 bitshares:invoke handle_message           push_block ] block 939f556ee31b9ee71ca49323c59c25b3eb4de5a3 (number 2073881) is on a fork older than our undo history would allow us to switch to (current head block is number 2074788, undo history is 360) chain_database.cpp:1762

What can be the problem? Thanks!

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