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Topics - bravo-golf-golf

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Recover Old BitShare Balance
« on: October 02, 2017, 04:47:59 pm »
I attended a meetup in Blacksburg, VA in May of 2015. I got 1000 BitShares. I setup everything back then and I think it was working properly. Subsequently the software was updated and I tried to upgrade by saving info to JSON file, which I still have, but go distracted and forgot about it. More than two years on I am trying to get it setup again.

After looking at online forum for help I have tried to download BitShares software 0.5.3 and import the JSON file, but get this:

 ○ request@app.js:32:26086
 ○ get_account_wall@app.js:31:8416
 ○ app.js:28:2513
 ○ d@app.js:5:36570
 ○ e@app.js:5:36678
 ○ app.js:5:58043
 ○ app.js:8:34047
 ○ q@app.js:5:77616
 ○ h@app.js:5:53516
 ○ app.js:5:53207
 ○ j@app.js:8:79968
 ○ app.js:8:80237
 ○ $broadcast@app.js:6:49634
 ○ app.js:8:78954
 ○ j@app.js:6:39741
 ○ app.js:6:27204
 ○ $eval@app.js:6:48397
 ○ $digest@app.js:6:47106
 ○ $apply@app.js:6:48723
 ○ app.js:7:27237
 ○ dispatch@app.js:3:14328
 ○ handle@app.js:3:11078
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
    bitshares  chain_database.cpp:3639 fetch_burn_records

    bitshares  chain_database.cpp:3655 fetch_burn_records

    bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:1613 blockchain_get_account_wall

Nothing seems to change. No balance. I tried creating and registering the account using my previous account name bravo-golf-golf, but that fails too.

Not sure where to turn next. Any help will be much appreciated.

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