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Topics - tmagee56

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / OpenLedger Account gone/no backup, help?
« on: July 25, 2016, 04:40:13 am »
Hey all,

Recently created an OL account for a class project for the next 2 weeks however I missed the memo where you needed to back up incase your cache gets cleared and that also you SHOULDNT clear your cache unless you want to reimport your wallet. Long story short, I've lost access, I didn't have a backup, and I'm kind of freaking out if I can't get into that account.

Please let me know ASAP if yall have any solutions or if im just screwed.

General Discussion / Lost Account = No Backup
« on: July 25, 2016, 04:36:24 am »
Hello all,

Recently got into OpenLedger due to a class project. I missed the first day of class so I missed the part where you need to create a back-up in the event of getting kicked out of your wallet and NOT to do a cache clear otherwise you'd lose the data. Well, I did a cache clear and was booted from my account and Im desperate to see if there isn't a shred of hope that I can get back into my account so that my grade doesn't get affected. Can anyone help or am I screwed?

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