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Topics - johngeocaching

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / GUI locking up
« on: July 04, 2017, 12:29:02 am »
I am using Bitshares 2.0.    The GUI does not respond to most commands.   What does work in basic mode: I can log in, I can pin/unpin assets,   I can click on past transactions and see the details.   In the past week I cannot "Buy" , "Sell", "Transfer", "Deposit" or "Withdraw".   If I click on any of these functions it just highlights the field.

If I am in "basic mode" and switch to "Advanced mode" it will switch over, but no functionality will work there.   Trying to switch back to "basic mode" will not work either.

In advanced mode, nothing works.   If I click on an icon box under "Top Markets" nothing happens.   Clicking on the switch to basic mode does not work.   At this point my only option is to close the window and return to "Basic mode".   To get to basic mode from "advanced mode" I have to click on "switch to basic mode" immediately, If I click on anything else it will freeze.

One thing I learned, If I click on "Settings" then exit, I do get "Basic mode" to function.   If I every try to go to advanced mode again, the whole system locks up again

Technical Support / Congratulations,
« on: May 09, 2017, 07:17:31 pm »
Your Ready.

Now that you're successfully crated an account and backed up your password ....

Question - Since my account and password is backed at account creation, how do I restore it as stated in the greeting upon creating an account.   Is there any technical support on this site, or only helpful co-users

Problem - I cannot remember my wallet password.   

Thank you in advance

Technical Support / Restoring Password with Backup and key
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:38:50 am »

I do not remember my password.   When I created the account it states "Password backup has been created".    I have the file "bts_default<date>.bin  file.

How does a password restore from the backup occur

Thank you in advance

Technical Support / Wallet Password rules
« on: May 08, 2017, 02:33:53 pm »
 I cannot remember by wallet password.

Can you please supply the password rules, as the standard password I would use do not work.   But rules or requirements, is there a minimum character requirement, is a capital letter required, which characters are not allowed  etc etc.   Do you have password rejections if the password is not deemed strong enough?

In addition is there a way to recover a password

Thank you in advance

Pages: [1]