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Topics - joe1983

Pages: [1]
Openledger / openledger Lost my eth
« on: July 15, 2017, 01:50:07 pm »
I withdrawal eth from bitshares to my parity wallet 24days ago, But I have not received eth yet.

i email to OpenLedger Support Team. They answered:"Here is the main reason why. Until now, not all ETH transactions have reached the Ethereum blockchain, this means they were sent from OpenLedger (Openledger did withdrawal of your funds) but they are not showing on Ethereum. ‌We cannot predict the result for these transactions. If they will return back to OpenLedger we will be able to do refund, otherwise there is nothing we can do.

Does that mean i might lose my ETH? What should I do now? thanks very much

Openledger / BitShares Lost my eth
« on: July 09, 2017, 05:14:36 am »
I withdrawal eth from bitshares to my parity wallet 18 days ago, But I have not received eth yet.i email to OpenLedger Support Team. They answered:"Here is the main reason why. Until now, not all ETH transactions have reached the Ethereum blockchain, this means they were sent from OpenLedger (Openledger did withdrawal of your funds) but they are not showing on Ethereum. ‌We cannot predict the result for these transactions. If they will return back to OpenLedger we will be able to do refund, otherwise there is nothing we can do.

Does that mean i might lose my ETH? What should I do now? thanks very much

中文 (Chinese) / BTS交易所弄丢了我的币
« on: July 09, 2017, 05:10:38 am »
18天之前,我申请了一个eth的提现,地址啥的都没写错,可是就是不到账,写信给open ledger的客服,他说是以太网网络的问题,不能保证最后的结果是怎么样,叫我耐心等待,如果币退回open ledger的账户,就退给我。 这是什么鬼?以太网网络了还会丢币》? 他们交易所的问题,损失要来承担? 有人碰到过这种情况吗?

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