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Technical Support / Setting up a simple Multisig 2fa style account?
« on: December 06, 2017, 08:14:25 am »
Hey guys,

 I have been searching the web and the instructions section hard for a clear answer but can't find any luck. All the instructions for multisig in the new 2.0 gui are very vague and don't explain much.

All I am trying to do is Have my main account we will call Main1 and then have a secondary account which I will have on a separate computer, its only function is to confirm withdrawals/transactions.

What I have tried so far is within the active permissions settings of Main1, I have set my threshold to 2. Then I have added my secondary account with a value of 1 in addition to the already existing account (main1) with a value of 1.  All i receive are error messages. I have also tried using 3 accounts because I read somewhere that is what we need to do. But also no luck.

If someone could possibly add some clear steps on this process i think it will help many in the future. We all want a 2fa style security in our BTS wallets. Multisig really seems like the closest we will get for now until hardware options are available.

thank you so much in advance

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