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Topics - Kati

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / where can I see chain-id after I've run "witness_node"
« on: December 26, 2017, 10:27:29 am »
It's printed into a console. Is there other place where I can see chain-id later, after I disconnect from my server? Somewhere in logs or config?

It's private network, testnet

Technical Support / Bitshares-ui won't connect to my test private node
« on: December 25, 2017, 02:41:54 pm »
I'm trying to connect my private test network using bitshares-ui:


The wallet claims that my net is down, although nmap which i'm running via the internet shows that the port and address are accessible:

Code: [Select]
  5555/tcp open  websocket WebSocket++ 0.7.0
That is, is accessible through the internet

My main and 1st node:

Code: [Select]
witness_node --data-dir /full_path/my_net/data
And cat /full_path/my_net/data/config.ini

Code: [Select]
  p2p-endpoint =
  rpc-endpoint =
  enable-stale-production = true
  witness-id = "1.6.1"

The node has been running for about a day. Why is the wallet saying that it's down and won't connect/sync?

And sometimes the wallet is saying the opposite -- it's up but "Failed to sync with the API server, Please verify that your computer clock is correct."

Anyway, it still won't connect to and sync with it


the ip and port are obfuscated.

Technical Support / Setting up private testnet with *several* nodes
« on: December 22, 2017, 09:47:52 am »
I want to set up private  testnet with multiple nodes. In the documentation it describes how to do that only with a single node.

1) How about multiple ones, how to create them? I mean, exactly - I'm a newbie.

2) Also, how do nodes *discover* other nodes in the same network?

3) Say, there're 15 nodes.
 a) Does each node know about any other node?
 b) And What exactly makes them *belong* to the same network? They can be located in other countries and still belong to *same network*.

4) There's no central server or entity. To summarize -- does this mean that any *new node* can connect to *any existing/working node* in a network to become a part of that network?


I'll use docker as I have only a single machine for testing, each node will be in its own docker.

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