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Topics - victor.F

Pages: [1]
Stakeholder Proposals / fee reduction for P2P transactions.
« on: December 31, 2017, 03:19:42 pm »

Hi, bitshares community, I would like to propose a fee reduction from P2P transactions on the network,  currently is at .21bts for NON-members.
The reason: we are a financial institution in Mexico (, and are looking to create a pegged asset (bitmex) similar to HERO. we have the capacity to make it to mass adoption with our retail network. As well as good support from our current client base and community.   
In order to be able to use bitshares for day to day transactions, we need a very low fee for P2P transactions, something like .001 bts.
Why will it be beneficial to the bitshares community?
We think that these new clients that will be using the network for free ( .001), will use other services as trading services to change its bitmex to other assets on the network.
As discussed on the telegram group, bitshares is designed to be a trading platform and not a transaction platform,  but with the bandwidth capacity you have, I would say it won't hurt and could bring a lot of benefits.

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