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Topics - rog3r

Pages: [1]

This morning when I tried to run protoshares-qt.exe I got the message "Error loading block database. Do you want to rebuild the block?". IRCC protosjares-qt was properly closed last time I used it.

Here is the debug.log:

ProtoShares version v0.8.5.0-unk-beta (Nov  7 2013, 12:07:19)
Using OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
Startup time: 2014-01-15 07:39:53
Default data directory C:\users\roger\Application Data\ProtoShares
Using data directory C:\users\roger\Application Data\ProtoShares
Using at most 125 connections (2048 file descriptors available)
Using 2 threads for script verification
init message: Verifying wallet... LogDir=C:\users\roger\Application Data\ProtoShares\database ErrorFile=C:\users\roger\Application Data\ProtoShares\db.log
Bound to [::]:3888
Bound to
init message: Loading block index...
Opening LevelDB in C:\users\roger\Application Data\ProtoShares\blocks\index
Opened LevelDB successfully
Opening LevelDB in C:\users\roger\Application Data\ProtoShares\chainstate
Opened LevelDB successfully
ERROR: CheckProofOfWork() : hash doesn't match nBits
ERROR: LoadBlockIndex() : CheckIndex failed: CBlockIndex(pprev=02EE7B70, pnext=00000000, nHeight=40982, merkle=bf59006d38733cf29acacd8daef24ce39760459f26524e0fe2d3ad319134b840, hashBlock=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)

1) what does this "ERROR: CheckProofOfWork() : hash doesn't match nBits" mean? Which can be the causes?
2) Is save to "rebuild the block"? Which are the consequences?
3) If "rebuild the block" is not the way to go, what do you recomend me to do?
4) Last one, are my PTS save?

Thanks in advance.


what does a negative balance reported by mean? Is this a bug?

Here are the initial lines of the payments report. The negative balance is in the first line:

Last 100 payments:
Block   Date      Total   Add   Balance
36178   29.12. 0:32   10.32   +0.2063   -0.7937 PAID!
36177   29.12. 0:31   10.12   +0.1284   0.2586 PAID!
36168   28.12. 23:48   9.99   +0.1302   0.1302
36137   28.12. 20:25   9.86   +0.1366   0.3131 PAID!


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