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Topics - 33pwnz

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BitShares PTS / Mining Guide suggestion
« on: January 13, 2014, 06:58:49 pm »

I've used the Mining Guide in and I was constantly getting an error in a specific step:

screen –S ptc

I would get the error message:

Cannot exec '�S': No such file or directory

After a lot of tries and searching, I've discovered that it was very simple: the character before the S was not a simple dash (-).

The same with the commands
screen –d
screen –r

The difference is "–" vs "-", the first one being the wrong one and the one in the guide.

I'm not sure if this is just me, because of character encoding settings or something, but if possible I'd suggest replacing it in the guide.

The simple dash is used previously in the guide (make -f makefile.unix && cd ~) correctly. It is only different with the screen commands.

Anyway, here is my experience, hope it is useful for newcomers.

Best regards

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