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Topics - alan

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Ethereum
« on: February 22, 2014, 06:56:53 am »
Running around the ole inter-web trying to read as much as possible when i stumbled into this.
what are your thoughts on  Ethereum? Are they over ambitious or do they have something there.  And how would bit shares benifit (or not) should they be sucessful with their project?

General Discussion / Newbie protoshare question
« on: February 22, 2014, 05:02:32 am »
Hi i just recently purchased 2 pts via cryptsy.
Im new to this crypto-currency world and shortly after my purchase i visited the website and  read:

"We have previously referred to BitShares PTS as "Protoshares", but no longer do so. "ProtoShare" is a registered trademark of Site9, Inc. for its prototyping and mock-up software product, ProtoShare. There is no relationship between ProtoShare and Invictus Innovations."

I'm confused even more now with the bit share/ proto share. 
Any clarification regarding protoshare/ vs bit share would be greatly appreciated.

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