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Messages - yvv

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Buy back is not distributing a revenue. It is a convenient method to pay debt for issuer of debt token, like obits. Obits borrowed worth of $200K loan from people (4M obits), and made $3K profit in one month. If they claim that they are going to spend all their profit to pay their debt, it will take them about 5 years to pay their debt at this pace.

Apple's stock price is currently $102.71. It's dividend in the past year was $2.03.  If Apple's means of paying off the loan of investing in it was a buy back it would take 50 years at this pace.

Stock dividents and buy back - are two different things. Obits dividend is 0.

организуйте гейт в рубли

Неплохо бы знать, как организовать такой шлюз, не нарушая законов.

Buy back is not distributing a revenue. It is a convenient method to pay debt for issuer of debt token, like obits. Obits borrowed worth of $200K loan from people (4M obits), and made $3K profit in one month. If they claim that they are going to spend all their profit to pay their debt, it will take them about 5 years to pay their debt at this pace.

I don't get something here. Are people really excited that a company made $3000 profit in two month? Or am I missing something?

In some parts of the world that is an entire year of pay.

In Denmark???

I don't get something here. Are people really excited that a company made $3000 profit in two month? Or am I missing something?

Подтверждение от CCEDK - первый выкуп OBITS будет 1-го февраля, на данный момент уже набежало 900 000 BTS (~7 BTC) и это только выручка OpenLedger, думаю, на первое февраля набежит порядка 10 BTC в эквиваленте:,20894.0

Выкуп будет производится 90% на OBITS:BTS и 10% на OBITS:OPENBTC:,20894.msg270239.html#msg270239

Выручка компании в 4 килобакса за два месяца - это конечно очень круто. Пусть попробуют развозчиками пиццы устроиться, там-то денег побольше будет. Про грузчиков я уже молчу, за ночь богачами станут. :)

What should the committee do to support liquidity?

They can't do nothing to support liquidity. To support liquidity, you need capital. Your committee are beggars with naked ass.

General Discussion / Re: Let`s kickstart the Stock derivatives Market
« on: January 03, 2016, 07:57:37 pm »
What is needed to bring Stock derivatives online?

You would need at least $50k worth of stocks in you possession to back you up, and ability to buy and sell them on exchanges promptly. You would need to collateralise your derivatives at 200% in bitshares. Do you have these funds?

Your crowd is very funny guys, but your business suffers from one fundamental problem: you are all completely detached from reality. You think that buying slaves from Latvia for $900 will solve your problems? You are wrong. Think again. It will work for a while. But then your slaves will refuse to work for you until you give them all benefits which golden billion in EU and US has. And your government will fuck you hard to not allow this. What are you going to do then? Find more slaves in Africa? It is not going to work.

General Discussion / Re: Why Vision Matters Blog Post
« on: December 30, 2015, 01:48:03 am »
Selling people "peace of mind" and an opportunity to "change the world" and "fight the empire" and "fight Obamacare" is a much easier sell in my own market research.

HAHAHAA!!! You have have to come up with something better than this bullshit. Try selling a place in Paradise in afterlife. Many crooks do it successfully.

General Discussion / Re: Why Vision Matters Blog Post
« on: December 30, 2015, 01:26:10 am »
Lets have a bigger vision with a focus on helping other people. A vision that the average Joe can benefit from and get behind. A blockchain is a means to an end, it isn’t an end in itself. While everyone else is busy creating advanced “smart contracts” and new “privacy solutions” and attempting to partner with banks that want nothing to do with them we can actually start helping people.

so does that mean no banking partners anymore ?

The banks want to develop their own blockchains. IMO they don't like having little control and not having a large piece of the pie.

Ripple negotiates with banks for 2 years or so. The result: interledger. Screw previous goals. Main reasons: banks need privacy; banks don't like to rely on tokens like XRP. Check ripple forums for more details.


@all the others: please stop blaming CNX for trying to be a competitive and profitable company. If they don't make their money they will disappear and the consequence of that will be that Dan has to work for Google or someone even worse!!

Why is it bad to work for Google? My friends work, and they are happy.

General Discussion / Re: Why Vision Matters Blog Post
« on: December 29, 2015, 11:24:24 pm »
OMG! More ideological BS. Stop dreaming and make a decent exchange which could be used by merchants.

General Discussion / Re: 2016 Vision Blog Post
« on: December 29, 2015, 01:57:14 am »
If we can achieve government via blockchain using consensus, supported by reputation and free markets then perhaps the word "government" may be redeemed.

I agree with the emphasis being shifted to community and the value the BitShares network can offer as an unparalleled tool for society.  BM your words inspire me and once again reinforce my conviction that BitShares is the place to be.

I disagree with yvv in his belief that ideology endangers the BitShares network. Pursuit of the right ideology (and we've been grappling with what that is since the dawn of Bitcoin) is the only way BitShares will grow significantly. Yes the technology must be competitive, accessible, with exceptional utility but it is the thorough philosophical analysis and vision that sets BitShares apart. Incentives that enable the network to exist and function are essential but isn't the legacy of greater importance?  Without well reasoned ideology, there would be no dedication to ensuring the choices we make wll ensure BitShares is built to endure.

I am not a believer. I don't have any believes. Being determines consciousness. This is a scientific fact. You deny it, good luck to you.

General Discussion / Re: 2016 Vision Blog Post
« on: December 29, 2015, 12:58:04 am »
A new year, calls for a renewed vision and direction for BitShares. For too long BitShares has been evolving without any clearly and consistently stated purpose or direction. Today I would to cast my vision for BitShares in 2016 and the years beyond. The most high level vision is to create a well ordered society that is governed in a manner that fully adheres to the Non Aggression Principle (NAP).

OMG! A business project which is based on false ideological principles is doomed to fail. Being determines consciousness. Economical  laws should determine ideology, not vise versa. Well, at least we have an interesting IT experiment.

What false ideological principles. I would be very happy to discuss the ideology and correct anyplace I am wrong.

I'll be brief today. Pseudo philosophical bullshit makes my confidence in project success go down to zero. That is why it is false. Just life experience. Little advise: if you want to make a successful company, forget about your ideological believes. Believe me, this will work :lol:

Well, I certainly don't want to be caught up in "pseudo philosophical bullshit" because I try to be very practical. But resorting to derogatory language as a shortcut to actual discussion is not helpful to me nor anyone else.

That's ok. You are free to do whatever you want. Just don't forget, being determines consciousness, not vice versa.

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