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Messages - yvv

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General Discussion / Re: 2016 Vision Blog Post
« on: December 29, 2015, 12:36:26 am »
A new year, calls for a renewed vision and direction for BitShares. For too long BitShares has been evolving without any clearly and consistently stated purpose or direction. Today I would to cast my vision for BitShares in 2016 and the years beyond. The most high level vision is to create a well ordered society that is governed in a manner that fully adheres to the Non Aggression Principle (NAP).

OMG! A business project which is based on false ideological principles is doomed to fail. Being determines consciousness. Economical  laws should determine ideology, not vise versa. Well, at least we have an interesting IT experiment.

What false ideological principles. I would be very happy to discuss the ideology and correct anyplace I am wrong.

I'll be brief today. Pseudo philosophical bullshit makes my confidence in project success go down to zero. That is why it is false. Just life experience. Little advise: if you want to make a successful company, forget about your ideological believes. Believe me, this will work :lol:

General Discussion / Re: 2016 Vision Blog Post
« on: December 28, 2015, 10:22:43 pm »
A new year, calls for a renewed vision and direction for BitShares. For too long BitShares has been evolving without any clearly and consistently stated purpose or direction. Today I would to cast my vision for BitShares in 2016 and the years beyond. The most high level vision is to create a well ordered society that is governed in a manner that fully adheres to the Non Aggression Principle (NAP).

OMG! A business project which is based on false ideological principles is doomed to fail. Being determines consciousness. Economical  laws should determine ideology, not vise versa. Well, at least we have an interesting IT experiment.

Technical Support / Re: how to keep my accounts clean?
« on: December 27, 2015, 07:14:05 pm »
how to enable a whitelist for assets/senders that my accounts are allowed to receive?

Yes, this would  be a nice feature. I don't need those crap tokens in my wallet too.

General Discussion / Re: Against FBA
« on: December 27, 2015, 05:01:12 pm »
To someone of communist mindset this FBA is offensive.

I am communist. FBA is not offensive to me. You better not put labels on people, especially if you have no idea what communism is.

You cannot have the man power to convince 50k corporations, hence it is not like kill 50k birds with one stone, it is actually sit and wait 50k birds die naturally.

It is actually like putting bird food into 50K bird feeders and waiting when 50M birds come to eat. They may come or may not. Good chance that they will.


Yes, the Smartcoin POS can handle regular debit and credit cards PLUS all major Smartcoins ranging from BitShares, Bitcoin to Doge and Litecoin. Most Bitcoins POS where not successful due to BTC price volatility. I am convinced we can change that with BitShares Smartcoins.

Merchants can also issue their own tokens, like giftcards, in few seconds. Think about it. A token fully baked by business. Customer preloads bitshares wallet with merchant's token, then go shop with discount. A win situation for both, merchant and customer.

3. Is a POS for bts the key for stores to accept bts? Not actually. The key is a good commercial team to persuade corporations to do so.

This is not a POS for BTS. Merchants will never accept BTS. They will accept bitUSD, bitEUR etc, or issue their own tokens. Bitshares != BTS.

Русский (Russian) / Re: Новости BitShares 2.0
« on: December 26, 2015, 07:52:14 pm »
BitShares POS терминал и кошельки для Apple (IOS) и Android, скриншоты по ссылке:,20762.0/all.html

Планируемая дата выхода 4 января 2016 года (для IOS возможно позже, так как одобрение в App Store может занять больше времени, в том числе из-за праздничных дней).

Это очень хорошая новость.

General Discussion / Re: Poll on Bitshares referral program
« on: December 26, 2015, 07:48:54 pm »
Damn it! There are 11000 users on this forum and only 12 votes on such important subject. This is far below a statistically significant sample size. And all other polls are like this. We have just random numbers which mean nothing. People yell about lack of democracy on every corner, and when they are given a democratic way to express their opinion, they just don't use it. Come and vote, people!

If switching between chains is that easy , then the chain is not really a public chain , but a private chain mirrored on public chain . So no decentralization

Not true.  You would just be doing then what you think you need to do now: 
Making a centralized decision to launch a new decentralized chain.

have you talk to big banks about using the BitShares chain ? anyone interested at that ?  or they insist on private chain ?

Ripple is negotiating with banks for two years or so with no results. Neither big nor small banks like open blockchains for two main reasons: they need privacy and they don't like cryptotokens like XRP.

We plan to raise 19k EUR for the whole development of the BitShares Wallet and the Smartcoin POS.
Edit: From the OPENPOS overview:
- require holders to be white-listed
- issuer may transfer asset back to himself
- issuer must approve all transfers
what is this for? (Removed the offer for now)

These are the standard settings for most Tokens.

I see. Is it requirement of regulators?

(correct link)
I hate to dump BTS for other assets. Any other markets?

Just go ahead and make your bid in whatever market you want.

We plan to raise 19k EUR for the whole development of the BitShares Wallet and the Smartcoin POS.

This makes it worth 0.038 EUR or about 12 BTS per 1 OPENPOS. I made my bid.

Edit: From the OPENPOS overview:
- require holders to be white-listed
- issuer may transfer asset back to himself
- issuer must approve all transfers
what is this for? (Removed the offer for now)

How much of a market cap hit would BTS take if we weren't working on BTS at all?  How much of a hit would it take if we diluted BTS by 30K per month to fund features?

I have to agree here.
...and to think, all we need is another 19K and we will instantly have over 50K businesses (like supermarket chains!) with the ability to process Smartcoin transactions at every cash register at every one of their locations:,20762.0.html

You will not get something instantly. If you integrate bitshares into odoo pos, this will be very cool, but this does not mean that all 50K odoo users will instantly start to use this feature.

General Discussion / Re: Basket MPA
« on: December 25, 2015, 12:16:14 am »
if you need assistance of technical nature to do this, please drop me a line.

I like the idea very much but hesitate to do it my self for legal concerns in my country

Recently we've finished a work on parsing aggregated and high quality market feed for 24 crypto exchanges.
There will be an API and the feed itself is open source (unlike Coinmarketcap data). Hope soon we integrate it in cyber•Fund app.
But basically that is mean that now we can and interested in creating investment products very similar to how this guys do but for crypto.

The first product we'd wanted to create is a basket of "blue chips" based on our rating. Please don't confuse it with an old static one :-) Those was just a starting point. The new is really comprehensive and give interesting results. Look for youself (need to be sorted by rating and not NedoRating). It effectively filter all crypto crap and sort (though some points in methodology are still should to be improved) the most interesting blockchain projects. We can create MPA based on a basket of TOP-5, TOP-10, Top-20 assets based on this foundation. To be honest I didn't think how to compute it yet, but that is just a task.

But to plan this implementation I should answer some questions:
  • What is fee for creation of MPA? (did not find it anywhere)?
  • Can I setup fee for transactions involving my MPA?
  • How to motivate witnesses to support price feeds for my MPAs? or do I need to become a witness?
  • How do you think how much liquidity initially we need to put into such MPA?
  • And of course how do you think is there demand on such MPA out where or not?
Could you help to answer?

Update: Clarifications and typofixes

You forgot to cast @xeroc :)

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