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Messages - Empirical1.2

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General Discussion / Re: Correction is over, wave 3 up to begin soon.
« on: July 22, 2015, 02:07:55 pm »
@ander, you seem to be accurate most of the time. I love your analysis !

I'm myself reading my first book on TA. Do you have in mind some books you would recommend me.

I'm a professional poker player since years now. I don't need to much information on bankroll managment and mindset. I'm use to deal with these things.

My main focus is learning the basics, have a solid knowledge ground to build on it.

Any recommendations ?

Are you based in France, isn't your online poker segregated? Pokerstars has a French specific site I think.

Hopefully crypto will develop borderless blockchain poker with a fraction of the rake soon enough.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 21, 2015, 08:31:19 pm »

The recent rout was likely a Western response to China announcing an increase of 50% of their gold holdings in a single month.

China has actually accumulated a MUCH larger position, the West's only counter-response is to depress the paper price and talk down gold in the MSM, but you'll still see the physical PM market respond to situations like Greece, most notably in shortages and higher premiums.

China didnt buy that much gold in 1 month.  Thats the change over the past six years since they last released info in 2009.  And apparently they had bought a lot less than people thought they were.

Yeah, I know they didn't buy that in one month, they've accumulated it (and a much larger position since 2009) and they can announce increases whenever it's advantageous for them to do so. Someone would have to be extremely naive to think that is the total of the increases we will see announced.

There are various theories for their reasoning but this sounds fairly logical

AEP goes on to quote David Marsh, from the monetary forum OMFIF, who said "China would risk unsettling the world gold market if it revealed bullion reserves of 2,000 or 3,000 tonnes. This might be interpreted as an unfriendly move against the dollar at a "delicate time."

And from a purely logical standpoint, it would be far more sensible for the PBOC to reveal just a fraction of its gold holdings, whether it was to stabilize its stock market or to boost its chances of SDR admission, than to expose the entire vault, especially if it wanted to buy more: it doesn't take rocket surgery to realize that one can buy more assets for cheaper, if one is not exposed as amassing a huge position in a given asset.

with China, or any government for that matter, we never know how close reported figures come to the truth. i also suspect they've been hoarding more gold than they've made public, and at some point i imagine they'll have incentive to pretend they have more than they do...i don't think they ever have incentive to tell the truth.

At some point when there is a crisis of confidence in fiat (and there always is) then governments will have to prove their reserves to some degree. I think it's a safe bet that Western holdings are grossly overstated and Eastern holdings, especially China are understated.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:33:33 pm »

The recent rout was likely a Western response to China announcing an increase of 50% of their gold holdings in a single month.

China has actually accumulated a MUCH larger position, the West's only counter-response is to depress the paper price and talk down gold in the MSM, but you'll still see the physical PM market respond to situations like Greece, most notably in shortages and higher premiums.

China didnt buy that much gold in 1 month.  Thats the change over the past six years since they last released info in 2009.  And apparently they had bought a lot less than people thought they were.

Yeah, I know they didn't buy that in one month, they've accumulated it (and a much larger position since 2009) and they can announce increases whenever it's advantageous for them to do so. Someone would have to be extremely naive to think that is the total of the increases we will see announced.

There are various theories for their reasoning but this sounds fairly logical

AEP goes on to quote David Marsh, from the monetary forum OMFIF, who said "China would risk unsettling the world gold market if it revealed bullion reserves of 2,000 or 3,000 tonnes. This might be interpreted as an unfriendly move against the dollar at a "delicate time."

And from a purely logical standpoint, it would be far more sensible for the PBOC to reveal just a fraction of its gold holdings, whether it was to stabilize its stock market or to boost its chances of SDR admission, than to expose the entire vault, especially if it wanted to buy more: it doesn't take rocket surgery to realize that one can buy more assets for cheaper, if one is not exposed as amassing a huge position in a given asset.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:18:15 pm »
I wouldnt buy gold stocks right now, most of them are in debt and losing money, and the chart looks to me like they will go a lot lower.  Bitcoin/cryptocurrencies replaced gold, imo.  During the greece crisis gold just kept going down, while bitcoin rose, and the media was talking about bitcoin as the store of value.

"Do you remember Gold, it was sort of an analog bitcoin". :)

The gold and silver markets are cornered by large players who control the paper price.

The recent rout was likely a Western response to China announcing an increase of 50% of their gold holdings in a single month.

China has actually accumulated a MUCH larger position, the West's only counter-response is to depress the paper price and talk down gold in the MSM, but you'll still see the physical PM market respond to situations like Greece, most notably in shortages and higher premiums.

Torgny Persson, CEO of BullionStar, noted

Precious metals demand in the last week leading up to the Greek referendum has been about 150 % higher than normal both in terms of order quantity and order volume…Based on my conversations with the western world’s leading refineries and precious metals wholesalers, they have experienced similar increases in the last week.”

However, a surging gold price is the last thing that anybody who’s concerned with maintaining the veneer of financial stability wants to see.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 20, 2015, 02:55:32 pm »
Of course it looks like we'll have to contend with the Ethereum effect pretty soon...
IMHO ethereum is overhyped .. If I had participated in the pre-sale, I'd try to get rid of my ETH as soon as they are traded with some liquidity .. (not an divestment advice)

I didn't participate in the pre-sale either. (As I felt it was a POW play.)  Bitcoin was circa $500 at the time, and the whole crypto-market has declined since, so it will be interesting to see where the market values it.

It could ultimately work in BTS's favour if Ethereum gets a high valuation.
As if it will draw renewed attention to smart currency platforms & if BTS 2.0 is released in a timely manner and outperforms it in a lot of areas, it will be hard for us not to be revalued higher too.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 20, 2015, 02:38:02 pm »
Finally we get a decent "pump" while all other top 10 cryptos are roughly stable  8)

Let's hope it keeps on going!

wonder if this is the Keiser pump?

Yes I would say it's largely due to the Keiser article. Yesterday nearly everyone else was red and BTS was green.

In my mind it also increases the possibility Max himself may look into BTS more, BTS 2.0  is right up his street and also that he might consider an interview with say Max Wright and Daniel on the Keiser report, post BTS 2.0 release. Which prior to this I would have said was extremely unlikely.

that'd be great for us to have continued publicity, his investment, and capital flow from his viewers who get sold on us...

Of course it looks like we'll have to contend with the Ethereum effect pretty soon...

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 20, 2015, 01:45:34 pm »
Finally we get a decent "pump" while all other top 10 cryptos are roughly stable  8)

Let's hope it keeps on going!

wonder if this is the Keiser pump?

Yes I would say it's largely due to the Keiser article. Yesterday nearly everyone else was red and BTS was green.

In my mind it also increases the possibility Max himself may look into BTS more, BTS 2.0  is right up his street and also that he might consider an interview with say Max Wright and Daniel on the Keiser report, post BTS 2.0 release. Which prior to this I would have said was extremely unlikely.

General Discussion / Re: Good Press on Max Keiser
« on: July 19, 2015, 10:20:07 pm »
 +5% Great

Also appears on the homepage at the moment

General Discussion / Re: Charts for total cryptocurrency market cap?
« on: July 19, 2015, 05:57:28 pm »

I've been watching it and the total market cap doesn't seem to correlate too tightly with the volume. In fact during the last pump the total market cap actually went down - which isn't surprising since a pumper needs to cash out.

And you are totally correct about fundamentals investing not being a factor. It's just a big game of follow the money and don't be a bag holder.

really? i could have sworn that the market cap surged about USD 0.5B during the last pump. it'd be great to see this state published somewhere...

Yeah I think Riverhead is wrong on both counts.

BTC went from 3.4 Billion to 4.4 Billion between 26th June (Greferendum announced, capital controls) to 12th of July (Bailout deal offered). Considering the rest of the altcoin market isn't even worth a billion, it's not possible the total went down  :)

It also tracked the situation in Greece pretty much to a tee and Bitcoin reacted exactly how you'd expect a safe haven limited currency to perform. (As did the currencies on the exchanges people closest to the affected area used the most - btce)

Once a deal was accepted that was likely to go through, Bitcoin declined and then once again after the bailout was approved by Greek parliament.

Where do you guys think we will see the price go after Bitshares 2.0 drops?
What are some features you guys are looking forward to that you see driving the price higher?
What are some features you would like to see added?

$25-32 million CAP.

More liquid BitAssets and a usable wallet. There is definitely a market for a decentralised exchange as well as just a decentralised bank account (New Switzerland)

Then add the referral programme which I think could work very well indeed  :)

Features I'd like to see added, anything that generates lots of transactions - gambling, prediction markets etc.

General Discussion / BTS 2.0 release date predictions
« on: July 19, 2015, 02:18:39 pm »
I haven't been following development or the hangouts etc.

What are people's prediction for when we'll see 2.0?

My arbitrary guess September 5th

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 19, 2015, 01:28:42 pm »
We hit for the second times the new support at .00001727. This time with lower volumes the price went up so I guess there less seller pressure and we are about to see the price go up ?

Maybe it will go up and hit a the former support at .00002. Then we'll see if it can brake it with enough volume ...

I'm reading my very first book of charts technical analysis, I love it ! Any opinion on noob TA ?

i'm not a fan of TA as it's never proven actual predictive power. as far as we know, prices in the short run follow something close to a random walk ...if you ever generate a price chart from a random walk process you'll see that it'll look just like any stock or asset price movement; there'll be things that look like resistance levels, trends, trend breakouts, etc. but the fact that we created the charts from random walks should show that our human minds all too often find meaning in the meaningless :)
There are literally thousand of profitable traders , both long term and short term, that use nothing but technical analysis.  Most people who say technical analysis doesn't work have either never tried it or blew up their account because they lacked discipline. Technical analysis is 20% system and 80% risk management.  Nothing predicts market movements 100% of the time, but if you ride your winners and cut your losers short you stand a great chance to make a lot of money.

there being a set of people profiting on technical analysis for some period of time doesn't prove it works; we'd need more evidence to prove it's not in the noise of randomness or luck, and so far that evidence doesn't exist. TA strategies do not have a documented record of producing alpha, so use them at your own risk.

however, i do appreciate the risk management techniques ...

Do you consider trends as part of technical analysis? 

I would say there is proof that prices trend and it's pretty obvious why, because for one, new information isn't absorbed/known to all market participants at once and takes a while to be assimilated.

Personally I prefer understanding and interpreting the information that makes prices move.

Make it useful and make it uncontroversial and perhaps they would opt for that simplest solution having digital GBP as ==bitGBP? Is BitShares worthy of the BoE risking billions of GBP on?? Creating alsorts of additional features, might be less important than getting one killer capability exactly right.

I think the UK, with London being one of the financial capitals of the world will be one of the first to realise the strategic potential of crypto-currencies.

Once a national government supports and gives preference too but doesn't overtly control a specific crypto-currency, it could quickly dwarf Bitcoin and gain global or at least Eastern/Western dominance. The only question is who will be first?

Creating alsorts of additional features, might be less important than getting one killer capability exactly right.

My personal optimal creation would be a well distributed, BitAsset focused blockchain based largely on the BTSX currency model but including the new referral programme.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 17, 2015, 06:32:51 pm »
Since then the market has had to price in that it could actually still be a
while till 2.0 release and that with so many additions there may be quite a few
kinks to work out before it's a stable customer friendly version. The market
has to price in CNX. The market has to price in Ethereum may start trading
soon. While other BTS announcements have been well received by the community,
they don't result in any short term increase in the number of BTS users
or BitAssets. All the while BTS is releasing millions of BTS per week
via the merger and as it is very thinly traded at the moment it's hard
to support the price especially with Greece news which drew a lot of
speculators into non CNY based crypto-currencies.
Have you included the newest information BM revealed in todays Hangout about an
actual BANK being very interested in CNX, the graphene tech and or BitShares

It seems some more exciting news are going to be announced :D

 +5% Cool. My personal opinion is that as we've seen in the past,  being 'very interested' isn't the same as making some form of commitment. Also the market would have to figure out if a bank being interested in CNX and Graphene is necessarily great for BitShares.

(For example the bank may offer CNX tons of money for further developments that they don't want released to BTS or made public for a while. This may make our developers unaffordable and unavailable to BTS and reduce BTS related development.)

BTS developers would certainly deserve the success though. 

What is your best guess on when BTS 2.0 will be released?


General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: July 17, 2015, 05:37:30 pm »
Has anyone ever considered that "traditional" analysis does not work with BitShares for the simple reason that there was a SHAREDROP not only on investors and traders, but also on "uninformed" people that just had some bucks left and want to exit?

BitShares is one of the easier crypto to trade based on traditional investing analysis.

The 90% loss of value & slow decline of BTS once dilution became a reality was very predictable. (BTSX would have been circa $300-400 million today without it imo.)

We know that a lot of bitcoiners and altcoiners think btsx is a "crapcoin" and a ponzi scheme. So why do we really care what they say about us diluting btsx?

Kind of reminds me of the famous five monkeys experiment. 
Nobody in those communities is willing to go for the bananas any more
but no one remembers why.

Kind of reminds me of the famous goose that laid the golden eggs.

(The date I said we were killing the golden goose was the date of BTSX's BTC high 0.00009234)

The developers then hinted and announced that they'd been writing code and working on BTS 2.0 which includes a lot of great additions.
The market responded correctly and BTS increased in value by 150% from the lows. ($8 million to over $20 million)

Since then the market has had to price in that it could actually still be a while till 2.0 release and that with so many additions there may be quite a few kinks to work out before it's a stable customer friendly version. The market has to price in CNX. The market has to price in Ethereum may start trading soon. While other BTS announcements have been well received by the community, they don't result in any short term increase in the number of BTS users or BitAssets. All the while BTS is releasing millions of BTS per week via the merger and as it is very thinly traded at the moment it's hard to support the price especially with Greece news which drew a lot of speculators into non CNY based crypto-currencies.

Personally I think it's unlikely BTS will go under $10 million prior to the BTS 2.0 release but will spike leading up to and in the first weeks of actual release, where it goes from there depends on how good everything is. But basically limited downside and good upside so a good time to buy BTS now. (Unless Greece/China really implodes in the next few weeks and then you might want to be more in the crypto-currencies that make big moves in response.) 

It's also not like competitors are grossly over-valued by comparison. NuShares has just released their Nudroid Mobile wallet and are advertising heavily on CMC and also supposedly have more dollar stable product in circulation in the form of NuBits and are valued at 14% of BTS which seems fair. (I've never owned or looked into NuShares very much personally other than to see that NuBits are obviously very ponzi-ish.)

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