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Messages - Thom

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I watched all of the tutorial videos, and while the whole intro section was nothing new to me and thus not really worth my time, it did make a few points that were important in the remainder of the video.

If you were'nt ever exposed to AI concepts it was a good place to start.

I'll check out the Jeff Rosenschein vids tomorrow.

Well... the main reason that led me to bring this up... I have been debating a lot of Bitcoin/Altcoin people as to the merits of DPoS versus PoW. I am telling a half truth when I tell them that someone needs to obtain 51% of the money supply to attack the network... due to voter apathy that is not the case. It is not only a security issue, it is a public perception issue of a possible security issue. If someone really advertised that instead you only need 14% of the money supply due to voter apathy, I think people will think more negatively of DPoS. How can we expect people to trust DPoS if it isn't as secure as it can theoretically be? IT doesn't look good in a debate when someone brings up that only 14% of the money supply is needed... they give me a hard enough time about 51% being bad enough.

+5% an extremely important point. This has been gnawing at me for some time now. I keep seeing these topics on delegates and voting recurring and yet no significant changes are proposed by the devs to address this. The last major change was with the creation of delegate slates months ago.

coinhoarder & oldman (among others) have made some excellent points. We really need to solve the problem of apathy, and imo we need to look at incentives (and disincentives). Oldman's point about responsibility is spot on imo. Several of the suggestions made here would be better than what we now have. We need to get bm, toast or other devs involved in this and work out a plan to address this problem ASAP.

It's the same thing with our govt. It works good enough for me so I don't waste my time with it. If they ever really start effing up I'll take some time to exercise my right to vote to change things. This is going to end up a lot like that and it's o.k. It is a better system because it is sooooo easy for people to vote when they want.

If you're actually a teenager I can understand why you think this way. You're a product of govt. influence on society which promotes apathy & irresponsibility. You're conditioned to think "govt. will take care of me" or "let the govt. pay for it". Govt. is force. Is that what you want? Your believe that voting can actually change things at the state & national level ignores the decades of evidence to the contrary that preceded your birth. Your thinking is seriously flawed and I couldn't disagree with you more deeply than I do.

Do BTS shareholders have a right to yield if they cannot be bothered to vote?

I wasn't aware BTS earns yield, I thought that was just on bitassets?  Bitasset holders definitely don't need to vote.

I'm not in favour of punishing with fines people for not voting.  BTS holders just need to be able to be able to easily vote someone out if they are attacking the network and have the rest automated as much as possible.  I don't know why delegates can't just be ranked algorithmically with using the fields on such as

 - feed frequency
 - number of active feeds
 - reliability
 - frequency of updates
 - time running as delegate (they'd become more trusted over time, would be a v important factor to make attacks more expensive)

There could be an algorithmically produced top 101 slate which could be auto-voted on (i.e. not voted on) and give its effect a weighting of say 50/50 vs the active votes of the BTS holders.  So if there is 15% active stake, the algorithmically defined stake gets 15% voting power automatically taken from the inactive stake, doubling the active stake (while decreasing the voters power by half).  Let an algorithm take some of the load. 

Or at the very least an algorithm could serve as a back up, so that if the active stake falls below a certain level, the algorithm could step in and do the voting on the BTS holders' behalf.  The only way to trick the algorithm would be to run a fleet of very reliable delegates for a long period.... which might end up being cheaper than just buying up the BTS... not sure.

Luckybit & I have been talking about bots & automation to help with this problem, so I agree with you on that. The metrics for delegates outside the 101 need to be determined. As svk pointed out the data and metrics for standby delegates cannot be exactly the same. Where I disagree with you is regarding the need for incentives, which encompasses disincentives. If I understood fuzzy's perspective, (a form of direct pay for people to vote) I have to disagree. Too much possibility for abuse and bribery. I very much like the 10x transaction fee penalty or options similar to that as a negative incentive.

How to incentivize becoming informed is definitely a tough nut to crack, but the closest to it would probably be related to Pheonike's idea of issue based voting. If we can couple what people are interested in or passionate about to a delegate or voting slate, and make it easy to them to see that connection and to vote, that may be the best we can do.

There are some really viable options being voiced here that will improve DPoS and I'm hoping to see some action taken by the devs before the green light is given to the marketing push.

General Discussion / Re: Look what someone has figured out...
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:07:53 pm »
As best I can tell, the entire company / DAC metaphor has been abandoned to avoid provoking securities' regulators.

The 'Bitshares' brand/name is the last legacy of that.

We used to try and claim any and all metaphors that could be made to fit in order to communicate the nature of BTS/X.

Now, we go out of our way to disown them.

The SEC doesn't care what you call it... Securities... Companies... Corporations.. IPOs.. ICOs... Donations...

A spade is a spade in their eyes, and if their criteria for identifying a security was triggered then it doesn't matter what you call it.

Not true.  In fact what you call it is part (but not all) of their criteria.

Seems rather risky to hang our hat on that. I'm sure you've been advised by your legal counsel this is a very important distinction, but then attorneys are members of the B.A.R. and are bound to side with the court / judge first and foremost over any obligations they might have with clients. Sad but true, that's our fucked up legal system. I've seen too many attorneys that simply outright lie to have any confidence in the profession.

If push comes to shove your legal adversary will spin the story based on what BitShares actually IS and how it operates and make their case that way. Since your adversary will be the government (SEC) who provides judges paycheck / benefits, which side of the controversy do you think they'll favor?

No, I would never take out a loan for an investment, no matter how good it may seem.

But yes, I think this is a good moment to buy, if your not planning on selling tomorrow.


Pls forgive these newbie questions and my lack of knowledge about the markets. I am apparently still a bit foggy on some of the basics of BitAssets.

1) It is my understanding there's nothing very complicated about price feeds, and that most delegates use scripts to create the feeds they publish by aggregating commonly available public prices for assets like gold, silver, oil, dollars etc.  If delegates simply stopped their scripts (and thus the feed), why can't the sources be used directly? Isn't the delegate feed just a trusted convenience?

If the script is functioning honestly and without manipulation and is open source, is it unreasonable to expect someone somewhere will be using it to publish an accurate feed, and in that case can't all such script outputs be used to check validity of a particular feed (script) output?

2) Is a "blackswan" event simply the halting of price feed data, and would that be due only b/c all sources being aggregated to produce the feed have stopped making that data available (for example the price of gold after the London fix is closed, like during the weekend)?

Not long ago I posted some questions about BitAssets, with special attention to what price feeds are and how they are set. But this thread leads me to believe the answers I got must have been more conceptual and missing important practical details.

Since BitAssets are extremely important in the BitShares ecosystem, it is imperative I understand them well, and this thread leads me to believe I don't.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:03:15 pm »
One can easily read between the lines...
Assuming they are working with...
After racking my head about what would motivate them to give back all of the PTS this is the clear open and shut case.  It is also clear that if this is the reason, those who gave PTS would clearly support rescinding the donation.   I could be completely wrong. 
This theory...

Mr. ghost, your analysis looks thorough and your theory seem quite reasonable. If it is true did they need to post this thread at all? I don't think so. In doing so they ran the risk of injecting speculation and uncertainty into the community, at least with the ambiguous manor they posted. As I stated earlier, there are better ways to inform the PTS donators of the refund, if that was even necessary (it probably was, even if only for courtesy).

And what harm would there be to disclose the reasons, if your theory is correct?

They could have disclosed the refund in another thread, still public, still on this forum but in a less visible location. It's just not a good example of wisdom imo, and I couple it with the lack of wisdom used with the merger post. I would like to see them get wiser, but my confidence in this area is still weak. I'm not seeing the vetting / scrutiny of potential problematic posts we were promised last month in the wake of the merger announcement.

I do have hope however, as I still trust in the principles they have publicly stated on many occasions.

Thanks James, glad to know there are others here who can appreciate the underlying causes to the struggle we're all engaged in.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:19:51 pm »
I generally agree with you Stan, but in the face of last October's foopa of BM's merger post that set the community on edge and generally made a mess, your request to simply "have faith" in your posts here is like asking people to shut off their brain and stop thinking.

You would be wise to note the negative comments here and discard those that are simply nay saying FUD and those which are expressing a genuine concern for your continued style of communication that harkens back to October.

Think unity not division. If you can't see any division going on here in this thread then you haven't truly understood the danger of making ambiguous posts in the community.

I trust I3's technical skills and leadership in general, but not so much in PR and marketing. This doesn't help to strengthen my confidence.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your PTS refund, only asking why and why this way. But it seems my point is being ignored and my expression is falling on deaf ears.

I don't want to be identified with the nay sayers and FUD slingers, I'm not in their camp. But I will not sit silent and "go with the flow" when I see something that troubles me or I believe is contrary to helping with our joint mission here. I'm an ally not an adversary and I've made my case. If you choose to ignore it that's your choice, but it doesn't help your mission to alienate people when there's no good reason to.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:46:13 pm »

If we picked any good reason
to be our favorite reason
the suspicious would still reason
there was some other reason.

...and we would be right back to this same place again.

Very true Stan, but you have failed to provide ANY reason whatsoever, leaving the community to guess your motives and purpose. clear communication at least allows your supporters to have a firm platform of facts to dispense with any contrary claims. This is what I mean by you guys not learning your lesson.

You should study the trivium and Aristotelian logic to understand this and know when you're stepping into the world of sophism.

That's not true, BM has already stated that the attempt to regrow PTS had merit.  This was not possible with a single stakeholder of that size using DPOS.  This is reason enough.

Sorry Ben, but nothing I said was untrue. I am not saying I'm against the decision at all. Your "assuming" what the reasons are. I'm only asking for clear communication rather than ambiguity and community guesswork. That's no way to lead. It just isn't good for the reasons I've stated that STILL REMAIN unchallenged or even addressed.

I tell you what, I'll be hanging out on mumble if anyone cares to discuss this rationally.

I was listening to this podcast and it touched me and moved me to post a link to it for your consideration.

The thrust of the message I want to convey can be found at time index 38:21 which you can position to by clicking on the progress bar once enough of the podcast is read & cached.

I know BM is on the same page (tho maybe a different paragraph) given what he has posted elsewhere about his desire to end violence.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:28:08 pm »

If we picked any good reason
to be our favorite reason
the suspicious would still reason
there was some other reason.

...and we would be right back to this same place again.

Very true Stan, but you have failed to provide ANY reason whatsoever, leaving the community to guess your motives and purpose. clear communication at least allows your supporters to have a firm platform of facts to dispense with any contrary claims. This is what I mean by you guys not learning your lesson.

You should study the trivium and Aristotelian logic to understand this and know when you're stepping into the world of sophism. 

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 02:30:18 pm »

Unsurprisingly neither Dan nor Stan have yet given a plausible reason for this decision. Besides the obligatory memes they have yet failed to address suspicion.
You make a business decision that reeks of covering up fraud and decide to better not address the circumstances, but post funny pictures of cartoon characters instead?

Yet the brainwashed plus 5ers are content with the notion of 'free money'.

Really, this is ridiculous. Nobody in this community questions anything at all, although suspicious decisions seem to basically be the backbone of Invictus' business plan.

There are a dozen good reasons and few downsides. 

Perhaps you can make an argument on why we shouldn't.

This a lame proposition. YOU should be the one to explain yourself BM, you made the claim.


Look, I'm a strong advocate of I3 / BM / Stan, but they have said NOTHING here that instills my confidence they know what they're doing in posting nebulous stuff like the OP. It DOES NOT serve the community at large.

If it was necessary to disclose to PTS owners I3 was going to gift them their contributions back, there are far better ways to do than this. If I were a PTS holder I might even see a case for them disrespecting my donation by returning it.


Quote from: Whatsgoinon
Really, this is ridiculous. Nobody in this community questions anything at all...

I agree with your first sentence, your post is ridiculous. Obviously you haven't been reading this thread much.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:30:24 am »
Sorry 'bout that tonyk  ???

I didn't any particular reason confirmed. In fact I got the distinct impression from BM's posts that wasn't the issue. And if it was, why bother posting the info this way?

This horse is dead and so am I for one day.  Nighty night.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:17:07 am »
I prefer to see it directly from I3, rather than through others' guesswork. Stan more or less confirmed what you said gamey but not in a direct way, and I fail to see why it wasn't stated more clearly in the OP.

I've made my point here, but I'll say it one last time: How does the manor of this communication help the community? It seems to me BM & Stan haven't yet learned their lesson about how not to stimulate a negative response through forum posts.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:39:16 am »
You can never satisfy everyone in this community. I'm sure someone is going find something negative about this.  ::)

Which is why I would prefer if I3 disclose of their motives for doing so - before someone not in the know makes up some FUD and spreads it as Truth

Yeah, I dislike all this mystery crap. Seems much better to avoid potential negative issues with full disclosure. If I3 /BM / Stan et al have good reasons then they haven't learned from previous mistakes of posting stuff like this in the forum. Hell I'm a huge fan and it raises one of my eyebrows.

It also feels like they're toying around (i.e. manipulating ??) with the community by withholding the reasons. Yet another thread that feels like a game of reality TV "Survivor".

This isn't FUD it's my rationality crying for more info to understand. Why do you post things like this and leave so many guessing? Does that instill a spirit of community? Doesn't it rather just serve to divide it? Just let fresh eyes look at this thread and see if they don't come away puzzled and questioning what BM & Stan are trying to do.

I'll say it again, I don't like mysterious threads like this!

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