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Messages - jimbursch

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But you expect for granting free license someone to do all the development work  needed to put his pretty complicated centralized idea on a blockchain

I am not asking anyone to do development work. I have already done the development work creating the MyMindshare messaging system. My understanding (however limited) is that Invictus is developing the toolkit for creating a DAC with all the functionality that my proposal requires, and I am ready willing and able to do the further development work that is needing to hook up the BitMindshare DAC with powered by MyMindshare, including the coding of business rules that makes all this operational in code in a distributed and trustless manner.

all that work for unconvincing profit potential

Pretty much everything we are doing here is speculative, and the whole point of this post is to make a convincing argument for profit potential. If you are not convinced, can you tell me why?

which is benefit for you not for them

My proposal will benefit the users and shareholders of BitMindshare, which includes myself, and can include you if I am successful.

Thanks for the feedback!!! Your take is valuable to the process.

but what does the DAC do?

Based on my understanding so far of Bitshares and how DACs work, the BitMindshare DAC blockchain functions as a ledger of ownership interest in the revenue generated by The value of BitMindshare DAC shares will reflect the market's estimation of future revenue generation, and it will be in the interest of current shareholders to maximize both current and future revenue generation. Minimally, shareholder participation as users of will contribute to revenue generation. More growth will occur when shareholders elect a management team (delegates?) that can further promote BitMindshare and reinvest some of the revenue for growth.

But I'm a newb, so I may have it wrong.

I am proposing to grant the BitMindshare DAC a license free of charge, since it will be the prototype. Subsequent licenses will be sold.

One thing I am interested in is price discovery of affiliate licenses. Perhaps subsequent licenses should be auctioned.

Here is what I guess would be alpha:

It is fully functioning, so feel free to mess around with it.

Thank you very much for the feedback and the opportunity to  clarify my proposal.

A formatted version of the short biz plan for MyMindshare is available here:

I am proposing "BitMindshare the DAC" which will be licensed to operate " powered by MyMindshare" which will generate revenue as a MyMindshare affiliate. The affiliate program is described in fuller detail here:

So, in answer to toast, MyMindshare is and remains a traditional company (currently comprising one person).

One idea I have (this needs to be vetted) is to issue a share in BitMindshare to every member of the Bitshares community (however that may be defined). This will incentivize the community to use and promote BitMindshare. There is something elegant about the idea of users also being shareholders in the enterprise.

Now let's take a flight of fancy into the future, when Bitshares is wildly successsful and the forum and reddit are chock full of noisy chatter about this wonderful invention. This creates a problem for Bob Entrepreneur who has a great idea he wants to pitch to Alice Angel, who has gotten tired of all the empty chatter in the forums and on reddit.

Enter, where Bob can post his pitch targeting just Bitshares Angels. Bob deposits $11 in his account, $1 of which is paid as commission to "BitMindshare the DAC", which leaves Bob with $10, which he then uses to fund his post to 100 angels at $0.10 each.

To Alice, who is fabulously wealthy thanks to her investment acumen, $0.10 is a trivial amount of money. But Alice has found that the posts on tend to be of better quality than the cruft that gets posted on the Bitshares forum, simply because it costs something to get posts seen on Also, posts on are targeted and rated, which also reduces the noise/signal ratio.

Eventually (surprisingly quickly) Alice finds herself with a balance of $10 in her account, which she decides to cash out. When she does so, $1 is paid to "BitMindshare the DAC" as commission and $0.50 is paid to MyMindshare, leaving Alice with $8.50 for a treat at Starbucks.

Alice also happens to be a delegate for "BitMindshare the DAC", which means that she represents all the shareholders in deciding what "BitMindshare the DAC" should do with the $2 it has recently accrued in its MyMindshare account. Basiclly she has two choices -- she can leave the $2 in the MyMindshare account and use it to fund promotional activities for BitMindshare, or she can cash out the $2 and pay a share-burning dividend to all the shareholders of "BitMindshare the DAC".

Thus ends our little flight of fancy into the wonderful world of Bitshares and Mindshares. I hope this helps clarify what I have in mind with this proposal.

Technical Support / Re: Newb thinking of proposing a DAC
« on: June 13, 2014, 03:58:03 pm »
OK, I have taken the plunge. You can see my proposal here:

Hello Bitshares community

I am a php/mysql developer and the creator/founder of the MyMindshare paid messaging system, which can be found online at I am new to Bitshares, but I do have experience in working with Bitcoin -- this year I denominated MyMindshare in Bitcoin.

I would like to propose the creation of a DAC which will be granted a MyMindshare affiliate license. Below is the short business plan I have written for MyMindshare which describes how MyMindshare and its affiliate program works. The DAC will be a prototype for subsequent DACs that will have to purchase MyMindshare affiliate licences. We can call the prototype DAC "BitMindshare".

I would like to invite an established and trusted member of the Bitshares community to act as a mentor for me, since I am new to Bitshares and have a limited understanding of some (okay, many) aspects of Bitshares and DACs.

In addition to the site at, which is fully operational, and the business plan below, you can also view some videos that I made here:

MyMindshare Paid Messaging System


Sometimes a message is more valuable to the sender than it is to the receiver, especially when there is a weak or non-existent relationship between the sender and receiver.

Imagine that Alice and Bob are members of a dating service. Alice is very attractive and receives many messages from men in the dating service, to the point where she finds it tiresome to sort through the messages. Bob thinks that Alice is fantastic and he really wants to tell her a little about himself and ask her for a date. How can Bob make it  worthwhile for Alice to read his message ahead of all the other men who are sending her messages?

Can you imagine other situations which are analagous to Alice and Bob's? One example that comes to mind is advertising, where consumers play the part of Alice and advertisers play the part of Bob.

When a message is more important to the sender that it is to the receiver, the sender needs to attach some value to the message to make it worthwhile for the receiver. This is especially true in an environment where there are many senders competing for the attention of a receiver, and it is especially true when the marginal cost of sending a message is near zero -- an environment full of spam.

MyMindshare is a paid messaging system that enables senders to attach real value to their messages (“Twitter with an eBay business model”). It does this by combining a bidding and rating system with a surveying and targeting system.

The Bidding System

At, users find messages with a bid amount attached to each message. A “bid” is the amount of money a sender attaches to a message for the recipient. The sender can also place a bid for the recipient to visit a web page.

After the recipient reads a message or visits a web page and accepts the bid, the bid amount is transferred from the senders’s account to the recipient's account.
Senders set their own bid amounts, including the option to set a free bid. Messages are sorted by the bid amount so that the highest bids appear first.

A keyword search function allows users to narrow the list of messaages to those that s/he is interested in at the time.

The Rating System

When a recipient accepts a bid, s/he also has an opportunity to rate the message, giving simple feedback in answer to the question, “Was it worthwhile?” The message is then given a rating based on the average of the feedback given by recipients.

By default, the message list is sorted by bid amount, then by rating, so that the highest bids with the highest ratings appear at the top of the list. Users have the option to re-sort the list by rating so that only the highest rated messages appear at the top of the list.

The Surveying System

A surveying system is integrated into the bidding system in such a way that it is a natural part of the process of viewing messages, enabling users to easily build a dynamic profile.

Survey questions appear one at a time as simple yes/no questions and when a user answers a question, new messages are immediately added, based on how s/he answered the question. The new messages will be more relevant and tend to have higher bid amounts, thus rewarding the user for answering survey questions.

The Targeting System

The key to unlocking the value of mindshare is to deliver the right message to the right person. The surveying system enables users to voluntarily profile themselves and the targeting system enables senders to deliver their message based on that profile.

At no time do senders see personally identifying information, thus protecting the privacy of users. Senders know that their messages are delivered to the people who fit the desired profile, but they never know who those people are individually.

In addition to enabling senders to target their messages, the combination of the surveying system and the rating system enables senders to learn the profile of the people who respond positively to their message, thus enabling them to finely target their message to just the right people.

For example, a sender might place a low bid casting a wide net and learn that men between the ages of 25 and 35 who are parents and dine out regularly respond positively to their message. The sender can then post a higher bid amount targeting just those people who fit that profile. This is how messages get more relevant and more valuable to users.

Marketing Plan: The Affiliate Program

The purpose of the affiliate program is to promote the propagation and adoption of the MyMindshare messaging system.

There are two parts of an affiliate business:

-- Growth business
-- Core business

Both businesses require the purchase of an affiliate license to operate.

Growth business: 50% commission on license sales

The growth business is the business of selling MyMindshare affiliate licenses. The advantage of selling affiliate licenses is that the commission on license sales can be as much as 50%, which means that it can get very profitable very quickly. There are, however, some risks in the business of selling affiliate licenses.

New license sales may be limited, suspended, or terminated altogether depending on market conditions related to the Ponzi Risk Factor (see below)

The commission rate on new license sales may change (10% - 50%) depending on the Ponzi Risk Factor.

License holders can re-sell licenses, and may do so at a price below the price of a new license, which may make it more difficult to sell new licenses.

Ultimately, the true VALUE of a license, regardless of the price, will be determined by the quality of the core business that is developed with the license. Due to these risks, only experienced Internet marketing organizations and professionals should consider the purchase of an affiliate license.

Core business: 10% commission on message volume

The core business of MyMindshare is the trading of mindshare, or the sending and receiving of  messages. Typically an "Advertiser" is the sender of a message and the "Consumer" is the receiver. However, in the MyMindshare system, anyone can be a sender or receiver.

In the MyMindshare messaging system their are two events from which commission revenue can be generated:

Deposit of funds: 10%
Cash out of funds: 10%

Commission is generated when any user for whom the licensee is indicated as the "source" completes one of these transactions. For example, when an "Advertiser" deposits funds in their account, the licensee will collect a 10% commission, and when a "Consumer" cashes out, the licensee will again collect a 10% commission. Licensees who are the "source" of both the Advertiser and the Consumer will collect a total 20% commission on the transaction value.

There are three ways to grow the core business:
1. Increase registered users
2. Increase the volume and value of messages
3. Sell an affiliate license to someone who does the above

The ultimate value of an affiliate license is determined by the core business that is sourced by the license. A license will become worthless if the core business is not developed.

Ponzi Risk Factor (PRF)

The Ponzi Risk Factor is a calculation of the ratio of growth business to core business in the MyMindshare system. A PRF is calculated for every affiliate license.

If the growth business gets out of proportion to the core business, there is a risk that the business will be perceived as a Ponzi scheme (or a pyramid scheme), which is unethical and possibly illegal. When the PRF is outside an acceptable range, measures must be taken to bring the business into balance by increasing core business or curtailing affiliate license sales.

NOTE: The core business of client licensees is included in the calculation of each license PRF, which means that it is better for PRF to sell licenses to people/organizations that can build the core business.

Create your own affiliate site

MyMindshare affiliate licensees can create affiliate sites on any topic or for any community. A site can be created for a home town or a favorite hobby. Licensees can build a business on the topic they know or topic they love, whether it's fly fishing or financial products.

Technical Support / Re: Newb thinking of proposing a DAC
« on: June 12, 2014, 10:27:51 pm »
I would be glad to be such a guinea pig! I'll put together my proposal and post it next week sometime. When I do, I'll post a link here. Meanwhile, any further guidance/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Technical Support / Re: Newb thinking of proposing a DAC
« on: June 12, 2014, 01:04:21 pm »
Thanks CLains -- I'll post my proposal in General Discussion. Is there any format I should put it in? Are there any particular questions I should answer in the proposal? Or should I just post my proposal and answer the questions as they come?

Technical Support / Re: Newb thinking of proposing a DAC
« on: June 12, 2014, 12:50:13 pm »
Not like Bitmessage; more like "Twitter with an eBay business model" (that's my elevator pitch).

Technical Support / Newb thinking of proposing a DAC
« on: June 12, 2014, 12:14:30 pm »
Hello Bitshares community

I'm a php/mysql developer who has been developing a web-based paid messaging system that is denominated in bitcoin, and I think it would work really well with a DAC, based on my current (however limited) understanding of Bitshares.

I have a short business plan that I can post, a couple of videos (however amateur) I can point to, as well as a fully operational site.

What would be the appropriate way to make this proposal? Is this something that I should post under "Alternative DACs"?


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