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Messages - dankeykang

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As long as you have exported your wallet to JSON your funds are SAFE and any bugs in the wallet will eventually be resolved.   

This software is bleeding edge and MINIMAL functional system.   True stability and ease of use is probably 3 to 6 months away.

Thank you, I feel a lot better now because I did export my wallet into the JSON format, I was worried because many people were saying that I needed to make a backup of the wallets folder and now I have a couple different copies of wallets folders from messing around with 0.4.4 and 0.4.5

Hopefully I can just get rid of those and when the wallet software is stable I can then import my JSON into it and have my wallet. Thanks for all the hard work bytemaster, it is appreciated!

I have successfully installed 0.4.4 but the fonts in the wallet look much larger and its stuck back for sync 23 days ago. This doesnt make sense because when I was running the 0.3 version I was only stuck at 11 hours ago for the sync.

Is there any consensus that this version is broke? What do I need to do? Just wait? I wish I hadnt even bothered installing 0.4.4 it was a waste of time and much stress, because I almost lost my wallet. And what I dont understand is that if I want to backup my wallet it gives a .json file, but people are saying in order to backup your wallet you need to make a copy of the wallets folder in %appdata%/Roaming/BitsharesX

What exactly needs to be saved so I dont lose my wallet?

As long as I have a copy of the config.json I am safe? Or do I need a copy of the wallets folder as well??
not the config.json is important ... its the wallets directory ...

Im sorry I dont understand, the config.json is NOT IMPORTANT? the wallets directory is?

So why when I backup my wallet it gives me .json file?

Wow im totally screwed up now, the directions on here are vague, and the wallet is still not synced. Idk if I need a the backup from the File, Export Wallet.

Or if I need to copy the whole wallets folder. What a mess.

Ok so I placed the crashrpt1402.dll into my Bitshares X bin folder, and now the wallet is stuck on its first loading screen "19115464 blocks processed"

So is the wallet screwed until they release 0.4.5???

Try this solution:
Thanks, I uninstalled and re installed, then I just copy pasted the whole appdata Bitshares X folder over (deleted the new install appdata) and started the wallet. It's been reindexing and then getting stuck. I don't know what the problem is. I'm not sure if I should do the re install, then use the wallet import button? So far I keep getting stuck on this block reindexing.

As long as I have a copy of the config.json I am safe? Or do I need a copy of the wallets folder as well??

Ok so I placed the crashrpt1402.dll into my Bitshares X bin folder, and now the wallet is stuck on its first loading screen "19115464 blocks processed"

So is the wallet screwed until they release 0.4.5???

Technical Support / Re: CrashRpt1402
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:49:25 pm »
I'm getting this error message as well! I just installed the BitShares X wallet two days ago, and now I have to install a new wallet, 0.4.4 and it doesn't even work! SO i must download some strange .dll??? Or I can wait until tommorrow for the 0.4.5??? I thought I was getting involved in something special with BitShares, but I am already starting to question my decisions.

Technical Support / Re: Wallet won't sync
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:36:30 pm »
Severe network problems | Last block is synced 23 days old

45,000 blocks out of  281,000    catching up.  Stuck.   

Any body try uninstalling and reinstalling the wallet.?  Might that work.

Make sure that you updated to version 0.4.4:
and fix CrashRpt1402.dll issue:

Delete everything (except wallets folder) from: %APPDATA%\BitShares X
Run the client, it's should start downloading blocks.

Before everything, make sure that you have your wallet export, or make a backup of %APPDATA%\BitShares X\wallets folder

I don't understand your method, you say to copy the wallet folder or use the wallet export. Those are two different things, the wallets folder has several files. The export is just one file, the config.json

So which do I need so I can import my wallet? Should I use the import function in the wallet, or can I just drag and drop the files?

ALSO, SHOULD I JUST WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW? I READ THAT 0.4.5 is being released tomorrow?

Technical Support / Re: Wallet won't sync
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:23:41 pm »
same here.  i am stuck at 275,164.

Mine is stuck at the same numbers
My BitShares X wallet is stuck at the exact same block 275,164. What is the fix for this? Rescan blockchain or just wait?

I'm using the latest Windows build.

Technical Support / Questions about BitShares X wallet
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:20:49 pm »
Could anyone explain the Delegates portion of the BTSX wallet? I understand delegates are like seed nodes or something. But I don't understand what they do, how they are chosen and anything else about them. So my questions are:

1. What is the exact function of a Delegate? Does a Delegate receive any compensation?

2. How are Delegates chosen and why that certain account?

3. What is this Toggle Approval button on my wallet do for delegates?

4. Why is my wallet showing that less than 60% of delegates are participating? If this causes network forks, then should we be choosing other delegates?

Technical Support / Re: Question about BitShares X wallet
« on: August 20, 2014, 07:46:54 pm »
Also any tips on how to backup the BitShares X wallet?

File -> Export Wallet

 to save a backup.
Hey thanks for answering all my noobish questions! I've successfully backup my PTS and BTSX wallets. I'm really excited to see the new DAC projects.

Keyhotee / Re: Changing my computer, how to transport my Keyhotee ?
« on: August 20, 2014, 07:34:43 pm »
Hello everyone:

Finally I bought a new computer.  So I don't know how to transport all my keyhotee data to my new computer?

My old computer is an Macbook pro with 10.8.3 OSX,  and my new computer is an iMac running 10.9 Mavericks OSX.

I already transported my BitShares-PTS wallet.dat file  from one computer to another.   But with Keyhotee is a similar method?
Which file do I have to transport? and
Where is located in my computer? also
Is it possible to transport my keyhotee data from Mac to Windows, and vice versa?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Did you have any luck with the method of transferring the profiles files over to your new machine? I am interested in knowing if this was successful, and if you could give a detailed account of your methods.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee & BTSX Wallet
« on: August 20, 2014, 07:31:48 pm »
Ok, so if people with a registered Keyhotee username have a username in the BTSX genesis block, WHAT if someone has just created a new nick for BTSX wallet, and now is wanting to install Keyhotee? Will that username be availalble, or will there be difficulty recovering it?

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