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Messages - Hypercube

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Technical Support / Re: Video Tutorials of using BitShares wallets
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:47:51 am »
I wanted to check out your videos but it seems the whole site is down.

I might crowdsource ideas and funds and help you guys make a new series, when I'm back from vacation. Let's see if there's any interest for that.

@Hypercube have you thought about making a UIA and sell it so you could earn from the time you would spend on making these tutorial videos? Like the list of videos I've shared with you in another post?

We are in need of that and I think some would buy it

Is an UIA a asset that I'd create ? Perhaps... but to keep it simple and raise the most funds i'd probably just ask for BTS or BTC.
And yes, I think BTS is in need of some professional marketing. I think Bitshares really deserves more attention than it's getting right now.

I'll come up with something and share the plan end of Januari

Technical Support / Re: Video Tutorials of using BitShares wallets
« on: January 02, 2016, 08:06:52 am »
I wanted to check out your videos but it seems the whole site is down.

I might crowdsource ideas and funds and help you guys make a new series, when I'm back from vacation. Let's see if there's any interest for that.

Akado, that's a great list of subjects. You seem to have a talent for organisation and prioritising. I think this will come in very handy indeed.

Why did you do the hand drawing thing when you can clearly tell it's not drawing any of those images?

Thanks for your interest! Each format comes with its strengths and weaknesses.
Whiteboard videos are awesome because of their amazing flexibility and they are a bit quicker to produce then full length videos which can take hundreds of man hours. 
This kind of video is surprisingly effective because its easy to cover a wide range of topics in quick succession, and to go in depth when needed.  We also make more abstract work, trailers for TV and web and other cool stuff. Take a look at our portfolio !


Hi everyone, I'm new here. Thanks for the kind words about the video. I don't want to hijack this thread, so if you want to talk video, feel free visit my video thread. Link in sig.

Anyway, I think OpenLedger is a really exciting platform and the past few days ( while researching for this video )  my mind was blown learning about Bitshares ! Next gen stuff, for sure.

Seems like y'all have a really nice community here. Nice and friendly compared to.."the other forum" ;)

lol just saw OpenLedger videos, was that supposed to happen before the annoucement? ahah

It went live on YouTube at the same time :)


Our top clients like Factom, Shapeshift and Coinpayments have raised more then $3 million dollars US with the help of our videos.

Short, clear and engaging videos are a major factor in the success of a marketing or crowdfunding campaign.
Videos give potential users and investors a better idea of your service — they can see you or your service in action rather than clicking through a series of static images.
A cheaply made video isn't going to convince anyone to get involved, and at worst, could damage your campaign’s credibility.
It’s usually well worth hiring pros to make your video pitch the best it can be, because of the investment it will attract.

The famous marketer Seth Godin, on the campaign he ran that reached its goal in three hours:

“There’s something about the medium that makes the video even more important than you’d think.”

An excellent video grabs attention and shows your audience you care about a great presentation, you care about details.
It makes for a fun and easy way to learn why they need you.
We specialize in making complex subjects understandable, and sharing your story with the world. We do this by writing great scripts, using the best voice actors and creating motion graphics that really impress.
Contact us to find out how we can help.

Check out our new portfolio :

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