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Messages - bitshirehashaway

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Used your guide John D's wasn't working well for me for some reason - plus yours is much less complicated (I'm a fan of windows by far.)

Thank you for doing this - I'll mine till my trial is up and give you a % of the revenue :)

I've been getting some questions about those using putty ssh to log in - with putty it appears if you close the session, it does stop mining - does anyone else have recommendations / info on this.

Basic Cloud VPS / root server are most likely not profitable since they target more at ram + HDD than cpu power...

I am running a profitability test right now and still finding them to be profitable!

[12 hours only: reward at 0.50 Protoshares for signing up! You get 50% off for trying it out w/ $10!]

Remember guys. If you have any questions whether or not you sign up under me I'll always answer them.


#1 I have talked to one of the curecoin devs and when the coin is released I plan on working to create a cloud mining guide for it within the first few days. The reward for signing up under me will most likely be split: you will get roughly $2 in curecoin + $2 will also be sent to the red cross, or another popular charity.

#2 I am running a test on digital ocean for ~24 hours for 5 of the $80/month 4 CPU instances. I will let you know how it goes and whether or not it is profitable. The cost for this time will be $14.40, so I want to get 1.75 PTS to start making a profit.

Update: For a limited time if you sign up now, you'll get 0.40 PTS (next 24 hours). Just make sure to record & post here proof of you singing up!

You need to pm the receipt.

To get paid? Yes that would be nice.

I have sent you your 0.25 PTS andhar sorry for the delay!

Everyone who has signed up claiming a reward has now been paid!

Can confirm - 1pts received thanks

thanks for the confirmation.

Total amount paid out: 1.00 PTS
Total amount owed: .50 PTS

markj113 paid
Timeline: written down

People who have claims not seen here, PM me or post proof here.

I posted on page one. No pay yet for the 10$ i wasted for something that did not work and the support on the VPS are non existent it seems as i've not gotten a response in about 12 hours...


BitShares PTS / Re: WTF
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:59:32 am » & work well for me.
I personally recommend cloud mining... learn more here:

I thought GPU mining was not possible w/ Protoshares

Plus, cloud mining is better than bot nets which involve viruses on people who don't want one on their computers. Maybe not cheaper which is people's problem - too greedy. Botnets are illegal I'm pretty sure.

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