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Messages - sschechter

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General Discussion / Re: Somoene must've thought Ethercoin was Ethereum
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:38:57 pm »
Can't we all just get along? The 2.0's should meet and agree to divvy up the world. There's plenty of business to go around. CP gets a stock market, Ether gets smart contracts, BTS gets bank/commodities exchange, and Mastercoin gets a lifetime supply of tangled pretzels and knots. A new Treaty of Tortillas.

And NuBits gets to dominate the candy aisle of CVS  8)

General Discussion / Re: [DAC proposal] Decentralised Forum Software
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:17:43 pm »
Let us know if you find them.  Personally, I don't see the value proposition.  If a forum is taken offline, its users can easily congregate in a backup channel.  Certainly there may be a need for a very limited niche, but for wholesale adoption, who gives a shit? You are essentially taking a free product (to the end user) which is easy move off from, and suggesting that people now pay for it.

Anonymity is something which isn't covered by the existing system.

Can't the user just use Tor?

General Discussion / Re: [DAC proposal] Decentralised Forum Software
« on: November 18, 2014, 05:23:35 pm »
Let us know if you find them.  Personally, I don't see the value proposition.  If a forum is taken offline, its users can easily congregate in a backup channel.  Certainly there may be a need for a very limited niche, but for wholesale adoption, who gives a shit? You are essentially taking a free product (to the end user) which is easy move off from, and suggesting that people now pay for it.

General Discussion / Re: NXTTY Marketing Strategy - Android Drop
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:04:42 pm »

Just as a playful aside: What do you think would happen if we launched a BTS fork called bitGOLD, with one asset called bitGLD, which diluted bitGOLD 100% over the next year to pay yield to bitGLD holders? What if dilution of bitGOLD depended on total value of all bitGLD, or on external value of bitGOLD itself?

Playing with these concepts is like playing with atomic nuclear physics in 1941.

1. Sounds exactly like NuBits. Guaranteed yield is not much different than guaranteed interest rate to enforce a peg.

2. Goldbugs want to hold gold - they don't want to play with derivatives.  bitGLD is for traders and hedgers who are already involved in crypto.  There's not much of a market for new users who will be brought in through bitGLD, its useful mainly for users already in the system.

General Discussion / Re: [DAC proposal] Decentralised Forum Software
« on: November 18, 2014, 03:48:53 pm »
Who will build it and at what cost?

Low voter turnout is a good thing.  It means people aren't pissed off.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:24:35 pm »
Real reasons?   What kind of evil conspiracy could this represent?   They have already said that no government agencies have contacted them thus this is not being forced on them.   

The conspiracy is not about the PTS, the conspiracy is about why Dan and Stan have chosen to communicate in a shitty, vague and ambiguous manner.

Edit: This style would be ok if they were trying to tease a slick new feature in development - not for notifications where there are potential legal ramifications

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:29:58 pm »
I generally agree with you Stan, but in the face of last October's foopa of BM's merger post that set the community on edge and generally made a mess, your request to simply "have faith" in your posts here is like asking people to shut off their brain and stop thinking.

You would be wise to note the negative comments here and discard those that are simply nay saying FUD and those which are expressing a genuine concern for your continued style of communication that harkens back to October.

Think unity not division. If you can't see any division going on here in this thread then you haven't truly understood the danger of making ambiguous posts in the community.

I trust I3's technical skills and leadership in general, but not so much in PR and marketing. This doesn't help to strengthen my confidence.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your PTS refund, only asking why and why this way. But it seems my point is being ignored and my expression is falling on deaf ears.

I don't want to be identified with the nay sayers and FUD slingers, I'm not in their camp. But I will not sit silent and "go with the flow" when I see something that troubles me or I believe is contrary to helping with our joint mission here. I'm an ally not an adversary and I've made my case. If you choose to ignore it that's your choice, but it doesn't help your mission to alienate people when there's no good reason to.

 +5% Its human nature to be suspicious of someone who's trying to give you something for free. This is default biological behavior.

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:46:36 am »

Reading this makes me very unoptimistic about the mankind's future .... and present. The only purpose of the society, in its current form, is to stay on the way or twist the natural selections that otherwise would exist.

That posting may have been from a real person. But it was just painful enough to read that it made me question its source. I'm not dismissing newbies if that person really exists and has those questions. But I think sometimes there are community members who get their kicks from two-timing the forum and trivializing the counter-arguments in a way that makes them seem fairly laughable. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

And often times, a user will never post until they absolutely have to, or there is a final straw.  I'm not saying I agree with what the user said, but I am disappointed in the way that this announcement was made.  How can you be surprised at people questioning I3's motives when none are given?  Can we please have an official explanation? Every thing that's been said here is speculation.

General Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is going nuts today
« on: November 13, 2014, 12:08:56 am »
My guess is that hedge fund money is accumulating and positioning for a drive to $10k/BTC once the ETFs are live.

You will see the log charts all over the media guaranteeing $10k per coin based on previous bubbles.

Retail investors will throw a few bucks into the ETFs and it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Next leg up to $100k will be retail + institutional + sovereign wealth trying to jump on the train, say 2-3 years.

By then BTS will be mature, investors will have gotten a taste of crypto-riches and the moon rocket will launch.

5 years BTC could be $100k and BTS could be $100.

My chart is telling me your numbers are at crack smoking levels  8)

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:04:35 pm »
You can never satisfy everyone in this community. I'm sure someone is going find something negative about this.  ::)

Which is why I would prefer if I3 disclose of their motives for doing so - before someone not in the know makes up some FUD and spreads it as Truth

General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:05:25 pm »
Can you please explain your reasons for doing so?  Conspiracy theories thrive where there is an absence of information

General Discussion / Re: OmniBazaar: social-consensus-rejecting BTS fork
« on: November 10, 2014, 09:43:32 pm »
BTS fork? Guys, what are you talking about - look at the screenshots, its clearly a Java application! lololololololol

Shut this thread down and move it to Off-Topic.  Its not happening.  Amazon has thousands of on call employees working ridiculous hours until they burn out and move on with their lives.  Their recommendation algorithm is a recommendation, it doesn't shop for you, and the moment it did you would have thousands of pissed off customers.  Netflix paid a million dollar bounty to someone who could create a better algorithm for better movie recommendations.  What you are suggesting is a multi-million effort in which the solution is fuzzy and not very well defined - a scenario which guarantees a low probability for success.  It will never happen. Ever. Move on.

The same exact arguments were used when Bitcoin was first discussed. When Bitshares was first being discussed I saw the same arguments again about how it's just not possible and we still see people who believe in PoW saying DPoS is vulnerable to the "nothing at stake" vulnerability.

Conditional preference networks are a topic you should Google. If you Google that topic and the topic of Computational Voting and still think what I'm talking about is unrealistic then that is fine. I don't think it's fine however to suppress the topic and throw it into the off topic forum. Why shouldn't we at least discuss it philosophically? Btw all my references are in my posts so you can track my line of thought back to the sources.


Yes, its perfectly fine to have a philosophical discussion.  I prefer to remain pragmatic.  Luckybit, I think you have a lot of great ideas, but this one falls far into the realm of fantasy - at lease to the point where it will ever be implemented by the bitshares community.  My own personal recommendation (take it for whatever its worth), is that before you spend another precious brain-cycle determining what you want this to look like, you first ask yourself the following:

Who is going to build it?
How much is it going to cost?
How many hours will it take to build?
Where did you get your hours from, did you break it down into manageable tasks?
What are the dependencies? (hint Turing complete scripting language is one)
How long will those dependencies take to be completed?
How will you measure the success of your solution?
How will you test this solution?
How will you maintain it?
Does this solution only need to be written once or perpetually updated in an iterative process?
How can you make it so it can't be gamed?
Who is going to pay for it?
What will it cost?
What will it cost?
What will it cost?
If the community pays for this solution, what will they have to give up in its place?
Will this be the best way to spend the communities money?
Could the community ever be convinced that this is the best way to spend its money (Me: no way in hell you'll ever convince me)
Will the community see ROI on this implementation? Is that ROI measurable?

TLDR - this is a science-fiction, meant to be discussed over beers or in Off-Topic forum sections.  Cool in theory, completely unobtainable in reality for this community.

Shut this thread down and move it to Off-Topic.  Its not happening.  Amazon has thousands of on call employees working ridiculous hours until they burn out and move on with their lives.  Their recommendation algorithm is a recommendation, it doesn't shop for you, and the moment it did you would have thousands of pissed off customers.  Netflix paid a million dollar bounty to someone who could create a better algorithm for better movie recommendations.  What you are suggesting is a multi-million effort in which the solution is fuzzy and not very well defined - a scenario which guarantees a low probability for success.  It will never happen. Ever. Move on.

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