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Messages - bitshirehashaway

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I'll wait for the proof and then mark you down as someone to be paid to. I decided to be less patient about getting 5 on ypool and quickly got to 1 (I had ~.5 waiting) on (because there minimum payout is 1), so I now have a few blocks waiting to confirm and then in 2-3 hours markj113 I'll send you your payment! :)

*My apologies to you guys for inconvenience caused by my delayed payment sending. I plan on writing some guides for XPM soon and I'll have the rewards ready to go before I publish the guides.

btw markkj is the only one whom has submitted proof so far and as a result the only one getting paid. Since I'm paying ~$6 its very easy for someone to say they signed up and give a PTS address, I want actual proof. If you forgot to record this, and you've already posted here PM me and maybe we can work something out.

P.S.: I noticed this after my account shows less referrals than the # addresses posted in the threads.

I need to get to 5 PTS w/ ypool so that I can withdraw it and pay it out. I'm currently @ 3.3 eta 1-2 days. Thanks for the proof. When I get my payout shouldn't be more than a day or two I'll pay it out to all of you guys, sorry for any inconvenience caused. I have a list of addresses I need to pay to.

Marketplace / Re: WTB 40 PTS @ 0.0075 BTC
« on: November 16, 2013, 09:27:18 pm »
Price way too low, you won't get any.

Speed isn't fast but cost isn't very bad, you need to analyze cost/profit which would be a lot easier if the website came back up!!! :(

Note that if you try and spend $10, I'll give you .10 protoshare ($2.5@currency prices on btc38, which means you can get you first $10 of cloud mining done as a test for 25% off)

*Thank you to Super3 and Belltown for the original guide*

Hello Everyone,
Recently a thread has been published about mining Protoshares on the cloud - something which can be very profitable to do. Here I have taken the feedback from people in the cloud and have decided to put that all in one thread for you guys. I've also tried to make it a bit simpler for "newbies".

To start, please sign up for DigitalOcean using my referral link: If you do, I'll give you some PTS for trying it out:), just post your address in this thread. To get extra, let me know you used my referral code (and if I got the referrals) then I'll give you .10 PTS!

Guide For
First you need to create a droplet. I recommend starting with as large of a size as possible, though the best started is the 4 CPU / 8 GB - but feel free to start with a smaller one. Just don't use the smallest because when I tried it I got an error for using too much memory. . Make sure to make  Debian 7.0 x64 your image. Once your droplet is created you should see a button in the top right that says root access. Click on that button and use your username and password (that are emailed to you when you create a droplet) to log in.

Once you have logged in type in the following code in order:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install yasm -y git make g++ build-essential libminiupnpc-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev libdb++-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev dos2unix

git clone
cd ~/ptsminer/src
make -f makefile.unix
./ptsminer <your PTS address> <number of threads>

Go to<your PTS address> to see how many coins your getting!

If this guide helped you to mine some coins please send your tips to PqmyVWJtJgb2qudCiDyQvTMo7ibJfWiuvY


Guide for coming soon:)

Marketplace / WTB 50 @ .013
« on: November 16, 2013, 04:33:40 am »
Hello Everyone,
I am interested in buying 30 Protoshares @ 0.013 BTC/each. You send first seeing that I'm reputable on Bitcointalk (under the same username). PM, or post here to order (preferably a PM).

I'd rather buy in 1 block, but 2 chunks of 25 if you don't want to trust me with 50 at first is ok.

hi  xolokram, can I modify  your ptsminer code to  use more than 512 MB memory ? Is it faster ?  Thanks

a personal message (PM) would've been enough, but i guess this is ok too  :)

Can you tell the rest off us how to if its ok. I could allocate up to 1.5gb to each of my 8 threads... if that would make a 50% difference say,  I would gladly do so. Or at least, may you please release a 1024 mb/thread option.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshire Hashaway's Escrow Service
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:01:41 pm »
Trade between me & Peter Wayne, I sent first, (I paid 1 BTC for 100 PTS) - it all went well.

10-16 hours isn't bad thanks. I tried the new miner but I'm getting 80 collisions/minute vs. 120 with you guys so I'll stick with you guys.

Also, payout processing has already started. Since this is only a temporary solution there is no website, so while your balance/unconfirmed is updated there is no way to access your account stats or options.

Is that for ALL balances, or just those over the 5 PTS?
For now only the ones above 5 PTS. Later I might go a bit lower and set it to 2. But anything below would just waste too much PTS for transaction fees.

Oh and btw. PTS fee is now 3%.

If we didn't add a PTS address to the account, does that mean we can't withdraw until new website is setup - when will that happen.

When will it be back up?

Edit: NVM, yaaay! thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Please treat your supporters better
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:28:06 am »
True, but the OP is complaining about how things are right now, and I am saying that if things stay the same as they are right now - and he doesn't know whether they will get better or worse, he will be ok. He shouldn't expect say $100/day in case things suddenly get bad.

I'm in.

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