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Messages - santaclause102

Pages: 1 ... 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 [138] 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 ... 166
BitShares PTS / Re: BitShares-PTS 1.0 Release (2.18.2014)
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:07:26 pm »
Is Wine still the best option for Linux? Or a Windows WM?

General Discussion / Re: Profits, Performance, Trust & Efficiency
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:32:07 pm »
With the shares system we have an easy way to vote on anything.
With the TaPOS system the transaction ledger becomes immutable automatically over time as the ledger is confirmed by everyone on the network.
Generating the next block should be as efficient as possible to maximize dividends.
Transaction validation should be as quick as possible.

Shareholders vote (off chain) on a trustee.
Trustee generates blocks every 30 seconds (or at will..... no need to require any particular rate)
If trustee is compromised or shutdown, shareholders can elect a new trustee by broadcasting their vote.
Once a new trustee has 51% of the shareholders support the network continues.

As a trustee you cannot double spend (you will be caught and fired).
As a trustee you cannot perform Denial of Service without being caught and fired.
As a trustee you cannot be coerced without being let go.

As a shareholder this maximizes your value (dividends, transaction speed, no potential of forks).

A trustee is not a paid position and requires almost no resources to run.  A trustee could even operate behind a tor node.

The result is like a 'constitutional company' where the laws are entirely defined in the constitution and the 'president' can be recalled at any time and has almost no power even when in office.

This same process can be used to resolve when a hard fork goes into effect.   


Does this have the potential to delay the release of ME/XTS/Lotto/DNS .? I assumed the end of March for the first DAC (ME) to be released...  :o

anyone to comment on this?

This change has accelerated the process.  I think I could release something prior to going to NYC... but don't want to launch a chain and then be gone on travel for a week.

I think I will launch the test-test prior to NYC... then the real XT network when I get back.    Of course all software development times are estimates.

Oook :) Thought ME and XTS would be out in March. But no need to rush anything! This will be a longer competition...

Deutsch (German) / Re: Skills & Qualifikation (D-CH-S)
« on: March 28, 2014, 08:40:53 pm »
Name: William
Ort: NRW,Germany
Skills: software design, Code, Test. software Verkauf. Ich spreche in English, Chinesisch und Deutsch.
Erfahrungslevel:  10 Jahre software R&D. 5 Jahre software Verkauf.
Cryptowelt: Einstieg Anfang 2013, intensiviert。


General Discussion / Re: Profits, Performance, Trust & Efficiency
« on: March 28, 2014, 08:33:56 pm »
With the shares system we have an easy way to vote on anything.
With the TaPOS system the transaction ledger becomes immutable automatically over time as the ledger is confirmed by everyone on the network.
Generating the next block should be as efficient as possible to maximize dividends.
Transaction validation should be as quick as possible.

Shareholders vote (off chain) on a trustee.
Trustee generates blocks every 30 seconds (or at will..... no need to require any particular rate)
If trustee is compromised or shutdown, shareholders can elect a new trustee by broadcasting their vote.
Once a new trustee has 51% of the shareholders support the network continues.

As a trustee you cannot double spend (you will be caught and fired).
As a trustee you cannot perform Denial of Service without being caught and fired.
As a trustee you cannot be coerced without being let go.

As a shareholder this maximizes your value (dividends, transaction speed, no potential of forks).

A trustee is not a paid position and requires almost no resources to run.  A trustee could even operate behind a tor node.

The result is like a 'constitutional company' where the laws are entirely defined in the constitution and the 'president' can be recalled at any time and has almost no power even when in office.

This same process can be used to resolve when a hard fork goes into effect.   


Does this have the potential to delay the release of ME/XTS/Lotto/DNS .? I assumed the end of March for the first DAC (ME) to be released...  :o

anyone to comment on this? 

In case you havn't noticed yet the majority doesnt want to change or alter the name, you are in the "weak" blockchain fork.

So, please leave the name alone unless you have good arguments. And dont forget that keyhotee's true power will come from what it will offer to its users, this is revolulotionary, so please stop trying to treat it like a normal mail service that needs a "good" name in order to succeed. Keyhotee is doomed to SUCCED and already has the best name IMO.

Apology for poor english.

Your English is not bad at all.  Just a few misspellings, no grammatical errors.

But to the point: It's actually not that simple!  Currently 28 people want to change the name (given the 3 choices, none of which were all that great IMHO) while 24 want to keep it.  So the majority actually wants to change it, they just didn't agree on what to change it to.

That's not correct. 4 ppl prefer BitMail, 13 prefer BitKey, 12 prefer KeyMail, 25 prefer Keyhotee. This doesn't mean for example that the 13 that prefer BitKey would choose KeyMail over Keyhotee. Precisely: They just said, that in a given case (and the poll question assumes as it would be a given case; which contradicts the option for Keyhotee again), they prefer the Name they choose... 
Other problem: Keyhotee was added to the poll when half of the votes where given, which might have had an effect.
Other than that: 37 people here on the forum can hardly represent all AGS/PTS holders.

All of this is true.  It was somewhat of a flawed poll.  But I think it's telling that slightly over 1/2 of the people who come here, on the Bitshares forum, in the Keyhotee section, think that it should be changed from Keyhotee to something else.

But I think it's telling that slightly over 1/2 of the people who come here, on the Bitshares forum, in the Keyhotee section, think that it should be changed from Keyhotee to something else.

What is that conclusion based on. It at least can not be based on this poll...

With proof of stake your private key is your proof.   

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you mean private keys have to be risked with POS (forging) because they can not be used for forging when they are in cold storage?

General Discussion / Re: Profits, Performance, Trust & Efficiency
« on: March 28, 2014, 05:44:12 pm »
With the shares system we have an easy way to vote on anything.
With the TaPOS system the transaction ledger becomes immutable automatically over time as the ledger is confirmed by everyone on the network.
Generating the next block should be as efficient as possible to maximize dividends.
Transaction validation should be as quick as possible.

Shareholders vote (off chain) on a trustee.
Trustee generates blocks every 30 seconds (or at will..... no need to require any particular rate)
If trustee is compromised or shutdown, shareholders can elect a new trustee by broadcasting their vote.
Once a new trustee has 51% of the shareholders support the network continues.

As a trustee you cannot double spend (you will be caught and fired).
As a trustee you cannot perform Denial of Service without being caught and fired.
As a trustee you cannot be coerced without being let go.

As a shareholder this maximizes your value (dividends, transaction speed, no potential of forks).

A trustee is not a paid position and requires almost no resources to run.  A trustee could even operate behind a tor node.

The result is like a 'constitutional company' where the laws are entirely defined in the constitution and the 'president' can be recalled at any time and has almost no power even when in office.

This same process can be used to resolve when a hard fork goes into effect.   


Does this have the potential to delay the release of ME/XTS/Lotto/DNS .? I assumed the end of March for the first DAC (ME) to be released...  :o

General Discussion / Re: Profits, Performance, Trust & Efficiency
« on: March 28, 2014, 12:21:09 pm »
Here is another proposal (not sure if this would work):

Every stakeholder locks in a vote for a trustee which can be changed at any time. The chance for finding the next block is random but depends on a mix of your stake size and your trust rating you got from others. This could be combined with a ripple consensus: As far as I know with ripple there is a list of trusted nodes who vote on which transactions are included in the next block. Here such a list would be all stakeholders that turned (that turned mining/forging on) but the "weight" of your vote depends on your stake size and your trust rating. 

Wasn't a combination of ripple style consensus and POS considered before?

General Discussion / Re: Profits, Performance, Trust & Efficiency
« on: March 28, 2014, 11:02:15 am »
Based on what would voters decide the on the trustee(s)? If real world identity is not revealed their is not much fundamentals which you can base your vote on. If real world identity is revealed there is the danger of trustee shut-down.

There would also be more potential for corruption than with NXT, because a briber would have time to approach the trustee. I don't know how long in advance the next one to find a block is known with NXT but the short time window would make it very unlikely to get a deal going...     

Was there a solution for 'who finds the next block' with TaPOS other than this one up to now?

Side note: Maybe different types of TaPOS / POS should be considered for different applications. Some applications (Lotto, Me, Music etc.) might need more efficiency, some might need more trustlessness/no central point of failure.

In case you havn't noticed yet the majority doesnt want to change or alter the name, you are in the "weak" blockchain fork.

So, please leave the name alone unless you have good arguments. And dont forget that keyhotee's true power will come from what it will offer to its users, this is revolulotionary, so please stop trying to treat it like a normal mail service that needs a "good" name in order to succeed. Keyhotee is doomed to SUCCED and already has the best name IMO.

Apology for poor english.

Your English is not bad at all.  Just a few misspellings, no grammatical errors.

But to the point: It's actually not that simple!  Currently 28 people want to change the name (given the 3 choices, none of which were all that great IMHO) while 24 want to keep it.  So the majority actually wants to change it, they just didn't agree on what to change it to.

That's not correct. 4 ppl prefer BitMail, 13 prefer BitKey, 12 prefer KeyMail, 25 prefer Keyhotee. This doesn't mean for example that the 13 that prefer BitKey would choose KeyMail over Keyhotee. Precisely: They just said, that in a given case (and the poll question assumes as it would be a given case; which contradicts the option for Keyhotee again), they prefer the Name they choose... 
Other problem: Keyhotee was added to the poll when half of the votes where given, which might have had an effect.
Other than that: 37 people here on the forum can hardly represent all AGS/PTS holders.

As far as I know, that wan not confirmed yet. What do people form china here think, how likely it is that this is true?
It would effectively shut down all Fiat-Crypto exchanges on the mainland...  How would you in such a case convert crypto <-> fiat? Would a foreign exchange work?

Marketplace / Re: 150PTS - Comprehensive FAQ for new site [CLOSED]
« on: March 28, 2014, 01:09:48 am »
Heads up...

I've posted 6 BitShares FAQ Animated Videos

I've improved on the text to speech actors, but there is no substitute for the human voice (yet). Translations are in the works for several languages. I likely will not have time to sync the speech and actors lips for the various languages. Instead I'll simply use a dubbed translation track with the video.

Feel free to throw tomatoes and/or other garden veggies, no bottles please.   8)

preaching style :)

 +5% I can see that, I was shooting for a little Yang to offset the cartoon whimsical Yin aspect. I actually thought of lightening it up a bit near the end. I'll work on that.

Thanks for the feedback.  8)

I'm actually finding it funny :)

Marketplace / Re: 150PTS - Comprehensive FAQ for new site [CLOSED]
« on: March 27, 2014, 09:15:07 pm »
Heads up...

I've posted 6 BitShares FAQ Animated Videos

I've improved on the text to speech actors, but there is no substitute for the human voice (yet). Translations are in the works for several languages. I likely will not have time to sync the speech and actors lips for the various languages. Instead I'll simply use a dubbed translation track with the video.

Feel free to throw tomatoes and/or other garden veggies, no bottles please.   8)

preaching style :)

That's not a fair poll. You should include Keyhotee as an option too
+1 Agree

The option to leave it alone is voting for Keyhotee.

It still says Keyhotee is the best option.
The poll doesn't ask: Change it? Y/N

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