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Messages - santaclause102

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In the way he used it it is on point. The thing is you can misinterret EVERY analogy and analogies are never correct or true. Read Charles Ewans "A Rose to Bitcoin" on lets talk bitcoin. Also AISICs tends to get a negative connotation because the foster the centralization of Bitcoin, in that sense the analogy does not apply...

General Discussion / Re: 20 % for AGS/PTS? Graded alternatives?
« on: March 26, 2014, 04:55:18 pm »
None of this is seeking the favor of Invictus.  We only own a small percent of AGS and PTS.
Never meant that...
I was just thinking about how to increase the value of PTS/AGS...
I got your point and the advantage that goes with honoring PTS/AGS but it also comes with a cost (less funding/IPO money with a POS coin which TaPOS is). So developers will weigh the ad- and disadvatage of both options...

General Discussion / Re: 20 % for AGS/PTS? Graded alternatives?
« on: March 26, 2014, 02:54:06 pm »
If it should really be the widely used app store for building DACs it shouldnt cost 20%. This should at least be considered, always with the AGS/PTS value in mind. It's all a different story when the developers get the whole I3 incubation program: Dan special consulting, advertising on bitshares website and through other media channels etc... 

Are all domains .com .info .org etc. taken for  "Keyper", "Keypr", "Keepr" ? Cause I like that... :) I find Keypr the best of those three. Undecided aginst Keyhotee...
We can just use a domain from the BTS DNS service...

What about something like "Privee" (pronounced like the word privy - has the connotation of information you only share with those who should have it)

In any case I think if we were to switch names it should be something that people REALLY like and a clear consensus emerges. The community seems open to considering a new name (with keyhotee being the code name during development) but it would need to be something special that captures people's imagination and everyone gravitates to it, not just "BitMail."  There are big costs to making a switch, it needs to be marketed and a lot of people like keyhotee; at some point you have to stick to something.  So if you don't like the name, think of something that really captures people and gets a lot of support, gets people excited, get creative, think outside the box.  I don't think we should make a change if there is a large split in opinion.


Not familiar with US legislation. Does anyone have a guess whether this will move the price up or downwoards?

It's not going to move the price but its a pain in the ass for taxpayers to have to try and track every trade. It's probably impossible to do it with the current technology as this would have to be built into clients themselves to work.

Bitshares wont have this problem as much because of how it's designed but if you use Cryptsy it means you have to track every single trade and the capital gains on everything.

If you use all sorts of mining pools, Cryptsy and sites which are shut down or the information is just lost, you'll have to deal with the IRS someday unless we can get a law passed to make cryptocurrency tax free.

Technology doesn't solve every problem. Sometimes you have to work the system to get a favorable bill passed and that is the reason to interface with regulators.

I actually can not imagine how that would be possible to track my trades!!!! It's a horrible scenario :((

I respectfully submit the Keyhotee moniker is inadequate and may hinder widespread adoption.

Im glad someone has raised this issue - I was about to raise this as well.

Here is a list of communication networks that are extremely popular:


Now here is a list of communication networks that only techies have heard of:


Ignoring the fact that the second list require users to share hashes of public keys, there is another pattern there - successful product names are catchy, don't include techy jargon, and can often be used as a verb. I would assert that Keyhotee is NOT catchy, and is borderline jargon. Whilst you can say "Skype/Tweet me", the phrase "send me a Keyhotee" is never going to catch on.

I dont want to have to go around my family evangelizing a product with the word "Bit" in the name either - its extremely geeky, and most people are not interested in the technology, they are interested in the social experience. For a communication system to actually get any momentum, the branding is just as important as the technology.

True good points. But the suggestions are so generic and also doent follow the patern you named. The suggestions are made up of two generic words. Skype etc. are newly made up words. And I think Keyhotee is very catchy and distinct. And the referrence to Quixote is great to make marketing stories out of it in NSA times...
Maybe there are other suggestions which keep the advantages and improve on length (Keyhotee has 3 syllables which also makes it hard to use as a verb), "verb-alizing" qualities etc.

Whatsapp and Facebook are not used as verbs by the way....

General Discussion / Re: 20 % for AGS/PTS? Graded alternatives?
« on: March 26, 2014, 12:15:54 am »
I imagine that people might refuse to honor AGS/PTS if they don't need anything from I3 and the comunity (no funding, no consulting with Dan, ho office space, no marketing/exposure) and just use the open source Tapos code and other Tools.

The AGS/PTS community could fork their appraoches which would be an arguement to honor PTS/AGS. But if a lot of developers take the TaPOS code and fork it the community might have a hard time re-forking all of their specific applications.  Then 20% might feel too much to them...

So what do you think. Would it be a good thing for the long Term value of AGS/PTS if we downgrade the 20% to 10% or 5% or something if they just use the software tools and code?

Think of AGS being a targeted marketing email list of all the people in the industry who can prove they are willing to donate to advance the cause.
Now, as a developer you have some promotional shares to give away.  Do you give them to the people on the Proven Donor Mailing List or do you hand them out at random to people who will mostly just dump them for quick cash.

We have to stop thinking of AGS as merely an obligation to be avoided by not using what the donors have built for everybody and instead remind everybody

It's a List of Proven Donors!

People pay good money for a nice targeted mailing list for a prized demographic like AGS holders..

Who else would be better to recruit as supporters?

You are right. And I agree that what you describe is a benefit to developers. But with a POS "coin" you can action all your shares in an IPO given you the funding you need to promote and develope it. So every share is worth real money. That was different with POW. So as a POS developer you waive the benefit you described for the IPO funding you could have gotten for 20% of your shares. ....therefore my suggestion...

Having clear legislation must be a big positive for business enagement. It's not quite death by taxes but might be a PITA for individuals to understand - I expect it'll be a positive overall.

But wasnt this clarification?

General Discussion / 20 % for AGS/PTS? Graded alternatives?
« on: March 25, 2014, 09:24:14 pm »
I imagine that people might refuse to honor AGS/PTS if they don't need anything from I3 and the comunity (no funding, no consulting with Dan, ho office space, no marketing/exposure) and just use the open source Tapos code and other Tools.

The AGS/PTS community could fork their appraoches which would be an arguement to honor PTS/AGS. But if a lot of developers take the TaPOS code and fork it the community might have a hard time re-forking all of their specific applications.  Then 20% might feel too much to them...

So what do you think. Would it be a good thing for the long Term value of AGS/PTS if we downgrade the 20% to 10% or 5% or something if they just use the software tools and code?

Not familiar with US legislation. Does anyone have a guess whether this will move the price up or downwoards?

General Discussion / Re: Wolfram Language?
« on: March 25, 2014, 03:48:50 pm »
IMO yes, but the benefit is tiny compared to the benefit you get from the current team's C++ experience, the advantages are not worth it

And what language(s) would that be?

General Discussion / Re: Wolfram Language?
« on: March 25, 2014, 03:06:08 pm »
Let me put it this way, I think c++ is one of the *worst* languages ever invented for *anything* and still have no problem using it for this project. It doesn't matter that much.

C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot
of substandard programmers use it, to the point where it's much much
easier to generate total and utter crap with it. Quite frankly, even if
the choice of C were to do *nothing* but keep the C++ programmers out,
that in itself would be a huge reason to use C.
C++ leads to really really bad design choices. You invariably start using
the "nice" library features of the language like STL and Boost and other
total and utter crap, that may "help" you program, but causes:

 - infinite amounts of pain when they don't work (and anybody who tells me
   that STL and especially Boost are stable and portable is just so full
   of BS that it's not even funny)

 - inefficient abstracted programming models where two years down the road
   you notice that some abstraction wasn't very efficient, but now all
   your code depends on all the nice object models around it, and you
   cannot fix it without rewriting your app.

Linus Torvalds

I am not a programer. But isn't there an alternative (for bitshares) that is as efficient (application runs fast because code is close to the hardware) as c/c++ but better in other respects (easier to use, more elegant, more powerful)...?   

General Discussion / Re: Emerging Narratives
« on: March 25, 2014, 10:12:47 am »
This seems super off topic. But any "political case" is a negotiation across society ....  It's one of the best guides I know "to get what you want". The best thing one can do do not get what he/se wants is to have his/her ego and fears interfere with his/her goals...  Your fears make you switch to fight/shelter mode.

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