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Messages - santaclause102

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General Discussion / Re: Emerging Narratives
« on: March 25, 2014, 09:40:13 am »
Wow I could swear we are all on the same playbook.

"Unnecessary Imperial Entanglements" is only a slogan;  all entanglements with Imperialism are necessary...

Sincerely hope people realize that they will need to be 100% behind what the crypto community is doing...most of us have no clue how absolutely dangerous it could become to be a part of these ecosystems. 

Of course, in the end they will lose...but it would be really wonderful if the little people who put their necks out on the line would be able to truly see the world they wanted to help create, and profits be maximized for all. 

The why is important but there are better ways of doing that than demonizing what exists. Talking down the opposition shouldn't be necessary.

You might consider that Governments are nefarious, others might disagree and might appreciate their efforts; and yet you would both agree on what is being done here to progress what is possible.

If such narrative was written as a positive, to acknowledge how empowering the individual is liberating, it might go down better than kicking those who 'control us'?.. Even just abstracting it to the idea of how third parties are inefficient, might do better than tending to a typically libertarian slant and talking of 'others imposing the will of the majority by force'. There's no point in alienating half the political spectrum - just give them the tool that changes their reality and they will learn from that positive. Challenge what they hold dear and you'll scare them into wondering what viewpoint they are supporting.

2¢ - I would prefer that we're politically neutral, as that's less likely to meet resistance.

It will meet a great deal of resistance as soon as the bureaucratic mess of mobsters we call politicians start figuring out exactly what this means (if they haven't already) for their antiquated golden goose.  All one needs to do to see this is check out SOPA, Net "Neutrality" see that there is no real neutral in this movement. 

I mean we are talking about being neutral with one of the most amazing tools against fascism humanity has ever seen.  Co-opts are the first attempts in this current "cyber war".  Lets hope sheer hubris will make them choose to attempt co-opts and compete in the free market until the market is too robust for them to stop. 

Good post CLains...very "stimulating".

I think many of us would agree with a lot of the political rhetoric but speaking as someone who lives in the shadow of our Big Governemnt in the DC metro area and having first-hand experience with how they treat people whom they regard as "heretics", I agree with this completely! 

No point in directly picking a fight with them.  Be prepared for "battle" but don't start the war!

p.s.  Also, we know they like to use agent provocateurs to flesh out people whom they consider to be extremists. Been there so...word to the wise!! ;)

Perfectly stated...don't pick it, but prepare like Rocky. your team chugging along in the snow in your preparation for the fight with Dolph Lundgren?

Don't you think you can peacfully convince people by practically showing them what's possible, so you don't have to fight them? (A distinct fight would be lost anyway). You should defenitely try that first before putting unnecessary road blocks in your own way.

What exactly is fascism? All kinds of people seem to use that term for all kinds of negative things. The narrowest definition that embraces all those uses I could figure out was: Political movement other than mine; negative; autocratic tendencies; 

DAC PLAY / Re: Lotto rules survey
« on: March 25, 2014, 09:13:49 am »
I would find out what analoque system most of the target audience is most used to and take this!

How many average products exist today that are named something like ....mail ...bit....?
If we go with KeyMail or something else that mixes together two widely known words it seems like just another service which is not the impression we want to generate.
To me the international usability is a arguement too. Let's ask our chinese friends here what they think! :)

There are a lot of great ideas here that have great merit.

I would hate to lose the subtle deeper meanings behind the choice of Don Quixote as a hero for whom honor and courage outweighed the inherent dangers of the quest.

I would never have associated honor and courage with Quixote, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this. I've always understood Don Quixote as a sad, silly man who couldn't tell what really mattered in life. Googling "quixotic" gives me this definition as result #1: "exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical." That's what you want to say about one of your most powerful products? :)

While I'm throwing my cents around, I'd vote against "BitKey" because people won't pronounce the "T" and it will sound like "bikky." Nothing wrong with that per se, it's just that people will be hearing a new word they don't know and it will add an un-necessary level of confusion.

We have some flexibility to keep that meaning and increase clarity.  Currently the protocol, the network, and the application are all called Keyhotee.  We could keep Keyhotee as a name for the initial application, and name the network and protocol BitShares ID for consistency.

But the bitshares brand stands for crypto equities... keyhotee is nothing like that. I find it fine when the difference to bitsahres is also visible in the name.

There are a lot of great ideas here that have great merit.

I would hate to lose the subtle deeper meanings behind the choice of Don Quixote as a hero for whom honor and courage outweighed the inherent dangers of the quest.

+5% agree with the beauty of the name!

General Discussion / Re: March Newsletter
« on: March 24, 2014, 10:36:38 pm »
Well done! I like all parts I didnt quote here :)  That said I think that there are a few red flags that require some work.   

The relation between BTS prototype and BTS family is not that super clear to me. Maybe it would help to name examples for each. I understood it this way: BTS Prototype is any Proto share that give you a stake in a new DAC released. A BTS family is a parent DAC that is already technologically specific for a certain type of DAC function and can be forked/tweaked to make more complex/more specific applications.   

Developers! Don’t give your shares away to the general public who will mostly just dump them for
pizza — and suppress your price. Give them instead to BTS prototype share holders who have proven
they will buy and hold them,
and buy more of them
— boosting your price!
The Larimer folks are the most trustworthy I can think of.
But if I would know nothing about bitshares/invictus and the newsletter would be the first thing I read I would find the above paragraph very suspicious!!
Maybe something more subtle like: "PTS/AGS holders have proven to be long term investors in innovative projects. Appealing to a shareholder group of trend and value seekers, avoiding pump and dump cycles, can be a benefit in itself for your venture."
<-- Style: Let the reader make the final conclusion himself!

In general I would avoid exaggerations like
....and many more. Invictus tends to promise a lot always. Such exaggerations come across as suspiciousin itself ("to good to be true") and bring the potential of disappointment. I am not saying that they are suspicous if you know all the context but it cames across as such to someone new to all this! Maybe that is just my over critical attitude.

Most alt coins have value for speculative reasons only.
90% + of Bitcoin's value is a speculation on its future use for ecomerce and remittance as well. It would also be wrong to claim that the valuation of all Invictus DACs and ProtoXXX are not speculation. Nothing works yet. No blame there but we should be accurate and fair. Everything else comes accross as arrogant ans suspicious!! Please take that serious. Offtopic: BM's and Toast's video about BTS DNS was nice but reveived some reasonable criticism for it's disrespect towards Namecoin. Dont make yourself enemies if you don't have to. That all comes back!!! Let's be polite and fact based.

Like penny stocks, they start out so cheap they
simply have to go up! (And if they don’t, you haven’t lost much.)
Not true. If you want to gain much from a penny stock you also have to invest much, so you can lose lots.
And they dont have to go up. With this claim you say that the (penny) stock market's effeciency is zero. If it is not zero it is not clear what the penny stock will do and the penny stock price is not so far away from a fair value price.
Don't make false statements in your own field of expertise!

But it’s rational hype based on something tangible.
I would say: "But it’s a rational hype based on the ability of the digital company to make profits." (name what you want to say if you can)

You can even keep them all for your own greedy personal gain (if you really think that will make your DAC successful)
Leave out "greedy". Suspicion / an attack towards developers that read it rigth from the start is not good.

Eddie has worked for the major label system
"a" or "the" label system?

Overall: Keep the explanations simple (whenever possible) and avoid exaggerations that look scamy.

Whew!  Great input!  I have attempted to tone down my statements as you suggested wherever I could.  However, sometimes I say things deliberately in a way that I hope will cause a reader to stop and read the idea a second time.  If I'm too diplomatic, I may get through the letter without offending anybody, but I might also fail to make the Most Important Point.  So in one case I added your suggested text without removing what was there just so readers might pause and think about that Most Important Point a little longer.  It now reads like this: 

Developers! Don’t give your shares away to the general public who will mostly just dump them for pizza — and suppress your price.  Give them instead to BTS prototype shareholders who have arguably proven they will buy and hold them — and buy more of them — boosting your price! 

One proof-reader found the above paragraph a bit shocking, preferring something a bit more subtle, like ”PTS/AGS holders have proven to be long term investors in innovative projects. Appealing to a shareholder group of trend and value seekers, avoiding pump and dump cycles, can be a benefit in itself for your venture.”  — If this made you read it twice, we succeeded.

hehe :)

"Don’t give your shares away to the miners and pump and dump geniuses" ?

General public has a positive connotation to me... What made it sound bad to me was the slightly greedy subtext:  Don't give anything to the public give it all to us! Doesn't make you trust that "us"....

That's not a fair poll. You should include Keyhotee as an option too

General Discussion / Re: March Newsletter
« on: March 24, 2014, 08:58:02 pm »
Please get a high-school English teacher or some other really nitpicky type to review the newsletter for things like its/it's. You guys have been pretty consistently bad about those kinds of basic spelling/grammar things. A huge portion of the population really cares, and will immediately write you off for making these kinds of mistakes. In official Invictus communications, it's just completely inexcusable to be making these kinds of errors. Please please please have someone who knows all the rules proofread it!

Really? What really matters is the transmission of ideas from their brains to our brains. I already read the newsletter think it is great and am very happy to have read an entertaining informative piece. We have better things to do than bicker over every grammatical mistake.

I agree that from a professional perspective, having things reviewed for grammar errors would be better.   It just means the cost of producing the news letter would go up and additional delays on it being published.

I'm quite good (and quick) at finding grammatical errors and rephrasing sentences to better convey an idea.  I would be happy to proofread these before going out.  I always think it's best to have someone review it who had no part it writing it.  :)

I will have Stan submit it to review of one or two people skilled in the art prior to publishing future content.  If you would like to fix his mistakes in this version we can update it for the website.


Actually, my fiendishly-clever plan was to use the forum for what everybody agrees its good for - peer review!
I released the *draft* here so I could quickly find all the bugs, errors, typos, contractions, uses of the word "but", and actual serious technical errors that no mortal English teacher could catch.

It would be a shame if I had to hire a proof-reader before submitting the draft to my proofreaders!

This means that those who can tolerate draft-quality get to find out the news a little early and those that are willing to wait for polish and perfection can do so with sublime confidence that it is being proof-read by an army of the best!


that's the value of it :) 

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee - Rebranding
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:58:47 pm »
It's a trade of. Keyhotee might be long and it's difficult to remember how to spell it but it is unique! KeyID KeyMail could be great to name the sub funtions..

General Discussion / Re: Conditional Pledging
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:54:40 pm »
Are you the entrepreneur or the developer? :)

Surely not the developer. I can't tell Python from C++ :D

Haha. I'm the same! lol

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee - Rebranding
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:48:17 pm »
Keyhotee is more than mail though!

General Discussion / Re: Conditional Pledging
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:41:35 pm »
If within xy days zw BTC/BitUSD are sent then those zw USD + constitute the funding / the donation. If not it automatically goes back to the sender address

Exactly. The main idea here is extremely simple but the reason I now emphasize it is because I have come to believe that it is very powerful.

I imagine a simple frontend "Kickstarter" website where you can adjust three values, 1. the donation amount 2. the conditional total value 3. the time limit.

Since everyone will likely set different size of donations, conditional total value, and time limit, the website should have graphs representing statistics for these in real time.

Since it is blockchain based it would also be easy to implement as system where people get shares in a new asset proportional to their donation.

Of course, once that is implemented, all these other things can build on that.

The potential is indeed tremendous! The questions why such conditional pledging isn't used widely seams strange by now.
With blockchain technology we now have: An easy way to send value. An easy and secure way to track the sender and a way for the sender to prove the ownership of his donations practically without costs. Little costs of running the business (kickstarter I think takes 10% of the donations which is ridiculous). No need to trust the kickstarter company even with big amounts of money.

Merging a blockexplorer (like with kickstarter...

Are you the entrepreneur or the developer? :)

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee - Rebranding
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:12:05 pm »
Not having "bit" in the brand sets you apart. Bit is used inflationary by now.
Key-hotee = (Don) Quichotte. I love that :)

General Discussion / Re: Conditional Pledging
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:02:43 pm »
Great!  +5%
Wouldnt it be easy to do an automated (hardcoded, trustesss) escrow service that has that function: If within xy days zw BTC/BitUSD are sent then those zw USD + constitute the funding / the donation. If not it automatically goes back to the sender address

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