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Messages - santaclause102

Pages: 1 ... 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 [142] 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 ... 166
KeyID / Re: DNS-Pinky-Promise Bounties
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:17:31 am »
Thats the way I understood it. But this justs dilutes DNS holders... Which would be ok to me because it is used for DNS developement...

KeyID / Re: Pre-allocate share as "Dev DNS"?
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:09:37 am »
Another way to put it: Would you pay a premium to have this team snowball right now, over a 50/50 AGS/PTS team sometime in the future? How much?
Yes! Whatever you think is efficient to grow AGS/PTS value long tern.

Any reasonable DAC idea must convince the market to succeed and attempts to substitute convincing the market with convincing Invictus or even a majority of AGS shareholders is to take shortcuts that will undermine the necessary due diligence of the market.

They may be able to convince me they are trustworthy, but how can I know?   Why should I fund any DAC that I believe is inferior to ones I have in my queue?

On the flipside, why should a reasonable DAC idea that convinces more people than Invictus and the majority of AGS holders allocate 20%+? AGS/PTS holders + Invictus should act as optimal VC's. When the overall market has already decided that their idea is viable they will value their DAC idea higher and give us an equivalent lower stake (for a higher price) in their DAC. Optimal VC's capitalize on their superior insight into the idea they invest in; they see before the overall market that it's worth investing in. You are the optimal VC in this space.

Agree. Insight is naturally limited beacuse I am not having to make BM decisions. But whether is DAC is supported by III should depend on the ratio of [how much does it coist to sopport the DAC team in terms of III/BM time, money, marketing ressources] to [how much value increase will it bring to AGS/PTS]. That a DAC is worth less in its prospects than other DACs planed by III should not be an exclusion criterion. If the developers can work mostly by themselfs and need little money and the DAC has some value it would add value to AGS/PTS.

General Discussion / Re: Emerging Narratives
« on: March 22, 2014, 01:01:14 am »
There's no point in alienating half the political spectrum - just give them the tool that changes their reality and they will learn from that positive. Challenge what they hold dear and you'll scare them into wondering what viewpoint they are supporting.

Any movement (in history) tends (tended) to form an identity by constructing a contradicting opposite.
Telling others that their world view is inferior will hurt their feelings and gives them no chance but to further their opposition to avoid loss of face. Any revolution will end in a new ruling of the one opinion. Making it a political movement (in terms of the power of groups over other groups) will cripple the positive effects of it. Non-polittical in that sense would be person to person in a sense. The one that believes that decentralization and trustlessness/automatizing are possible completely without disadvantages acts irresponsible. Unemployment might be an example A balanced approach that does not exclude any though patterns is worth it in my opinion. It just works together and by talking a lot to each other to understand each others views.
Like with anything there is a disadvantage that comes with this: It leaves no space to construct your own (group) identity (ego) as the only legitimate (historically: divine) source which can be disappointing first and might stay less encouraging/enhancing if you don't have a cause that lies beyong your identity.

Love unites :)

KeyID / Re: DNS-Pinky-Promise Bounties
« on: March 21, 2014, 07:40:35 pm »
You mean you take the PTS that where received as AGS donations and sell them to people (in some kind of DNS specific AGS funding) as future BTS DNS?

Polls which dont require the participants to use actual money are worth nothing

Aw lighten up, it's just a fun toy. :) Sure, some people will be naive enough to think that the results are really meaningful, but I think most people on the forum are intelligent enough to understand the results for what they are.

Cool :)

General Discussion / Re: bitcoin security tax?
« on: March 21, 2014, 07:07:19 pm »
The energy for mining haws to be paid by SOMEONE...

Polls which dont require the participants to use actual money are worth nothing

Technical Support / Re: AGS from electrum
« on: March 21, 2014, 04:56:57 pm »
Just to make sure. There is no problem with donating to AGS from an electrum wallet?

You can set the electrum wallet to create new addresses everytime you receive or send. So this doesnt let me look up my balance. But that souldnt matter for the ability to claim BTS with the private keys provided by the electrum wallet?

I think it is ok to claim the xts with electrum wallet,seems the qt,electrum ,MultiBit and Armory wallet are supported currently . it does not matter even if the electrum is not supported, you could export your private key and import to other wallet.

Right! Thanks!

General Discussion / Re: Emerging Narratives
« on: March 21, 2014, 02:43:06 pm »
Narrative circa Newsletter 2...

Free Space - The Ever-Receding Frontier

The jurisdiction of governments has always been defined by the land
mass they control by force. Out beyond the "three-mile" limit of their
shores is traditionally viewed as international waters. No government
has sovereignty out there, though many have tried to exert such control.
Their success has been limited to their ability to project power, whether
they have an internationally recognized right to do so or not.

We view the Internet as lying in international waters as well.

Governments and other nefarious enterprises try to exert power by exploiting items of value that
must pass through their control or by seducing or coercing service providers that must
themselves remain exposed in the physical world. But what of the etherial constructs of cryptospace?
Ghost ships that don’t show up on any earthy radar and have no ports of call where they
can be interdicted? Ships with crypto-graphical cloaking devices that can carry their cargo
across the digital high seas with impunity, immune while pirates and tyrants huff and puff in
frustration. Many will want to control this new frontier. But unlike the past frontiers of
freedom, this time they will fail.

When Daniel Boone and Davy Crocket strode into the American Old West they were entering the
Free Space frontier of their day. But soon “civilization” began to encroach and their offspring
fled further West. The Eagles once lamented, “there is no more new frontier, we have got to
make it here”. We disagree. In Free Space, freedom can still flourish - by design.

Bitcoin has opened a portal to Free Space - a land of opportunity.

Bitcoin is just a digital currency worth billions. But the technology behind it is beyond the control of
any government on the planet. There is no central point where tyranny can seduce or coerce the people
who have learned to use it. Instead they interact peer to peer, with no corruptible middlemen. Bitcoin
just works. And it has paved our way to digital freedom. A next generation Internet.

In Free Space, no one can read your mail.
In Free Space, no one can track your purchases.
In Free Space, no one can steal your identity.
In Free Space, no one can inflate away your savings.
In Free Space, no one can confiscate your wealth.

In Free Space, your wealth is all in your head.

Anyone able to infringe on even one of these freedoms has too much power.
The tools needed to defend Free Space are emerging, but the arms race will probably never end.

In my opinion it is not clever to rethorically attack gvernments like this. Just provide the technology that will make it (decentralization, all III stands for) happen and be diplomatic and friendly otherwise :) The technology is the crucial point which will make things happen. Making yourself  enemies with de facto authorities is just not necessary and might lead to some kind of ban of the ecosystem which supports the technology and will prevent more people from being positive about mass adoption of the technology.
It would be arrogant to assume governments couldnt shut down bitshares/bitcoin. They couldn't shut it down completely but prevent people enough to make real use of it because in the the transition phase p2p systems need to interact with centralized systems (for example centralized BTC/USD exchanges) to get enough people to use and support it!! It is just not neccesary to make yourself enemies with autorities. It is against your cause.

Why do people still do it? Because fighting mode in which a specific enemy is identified and in which roles are clear (I am/we are good, the other side is bad) is calming for humans.

Technical Support / AGS from electrum
« on: March 21, 2014, 12:27:27 pm »
Just to make sure. There is no problem with donating to AGS from an electrum wallet?

You can set the electrum wallet to create new addresses everytime you receive or send. So this doesnt let me look up my balance. But that souldnt matter for the ability to claim BTS with the private keys provided by the electrum wallet?

General Discussion / Re: Bitshare roughly estimated at $100
« on: March 21, 2014, 01:36:09 am »
I would pay the least possible. So I'd definitely be able to get more from the guy selling for $5 than you selling at $100.
I think we both agree on this. Bitshares can be a game changer if it works but that is not neccesarily determining the short term price.

If I had unlimited money, I would pay up to $500 per BTS. The reason why is the price I pay to get into BTS isn't so important because if it works as intended I could lock my profits in BitUSD. I don't have to worry about the volatility like I do with Bitcoin. So the initial price doesn't matter, what matters is that I cannot lose money so whatever I paid I would seek to lock in. I would not sell for less than I paid, and I would just buy Bitshares at $200 for instance and then quickly store it as BitUSD at $200 knowing that at some point in the future that $200 will get paid dividends.
If you take all your BTS and buy BitUSD with it it is like selling it for USD at whatever price BTS is at at that point except that the USD are issued by the Bitshares system. You dont have any BTS then anymore and can not profit from the value increase of BTS.

General Discussion / Re: Is SEC really not a concern?
« on: March 21, 2014, 01:22:38 am »
Is it possible to fund a project with kickstarter and guarantee e.g. 90 percent of the profits of the project to the supporters?
Can the supporters stay annonomous with kickstarter?

... that would be comparable to AGS to a certain degree.

General Discussion / Re: Is SEC really not a concern?
« on: March 21, 2014, 12:26:36 am »
You'll have to look around for those comments on lawyers. But I have seen at least three references that I can remember. As far as Invictus' status as a corporation, I am only reporting what I have read and understood second hand, but my understanding is that it's not going to become nonprofit, but it is acting more as a facilitator for all these DACs by setting up the basic code and then seeking partners or developers to take on the activity itself.

General Discussion / Re: New website sneak peek: BITSHARES.ORG
« on: March 20, 2014, 11:43:30 pm »
I like the website a lot! :)
My comments on the draft:
- I like the video on the homepage a lot! But claiming from the start that Bitsahres is bigger than Bitcoin and illustrating it by a bigger house is not very likeable. comes accross as arrogant and scamy.
- On This "Savers are provided a less volatile place than Bitcoin to save money, allowing them to earn interest while also eliminating the risk of bank fraud or government seizures" is not a good arguement for me. At least it is questionable because it draws the attention of authorities to BTS that could harm it and gives investors/adopters the impression that BTS is not safe because it is in dangerour is being forbidden or something.
- On "BitSharesX is a decentralized bank and exchange. [...]'s what's different that counts!" Being decentralized already makes it a lot different. So maybe say "BitSharesX is a (decentralized) bank and exchange" to have a better contrast between the two. Obove is all the old system also does (expect being decentralized, which is why it is in parethesis) and below is all that is different.
- "BitShares PTS is quite frankly, historic." is too blunt for my taste.

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