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中文 (Chinese) / Re: AGS2.0币,英文版在讨论
« on: May 23, 2014, 01:05:29 am »
比如信誉高的人通过bts me发股权,1AGS的分DAC权拆成xxx份出售。
以后如果有抵押担保之类的DAC概念实现,还可以在担保DAC中冻结特定数量的BTSor BitAsset 来保证AGS的分红的刚性支付。

未来PTS AGS二合一也不是没可能的。一个钱包搞定。

一听名字就知道怎么回事的问题你们居然能搞到这么复杂 :-X :-X :-X
目前能慢慢理解开始接受的都是天天逛论坛,在社区跟踪进度的PTSer和AGSer,偶尔才来社区逛的都不知众亲所云,云里雾里的 :P

有那么一批PTSer和AGSer,是听从别人的建议(比如被我忽悠的 :P)持有,但自己并不主动了解关心项目的进度,项目有重大情况或社区有重大变动我得负责任的一一告知,很多人只是看PTS的价格偶尔问下这个项目的进展(更多的时候是疑惑:你说这个项目怎么怎么有前途,价格怎么跌成这样了,这时我得一顿解释,我跟踪进度我对项目有信心,他们未必有),他们就是那群简单的“不明真相”的PTS小白,然而你不能忽视这样的小白,他们就是这样简单的参与,所以不要搞得太复杂,大多数人乐于接受简单的规则……

亏了怨你  赚了嘛理所应当。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: AGS2.0币,英文版在讨论
« on: May 23, 2014, 12:52:01 am »





话说一直持有PTS 不出售是因为预期价格太低? 如果以后都不准备出售,为啥不换AGS呢,多几倍。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: AGS2.0币,英文版在讨论
« on: May 23, 2014, 12:49:32 am »
我意思是3i不做 第三方会有人做
否则以后兑换要拿着3个钱包 btc捐ags钱包  pts1捐ags钱包  搞不好还有pts2捐ags钱包(  还有pts2本身的钱包……)

市场来选择  honor AGS1还是AGS2



I have changed the spec for DPOS to select the delegate randomly rather than sequentially to prevent an attack whereby a delegate could tweak their vote so they are always scheduled to be the next delegate.

The random number selection is also useful for lotto dac.

 +5% +5%

中文 (Chinese) / Re: PTS2其实是不得已而为之
« on: May 22, 2014, 05:19:37 am »
通货膨胀了15%,你说有没有影响。 还有到底谁来掌控这多出来的30万PTS

来自我的 HUAWEI P6-C00 上的 Tapatalk


General Discussion / Re: Maybe we can make AGS2.0 in the future
« on: May 22, 2014, 03:54:51 am »
Just clone the new PTS2, or whatever the PTS successor with DPOS will be called, and then air drop the AGS-linked coin to anyone with the keys to an AGS donor address. If someone wants to dump (or needs the money), they dump, for whatever the market will pay. If someone else wants to get in on the DACs, they can buy up whatever is being sold. Then use that new coin for all future DAC snapshots of AGS.

i think someone would do this  sooner or later

中文 (Chinese) / Re: [翻译贴]BitShares状态更新[3.24更新]
« on: May 22, 2014, 01:44:51 am »
0522 BitShares狀態更新
並幫助了Lotto DAC當中的難題之一.



我們已經引入了一個提案系統(proposal system),
這將會取代bitcoin內建的開發者警訊(developer alert message),

3i要是能给个进度就好了  比如95%了啥的

General Discussion / Re: Maybe we can make AGS2.0 in the future
« on: May 22, 2014, 01:16:12 am »
Assuming that  someone stole your PTS wallet.dat  with AGS donation record
wallet.dat has password  but not strong enough。it can be cracked sooner or later。

PTS you can transfer to a totaly new address or new wallet at any time or regularly。make it more safe。

But  AGS, you must race with the thief when the new DACs release。Who wins when he import the wall.dat &transfer the coin to another address。
Again & Again  forever……
Unfortunately making AGS liquid would not fix those problems in any way, actually it would make pawning off stolen AGS a lot easier, as well as make it easier to scam people out of their AGS-shares.

So better make a secure paper copy of your donation key and do not use a hot wallet at all. (Making a secure paper copy means writing it down on paper preferably by hand, not printing it via wifi from an online windows pc)

make AGS liquid would make pawning off stolen AGS a lot easier? how?
AGS(liquid) is the same as pts,According to what you have said,Now the AGS(not liquid)is safer than Pts?

if AGS become liquid  you can transfer AGS it to a brandnew address generated offline&coldstorage。
Now  the address cotains AGS you used sometimes before, maybe under high risks。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: PTS2其实是不得已而为之
« on: May 22, 2014, 12:48:40 am »
必须切dpos  昨天捐ags的7xx 有4xx卡路上了  变成今天的了 差十几分钟而已
dpos的话 30s出块。再也不会有这种问题了。压秒最后一分钟捐都可以。

1. I agree DPOS is necessary for PTS, why can't you just hard fork PTS and keep using the PTS name instead of PTS2? Leaving both PTS and PTS2 in the market is like leaving one of your child in the wild wide and die. Just announce a client hard fork and do the mapping. PTS miner will disappear and everyone upgrade their client.

2. Giving the rest PTS to marketing??? LOL. Let's look what the marketing team has done with AGS fund (below are what I found with a quick glance of the spending spreadsheet).

To me, all of these spending is not clear. Look what mastercoin foundation is doing:

After 5 months marketing, BTS still remain unknown to lots of BTCers. I3 need to think of the problem instead of taking every cent from community. PTS used to be the top 5 in marketcap at the end of last year and there were no marketing. After DPOS PTS, GIVE the remaining PTS to DEVELOPERS!!! Good product is the best marketing. And we really should change the AGS spending to bounty based instead of salary based (except developers). What I see is 5 core dev working really hard day and night, with another 20 ppl sucking AGS money for doing little thing.

 +5% +10086

General Discussion / Re: Maybe we can make AGS2.0 in the future
« on: May 21, 2014, 03:13:29 pm »
Assuming that  someone stole your PTS wallet.dat  with AGS donation record
wallet.dat has password  but not strong enough。it can be cracked sooner or later。

PTS you can transfer to a totaly new address or new wallet at any time or regularly。make it more safe。

But  AGS, you must race with the thief when the new DACs release。Who wins when he import the wall.dat &transfer the coin to another address。
Again & Again  forever……

General Discussion / Re: Maybe we can make AGS2.0 in the future
« on: May 21, 2014, 03:00:30 pm »
if AGSer agree that  AGS to be liquid  in the form of AGS2.0(DPOS)  1:1snapshot
at the same time  DAC developer honor  PTS2.0 10%,AGS2.0 10%
why against the deal?

or  the change should agreed by AGSer&PTSer both?


快照前拿着pts 快照后抛售了的这部分人怎么办?

按理解是又要造一个币出来 彻底不要脸了么

2.28快照?   2.28快照数据和现在毫无关系。

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