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Messages - bitmarket

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General Discussion / Re: Support a video
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:10:32 pm »
Hey guys,

Later this week (hopefully) I will be launching several videos about bitshares. They are designed to realign bitcoin and bitshares as supportive of each other and not competition. I think this is a really important step because we are alienated at the moment.

In the mean time I thought I would take the opportunity to remind the bitcoin world that I am still a big fan of bitcoin.  This will make it easier for them to hear the bitshares message later this week.

I know this video is not about bitshares at all but check it out.

Trace Mayer is a very astute member of the cryptocurrency world. Have you talked to him about BitShares?

Yes.  But I hit a wall because of our reputation.   I will get him, but it will take a few more touches, and in the mean time I will try to repair our reputation

General Discussion / Support a video
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:38:05 pm »
Hey guys,

Later this week (hopefully) I will be launching several videos about bitshares. They are designed to realign bitcoin and bitshares as supportive of each other and not competition. I think this is a really important step because we are alienated at the moment.

In the mean time I thought I would take the opportunity to remind the bitcoin world that I am still a big fan of bitcoin.  This will make it easier for them to hear the bitshares message later this week.

I know this video is not about bitshares at all but check it out.

General Discussion / Re: BitGOLD & BitSILVER and other BitCommodities
« on: December 07, 2014, 08:22:08 pm »
I tend to agree to ... though I am not "into" economics in that scale ..

From a marketing perspective we should totally focus on USD compared to gold for obvious reasons. 

I am however a total god and silver buff and I have issues with bitGold.   It is clear that the paper market for gold and the physical markets are completely separate.  The market as a whole has not really figured that out yet.  When the price splits and there are two seperate prices for phsycial gold and paper gold, which price will delegates put in?   I dont trust bitgold to track physical price.   I think it will track paper price.

 +5%  Totally agree Shentist.   This is very important stuff.

General Discussion / Re: Today I almost lost $5k of various bitassets.
« on: December 04, 2014, 08:18:07 am »
Question.  I know the wallets are deterministic which means i I back up my wallet it will back up future transactions too.
But, if I back up my wallet, then I create a new TITAN address and send money to it.....Are those funds backed up or not?   Do I need to do a new back up?

These ecomerce extensions will be a big step in attracting merchants to easily involve themselves with accepting bitshares assets without disrupting their backend processing or flow... Something not possible with bitcoin.

Can you please explain what is possible with bitshares that is not possible with bitcoin so the marketers team understands please.
PS:  great work.  this is awesome

General Discussion / Re: Reddit activity... please help
« on: November 30, 2014, 07:29:20 am »
Hey gangsters,

So I have a bunch of videos coming out in the next 3 weeks. I have shown them to the marketing team only and all agree they are sweet.

So why am I telling you this?

The videos will work if they get views. They will get views if the videos are voted to the top of /r/bitcoin.

Last time you voted a video of mine to reddit front page we got that bump in signups on Sept 18.
Check it out

We will get a much better bump this time around though.

In order for your votes to count you have to have good reddit "karma".  So what I am asking is for you to interact with reddit this week. Vote on stuff. Comment on stuff.  This will give you reddit karma.  Then when I release the vids you can vote them up should you think they are worthy and your votes will count.

Thanks for your help in advance.

don't expect something like sep. 18. on this day 1000 ob btc38 subaccounts were created.
Ah was that why... Look at me thinking it was all my vids... egg on my face.

General Discussion / Re: Reddit activity... please help
« on: November 30, 2014, 07:21:03 am »

Do we still have the initial hurdle of needing to post here to set-up/signup a new account?   =)

What is the faucet supposed to do.  On chrome and Firefox, it just loads a blank page for me.

General Discussion / Reddit activity... please help
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:26:51 am »
Hey gangsters,

So I have a bunch of videos coming out in the next 3 weeks. I have shown them to the marketing team only and all agree they are sweet.

So why am I telling you this?

The videos will work if they get views. They will get views if the videos are voted to the top of /r/bitcoin.

Last time you voted a video of mine to reddit front page we got that bump in signups on Sept 18.
Check it out

We will get a much better bump this time around though.

In order for your votes to count you have to have good reddit "karma".  So what I am asking is for you to interact with reddit this week. Vote on stuff. Comment on stuff.  This will give you reddit karma.  Then when I release the vids you can vote them up should you think they are worthy and your votes will count.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Don't say "first person" because there are already about 5 individuals being funded by BTS.

Yeah I know, one of the first people. We've been discussing that on nullstreet. You should come join us bytemaster :)
No he shouldn't...  He should be slaving away over a keyboard getting us to 1.0 :P

I would really love to see a centralized cool place to assess a delegates make my decisions.  My voter apathy has been a result of feeling like I am negligent voting for not being informed about candidates.

This site is an awesome start

Once i click on a delegate on that page a tonne of useful information comes up.   I would also like to see a text and/or video pitch each delegate could add to that page.    I do not think it is unreasonable for the owner of that site to charge the delegates a small fee in bts, for the privilege of posting video or text to that page.

The other upside is I think it will become the landing page that delegates will want to promote.  Hey come check out my record and what I will do for the community. The owner of this site will have income and hundreds of delegates driving traffic to his site.

It would help me be a better voter, increase the the quality of delegates, and produce income and traffic for the rockstar who provided the service.

A cherry on top would be a way to vote on the site, export a text file and upload my votes to my client.

General Discussion / Re: ShapeShift useful for bitUSD?
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:59:11 am »
There is a very interesting play here.

bitUSD combined with shapeshift, just gave the world a decentralized bitpay for the worlds unbanked.  Well the exchange I guess is not decentralized, but the fact that the coins are in your wallet that you control the  private keys to  almost at all times is a big leap forward.

Thank you for the correction. I meant public key.

But I could not find the keys tab.

Click on My Account in the left menu, then click on an account you need public key for, find the tabs below big blue bar.
Thanks,   I am embarrassed.  I don't know how I missed that for so long.  I really looked for a long time.

Oh  I know.  Because I am looking for a way that a new person would have to do it I did not bother clicking on any of my registered accounts. I figured a new person could not recreate that anyway.   I see now that a user has to create an account locally, then get the public key, then receive bts, then register that account on the blockchain.   Got it.

Thank you for the correction. I meant public key.

But I could not find the keys tab.

Scroll down to he suggested playlists.  I think you will find many of your answers in those videos.   If you have any requests, just ask and I can make mroe videos.  My channel needs a little love actually.  I spend too much time on bitShares.    :D

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