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Messages - sschechter

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General Discussion / Re: How to measure the PEG....
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:46:07 pm »
Jordan Lee is doing the digital equivalent of selling NuShares out the trunk of his car...sure...doesn't look sketchy at all.

General Discussion / Re: How to measure the PEG....
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:43:23 pm »
And if Nubits do this ?  :P

Attempt to remain completely anonymous while negotiating the untrusted sale of shares through an encrypted messaging service?

General Discussion / Re: How to measure the PEG....
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:36:31 pm »
Can some one tell me why I couldn't do this ?

The realistic threat that what you're proposing to do is probably illegal and you'd end up in jail.....just one theory

General Discussion / Re: Should we continue to funding mining of PTS?
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:32:13 pm »
It doesn't have to been seen as shutting down, but rather upgraded to a better technology and simplified genesis distribution model. The new asset could be called Seeds which combines AGS/PTS

Bitshares Seeds

I've had this idea too, except I would just call the one proto unit a BitShare

General Discussion / Re: Research Help...
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:42:22 pm »
What are the legal restrictions on a Credit Union buying and holding a digital asset such as BTC or BTSX?

How much would it cost to buy a Credit Union that is already up and running?   Examples of recently sold Credit Unions or ones on the market today?

Is it simply a matter of becoming the largest depositor in a particular Credit Union as they are in theory owned by their members?

Are you setting up a Credit Union that accepts cryptos as collateral?

Or building a bridge to allow Credit Union customers to purchase and and hold bitAssets inside their CU accounts?

General Discussion / Re: Should we continue to funding mining of PTS?
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:12:37 pm »
Well I am for shutting down the mining of PTS to prevent miner dilution, I am concerned about a 20% cut of DACs going to the same set of entities that are locked in stone.  This is not much different than Apple or Google taking a 30% cut to be featured in their store. With PTS liquid, it at least allows new 'founders' into the system.

Is there a way we can stop mining but still keep PTS liquid?

KeyID / Re: Windows XP
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:10:17 pm »
Microsoft no longer supports XP.  My estimation for time frame would be 'never'


It's never wise to sell on a downward pressure in something which has long term growth potential. BTC has long term growth potential and is at an all time low. It would be wise not to sell this year also because a lot of BTC has been stolen, Wall Street hasn't jumped in yet, mainstreet hasn't jumped in yet, 2000 BTC is millions of dollars worth of BTC.

In my opinion when it's worth enough that the interest on the BTC is enough to start hiring people then Bytemaster should trade BTC for BitBTC or BitUSD. If it's BitBTC then 2000 BTC is always 2000 BTC but you get interest. If it's BitUSD it doesn't make much sense at these prices.

When Bitcoin is at all time highs all of us are going to want that interest. The really interesting question is will the interest be in BitBTC or in BitUSD?

By all time mean '10 month' all time low right? There is no invisible hand holding up the bitcoin price above $280. We all know mining is an eventual dead one.  No one here can guarantee bitcoin will ever go over $1000 again, or even $500.  For all we know, the fad has run its course, and no one cares about it anymore. Of course whether bitcoin rises are falls in the future is irrelevant as a question.  The question that matters when it comes to AGS funds is which of bitcoin or bitshares will be worth more relative to the other in the future.

With the recent BTC rally and BTSX weakness, I think the BTSX/BTC ratio will soon be turning in our favor. Now is a good time to at least partially divest.  Moving to bitBTC is a good idea to, will help support the system while earning a yield.

General Discussion / Re: Introducing
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:54:24 pm »
I would not say it IS bitcoin, but rather LIKE bitcoin

Remember, decentralization often has high costs.  Centralized companies and the blockchain can have symbiotic relationships.  Just because something theoretically could be decentralized, doesn't necessarily mean it should.  Especially for music - BitShares Music and Peertracks are trying to make a profitable company, not a one Currency to Rule Them All.

Anyways, I'm glad to hear that streaming will be offered.  Personally, I would like to see a free ad supported streaming version, and a paid ad free version.  Additionally, the user should have the ability to purchase a lossless high quality version.  And it would really be gravy if an artist can optionally offer resample permission with the purchase of a song, or with an additional fee.  That permission of course would be logged in the blockchain, and users with permission can be publicly verified.  I don't think artist sample clearance has been done before this simple and elegantly, and the ease of use may actually encourage good market behavior (and garner positive press)

Add supported free version: average quality MP3 files
Paid subscription: high quality MP3 or greater
Paid individual songs: highest quality, no loss of recorded information, always available for immediate download
Paid re-usage rights

I also think BitShares music is perfect for the 'blockchain referral program', similar to what MethodX has proposed elsewhere in the forum.  Artists who sign up other artists with PeerTracks get to receive a small cut of their friends fees - but this has to be done in a way that is mutually beneficial for all parties.  Perhaps segregating a cut of the network fees into a bonus pool, in which referers take a cut proportional to the popularity of their referred.  The bonus has to be big enough to incentive people inviting their friends, but not too big in which it creates a profits hierarchy.  No MLM, just good ole fashioned refer a friend.  I think you get the point for now, but if there is interest, we can extrapolate on this idea and brainstorm ways to make it work.

Anyways, we all know this has huge potential.  Lets make this thing work!

General Discussion / Re: Better than Bitcoin Interview with Bit N Mortar
« on: October 14, 2014, 08:58:53 pm »
One thing I don't understand is why is it necessary to tell people Bitcoin is a company (an unprofitable one) not a currency. Firstly, I don't really understand the logic of why it cannot be considered a currency. But secondly if people want to think of Bitcoin as a currency, that's fine, because its not in direct competition with Bitshares. As I am a bit confused, maybe others are, so is it really a key marketing point?

From a BTS/DAC perspective, Bitcoin definitely resembles shares more so than a currency. The shares happen to be in an unprofitable company.

It's a great marketing pitch. When it clicks, there's an "ah-ha!" moment of understanding. Followed by a smug grin.

Yeah, one of the Larimers' early metaphors was that Bitcoin is a company that pays 100% of revenue and a huge dilution subsidy to security guards (aka miners). That really clicked with me, and is one of the reasons I'm with BitShares today.


I'm just joining you guys now, and to be honest this was one of the KEY points of turning me to Bitshares also!

I have sooo many questions, I wish the live chat group was working

May I suggest you grab your popcorn, click on bytemaster's name on any forum post, then click on the 'show posts' link.  The rest of your day may be ruined, but there's a lot to learn.  As an investor since December, the case for owning BitShares becomes greater every day.  Welcome to the club :)

General Discussion / Re: The problem with multi-sig transactions...
« on: October 14, 2014, 07:56:06 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Pegging & supply, help me understand
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:49:14 pm »
This already happens in world derivative markets.  The answer is the effect is irrelevant.  Trading will continue as normal.

KeyID / Re: KeyID v0.0.4 HOTFIX - init delegates voted back in
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:57:10 am »

Thank you for working as hard as you do. We all appreciate it, you should be sleeping right now.

My last rant was not directed at you specifically, but was rather to emphasize my point.  My rant was really aimed at the keepers of the purse strings.....



KeyID / Re: KeyID v0.0.3 - MANDATORY UPDATE - key graph and updated fees
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:40:18 am »
Also, beyond typical smokescreen tests before a checkin, having developers QA their own code is a recipe for disaster.  The harder a developer tests, the more work he creates for himself.  This creates an incentive to cut corners and not test as well as you should.  A dedicated tester (or team) is as much about checks and balances, and offering a different perspective.  There ought to be an additional layer between developer and end user.  I am saying this as a programmer by profession, not a spectator.  I would be worried if no one had my back at my day job - and if my boss put me in that position, he would hear about it.

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