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Messages - merlin0113

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 3毛4short的人其实赚了,关于铆钉问题
« on: November 23, 2014, 11:34:53 pm »
假如庄家在3毛4实在是出不了货,开两个号自己short自己,抵押2BTS卖空给自己另外一个买单,之后留给系统自动爆仓,归还0.2375BTS,相当于2.7525个BTS卖出了0.34CNY。 而按照现在大约1BTS=0.1CNY的价格,0.34CNY可以买回3.4个BTS。



根据分析,769,889.159BITUSD可以买到1毛价格BTSX约4700万,从10月28日到现在,在BTC38网上大概有1.4亿BTSX成交量,看来这位大V准备吸筹4700万 BTSX的计划已经完成,现在就要看他如何出货了!


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 怀着必死的心对钱包提点建议
« on: November 23, 2014, 08:09:08 am »
啥情况? ID:qigetou1204

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 怀着必死的心对钱包提点建议
« on: November 23, 2014, 06:25:07 am »

Will add a BTS price index&chart on the front page help to make our site more than a banking related concept? Do you think valid to viewers?

General Discussion / Re: Suggestion: Investment guide for Bitshares X bulls
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:07:39 pm »
i managed to short today for the first time! So excited I am...


We have not done that. 
BitShares is not a currency, it is a company. 
Its products (BitUSD, BitCNY, BitGLD, etc.) are currencies.
could you explain please , why this "currencies" so special to use over BTC?

First generation crypto currencies are subject to large fluctuations in price that makes them less suitable for use as a store of value.  BitShares BTS it also subject to such fluctuations.  So we don't use it as a currency.  We use it as collateral to back a stable currency pegged to other assets like USD, CNY, EUR, gold and silver.

This next-generation currency, produced as a derivative of the underlying asset, is much more stable and therefore suitable for use as a currency.

In the process we improved everything else about bitcoin.  Confirmed transactions are possible in ten seconds vs. the hour it can take to get a fully confirmed Bitcoin transaction.

In addition, the BitShares currencies (BitUSD, et. al.) pay a yield - similar to variable interest to all who hold them.

BitShares completely revolutionizes the crypto currency industry.

This is not just an incremental improvement or a better meme.
It is the same scale of performance improvement as between a horse and an automobile.

EDIT:  In terms of speed, it is more like the leap from a horse to a jet aircraft.  :)

As an analogy, BTS like real world gold while bitusd, bitcny etc. as real world currencies.  So this whole mechanism behind BTS is an evolution digitally of the old-fashioned monetary system, which as BM put it as BANKING.

No BTSX was like a real world gold, BTS is like a share in a competitive company that shareholders change based on what they think is best. Bytemaster has said if you want something like a gold, buy BitGold. I think some people will prefer something more like a real world gold backing BitAssets a bit more.

Well, reading ur reply I suddenly realise that BTSX is actually gold as it is has a fixed amount. So I agree with you BTS is not suited to this analogy anymore...Unless we can see BTS as digital gold anyway because real world gold quantity is increasing somehow though in a very very slow pace. This is not the serious point anyway.

Thanks toast for enlightening me, it's just the way I understand it. I would prefer a thing has collateral nature as analog of gold, which bitgold not have?


We have not done that. 
BitShares is not a currency, it is a company. 
Its products (BitUSD, BitCNY, BitGLD, etc.) are currencies.
could you explain please , why this "currencies" so special to use over BTC?

First generation crypto currencies are subject to large fluctuations in price that makes them less suitable for use as a store of value.  BitShares BTS it also subject to such fluctuations.  So we don't use it as a currency.  We use it as collateral to back a stable currency pegged to other assets like USD, CNY, EUR, gold and silver.

This next-generation currency, produced as a derivative of the underlying asset, is much more stable and therefore suitable for use as a currency.

In the process we improved everything else about bitcoin.  Confirmed transactions are possible in ten seconds vs. the hour it can take to get a fully confirmed Bitcoin transaction.

In addition, the BitShares currencies (BitUSD, et. al.) pay a yield - similar to variable interest to all who hold them.

BitShares completely revolutionizes the crypto currency industry.

This is not just an incremental improvement or a better meme.
It is the same scale of performance improvement as between a horse and an automobile.

EDIT:  In terms of speed, it is more like the leap from a horse to a jet aircraft.  :)

As an analogy, BTS like real world gold while bitusd, bitcny etc. as real world currencies.  So this whole mechanism behind BTS is an evolution digitally of the old-fashioned monetary system, which as BM put it as BANKING.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于现在社区的近况
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:09:32 am »

没必要问工资多少! 人家在认认真真做事就足够了。   在认真做事的不管拿多少工资我都举双手赞成。


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于现在社区的近况
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:43:32 pm »



Grow up ,  这个世界不是每个人都围着你转的。


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于现在社区的近况
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:30:04 pm »
just my 2 cents





找个工作还要签保密协议, 不对外包括同部门同事透露薪资待遇呢.
币价不涨, 什么都出来了, 我去


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于现在社区的近况
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:02:26 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于现在社区的近况
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:39:41 pm »
just my 2 cents



中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于现在社区的近况
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:58:34 am »
just my 2 cents

I vote for ending PTS, unless there is a decent motive behind to continue which I don't see any in the near future.

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