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Messages - puppies

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@Akado  I just want to second others opinion that you did a very good job.  Thanks for taking the initiative.

General Discussion / Re: [Howto] Prediction Markets in BitShares
« on: January 13, 2016, 09:08:29 am »
I don't currently see any indication that there is any demand for prediction markets from within the community.  Until we have a UI that is 100% prediction market based with one step bet against and pretty explanations, that we can market to outside communities I don't think there is any point in creating prediction markets. 

Thanks again for your great documentation Xeroc. 

General Discussion / Re: exchange preparing for voting
« on: January 13, 2016, 07:17:40 am »
What if there were 2 core tokens: BTS and BTSVOTE. BTSVOTE would be sharedropped 1:1 onto BTS, and then freely tradeable on the DEX. This would allow exchanges to sell their votes to someone who values voting, for cash in their pocket.

That would allow people to attack bts for even less resources.  How many would sell this btsvote for any profit they could get.

I don't think this is the end of the world by any means. 

I don't think I'll use yunbi anymore, but I was not a regular customer so they won't be missing much.

Trying to get three entities to control the majority of voting in the name of decentralisation is rather silly.

This is seeming more and more like an attempted coup.  Please inform me if I've misread this.

How did you get so disenfranchised?  what do you hope to accomplish?

I'm glad that clayop is back in the committee.  It's too bad that we lost two witnesses in the process.

sorry for having not totally understood the voting rule, have communicated with yunbi and now the witnesses number has grown to 27.

what I accomplished now is to get clayop and bhuz back, even only this still worth me to spend so much time to communicate with yunbi. it's not a normal status for 5 inits accounts to stay in the committee, if no one can change that, let me push the move.

I appreciate the honesty, and I appreciate that you got clayop and bhuz back in the active committee.

General Discussion / Re: Help me with my prediction market
« on: January 13, 2016, 06:50:48 am »
You might have done something wrong in setting this up.  Xerocs docs say this should work in the gui.  If I get a chance I'll try to set up a test prediction market to see.  Anything happening within the next week that we want to predict?  How about price of bitcoin .  Over under of $450 in one weeks time. 
I actually haven't tried .. but thought it should work .. what exactly is the issue? won't take the collateral ratio of 1:1?

It throws an error because there are no feeds.  I think its just an extra check that the GUI does.
I think we're missing two pieces before this can take off. 

First of all we need it to work in the gui.  If people can only take one side of the bet without using the cli wallet then adoption won't happen. 

Secondly we need a better decentralized system of determining winnerss.

Stealth would also be a good thing.
I think (but haven't tested yet) .. that the final decision can be *delegated* to a SET of feed producers that publish the outcome ..
But I need to test this first ..

I am sure that a multi sig account could publish the outcome.  Who should do this though.  I don't think it should be the committee.  I am willing to play risk a test, but I wouldn't be willing to run prediction markets as a business. 

Is there anyone out there that lives in a better jurisdiction to manage prediction markets?

If we can get the GUI solved I think we could start marketing our markets.  If we could find a good way of deciding the result we could be unstoppable.

General Discussion / Re: Help me with my prediction market
« on: January 13, 2016, 03:46:31 am »
I think we're missing two pieces before this can take off. 

First of all we need it to work in the gui.  If people can only take one side of the bet without using the cli wallet then adoption won't happen. 

Secondly we need a better decentralized system of determining winnerss.

Stealth would also be a good thing.

Yeah.  The issues with this are multiple.  If I were to set up a UIA that represents a share in the tickets that I purchase then it would be the same as all other UIA's.  A un collateralized IOU.  This would probably not be much of an issue as long as winnings were low or non existent. 

If you were to win the jackpot though.  The level of scrutiny you would get would be ridiculous.  If you break a minor gambling law, and you are poor no one is really gonna come after you.  If you break a minor gambling law and you are a have $900M then every agency in the country is gonna want a piece. 

General Discussion / Re: Help me with my prediction market
« on: January 13, 2016, 12:44:46 am »
So.  I just created BTCPREDICT as a test.  I used Xeroc's script.  Still can't short in the GUI.  I think we need this fixed if we are going to be able to monetize these prediction markets. 

I am  going to go ahead with the test of BTCPREDICT.  The description is pretty self explanatory.  If you believe that on midnight UTC on 1-20-16 the price of BTC will be over $450 then buy BTCPREDICT.  I you believe that the price will be below $450 then short and sell.  Although you will have to do the shorting in the CLI.

General Discussion / Re: Help me with my prediction market
« on: January 13, 2016, 12:26:11 am »
You might have done something wrong in setting this up.  Xerocs docs say this should work in the gui.  If I get a chance I'll try to set up a test prediction market to see.  Anything happening within the next week that we want to predict?  How about price of bitcoin .  Over under of $450 in one weeks time. 

General Discussion / Re: Big bug in GUI asset update?
« on: January 12, 2016, 07:28:48 pm »
permissions cannot be re-enabled once the have been disabled ..

That sucks.

General Discussion / Re: Big bug in GUI asset update?
« on: January 12, 2016, 06:41:49 pm »
bitcrab have you tried

Code: [Select]
update_asset TCNY null {  "id": "1.3.734",  "symbol": "TCNY",  "precision": 4,  "issuer": "1.2.121",  "options": {    "max_supply": "1000000000000000",    "market_fee_percent": 0,    "max_market_fee": "1000000000000000",    "issuer_permissions": 511,    "flags": 128,    "core_exchange_rate": {      "base": {        "amount": 103,        "asset_id": "1.3.734"      },      "quote": {        "amount": 46825,        "asset_id": "1.3.0"      }    },    "whitelist_authorities": [],    "blacklist_authorities": [],    "whitelist_markets": [],    "blacklist_markets": [],    "description": "smartcoin defined by transwiser",    "extensions": []  } true
That should set your permissions and your flags back to where they were. 

There is no feed price for oil because there is no "one OIL" price AFAIR

Yeah.  We would probably want to go with the futures price.  If we can get this price from multiple exchanges we could take the mean.  If not we could just use the price of the largest exchange.

General Discussion / Re: exchange preparing for voting
« on: January 12, 2016, 07:41:38 am »
I don't think this is the end of the world by any means. 

I don't think I'll use yunbi anymore, but I was not a regular customer so they won't be missing much.

Trying to get three entities to control the majority of voting in the name of decentralisation is rather silly.

This is seeming more and more like an attempted coup.  Please inform me if I've misread this.

How did you get so disenfranchised?  what do you hope to accomplish?

I'm glad that clayop is back in the committee.  It's too bad that we lost two witnesses in the process.

General Discussion / Re: exchange preparing for voting
« on: January 12, 2016, 05:19:54 am »
Seeing 60m bts voting for zero witnesses does not inspire me with confidence in the knowledge or commitment of those voting.  If you have bts at yunbi, be aware. 

Interestingly I had some thoughts about almost exactly the same idea yeaterday. Lets have a talk someday this week

Edit: everything needed for binary prediction markets is already there

In the CLI only?

GUI will not allow you to short.  Please fix that.  Can short in CLI
Code: [Select]
borrow_asset account-name 1000 REPGENSIXTEEN 1000 true
collateral has to be 1 for 1.  I am willing to update asset owner to account that is controlled by multi-sig trusted parties.

Hmm.  Can't short cause there are no feeds.  BM said there shouldn't be any feeds though.  Is this just a GUI error?  I'll try to short in the CLI when I get a chance.  Unless we can get the GUI working I don't think this will catch on at all though. 

General Discussion / Re: Why a lending market is crucial
« on: January 12, 2016, 12:26:08 am »
Very well stated post.  I agree that there is not currently a very good balance between shorts and longs.  A lending market would help.

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