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Messages - EstefanTT

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You may be right. That's why I asked in here. So it would better to say nothing about it and wait until it's done ?
I though price usually rises on the anticipation of a news, not after it ... ?

I don't understand, you say "exactely". So price rises on the anticipation of the news, right ? So we should spead the word ? I don't undersand you, you've just said it was a bad idea ...

You may be right. That's why I asked in here. So it would better to say nothing about it and wait until it's done ?
I though price usually rises on the anticipation of a news, not after it ... ?

What if we post the link of this thread in the poloniex trollbox from time to time with the comment "bts soon on Microsoft Azure".
This should get the poloniex trader exited. Besides the chart of BTS looks like it go rally any time.
We need attention on BitShares, ETH is going down, it could be nice some of that money going into our MC.
Even if it's a pump only created by a pre news. Whatever makes our MC to go up, makes also our funds for development to increase.

Good / bad idea ? I did it this afternoon and got some feedbacks and questions.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 08, 2016, 10:38:42 pm »
When I was buying Monero in december and january it was doing the same thing BTS is now:  Going up 30% quickly and then retracing almost all of it, but making a slightly higher base and then doing it again.  It had to do it like 4 times before it finally broke up, but it did eventually.

BTS could be in the same place, getting ready to being actually heading higher.   We had a lot of early PTS miners dumps to absorb, but they are mostly out now.  Later on when the price is higher we will be glad those guys sold low. 

I believe things are looking up, but its just the very beginning so it goes slowly still, with heavy retracements.
I like the way you present it. I hope so. It would be a good moment with stealth, free Tx, bts on M. Azure BAAS, ... With a nice increase of our MC we would have the funds to pay for ETH virtual machine, BTC & ETH sidechain, Bond market, market makers, and much more. That would propulse us higher and the higher we go the more funds we have, and so on !

Do we have some updates on how the new website cass is doing is going on ?

Another one? We've had so many websites lol. I always welcome improvement though. I like this one, it's really simple but clearly lacking important stuff, like videos, screenshots, etc. People need to see what we have to offer, otherwise they won't even try it. They need to see it first on the website so they get curious.
I may be wrong but I though that @cass was revamping the actual

And yes, IMO it lacks of showing everything we have, everything is happenning and will happen. Also partners, 3rd parties, ..
Showing our tech in details and nothing else is not the way to interest poeple, reading and trying to understand the tech comes after we get the attention.

Do we have some updates on how the new website cass is doing is going on ?

Freebie / Re: Automating ShareBits
« on: March 08, 2016, 01:01:16 am »
TRYBITSHARES would be the perfect token to spread the word ;p

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:06:28 pm »
When the news is going to be live ??

I think, our MC could substantially increase with just a couple of simple things on More dynamism, updates, big news, quick small news, event, hangouts quick recap, ... and also a way of showing what we have right now, our partners, 3rd parties running on/with bts,  development in progress, potential roadmap, ...

Lot's of long term investor just spend a coule of minutes on the web site of every crypto projects to find the ones where they will invest. If we gave them a complicated description of our tech and nothing else, they'll leave quickly. If they see lots of things going on and a relatively low MC, they will spend more time to check the tech we have and then ... change their minds about bts.
In brief, IMO, throwing our (amazing) tech in the face of the random crypto dude passing by is not the way to make them want to knows more about us. I think they will read and try to understand the tech only if we first incentive them to do this hard work.

I like the analogy of operating system better. A BD is a little reductive compare to what bts can do besides beeing a ledger of Tx/operation.

This is a draft for an "article" that I am currently writing on ..
It (of course) describes MY(!!) interpretation of BitShares:

BitShares as a Platform:

You can compare BitShares with a platform that offers a *common ground*
infrastructure to its customers, participants and business partners.

The first and maybe simplest non-technical analogy would be
      "BitShares as a global Shopping Mall"
Wait, what?

Let's take BitShares apart and see what components we have:

* Infrastructure
* Existing and Upcoming Tenants
* Customers, Clients and Guests

The Infrastructure
BitShares offers an infrastructure to their tenants and customers, such
as a parking garage, air conditioning, internet connectivity, a meeting
hall, toilets and even offers their business partners some
financial services, like local currencies, mall-wide or business wide
gift cards.

FIXME: Open 24/7!

Technically, these are implemented by means of a blockchain (how else)
that offers:

* 3 seconds confirmation times
* inherent security and an audit trail by an immutable public ledger
* market-pegged and user-issued assets

Fortunately, our shopping mall is located at a place that is
close to Las Vegas, and also China while non of their regulations apply.
In fact, the only laws that apply in the mall are the house rules of the
mall itself and they allow you to do almost anything!

FIXME: shareholders!

Businesses offered by Existing Tenants

One of our earliest Tenants is actually a bank. If you take a look at
your local malls, they all have had a bank from the beginning. Not only
to do they provide businesses within the mall with services, but are
also close when their customers need them while shopping. What is
different with this bank is that a) there is only one bank and b) they
don't make a profit out of your deposits! Further, every visitor of the
mall needs to have a bank account at that bank for shopping in that
mall, but they can get it for free when when they enter the mall.
Interestingly, this bank has some where unique value proposition to
outsiders, namely, that their accounts are so secure, that they can't
even access your accounts themselves while still offering you full
flexibility to decide whom to give access to it, maybe to your wife,
maybe not. Of course, you can also use your account in regular shopping
malls outside the BitShares mall.

FIXME: global fast payments ... almost instant transfers
Bank is owned by the mall

One of BitShares' biggest tenants is a marketplace but many use it as a
global FOREX, commodity and stock exchange, though. Yhea, figure that
out: Our shopping mall has an international globally accessible, open
all-day exchange! Anyhow, this exchange fortunately has decided to share
all its profits with the owners of the shopping mall! Our visitor can
benefit from this exchange as their are no doormen ensuring that only
the rich can get richer. No, this exchanges can be visited and used by
anyone and they trade anything, from GOLD, USD, Stock, Gift, Cards or
even Event Tickets. They of course also offer every business in the
mall, or any visitor to create their own digital good and have it trade
on a global scale instantly. Try that in your local shopping mall, the
managers' faces will become enjoyable.

Other tenants already offering services to visitors are in the

* privacy business,
* betting business,
* prediction business,
* gambling business

and there is **plenty** of room to house even more businesses!

Planned Services, Businesses and Opportunities

### Secure Decentralized Messaging
With ultra low (later even zero) fees for transfers that can carry
arbitrary text messages, a trust-less, censorship-resistant and secure
messaging across the platform is possible! The infrastructure for this
services will be offered by the BitShares network, but profits can be
made by selling the best, nicest and most user-friendly app.

### Subscriptions
Our local bank has improved his services and now offers their customers
a way to setup withdrawal permissions for their accounts. This would
allow businesses to establish a subscription models that can leverage
all the advantages of our banks.

### Crowdfunding
### P2P insurance
### Market Maker
### Rate Limited free transactions
### Side Chains
### Bond Market

This is a great step towards where we should go ! Easy words, analogies, make it easy for the random guys to understand what we do.

This is great ! Maybe some person here will disagree because it is to "simple" but it is IMO, exactly what we need !

IMHO we are like an operative system (mostly financial) with 1 program installed ; the DEx.
We can't say "we are the DEx", we have to say we are a plateform. BTS is the share of this plateform and the shareholders benefit from all the business running on it.
Not an easy message !

If we focus on beeing a DEx we will attract just a fraction of investors and developers. Only the one seeing value in the exchange. We can do muuuch more. We should (I don't know how) communicate the real potential and the bright future BTS could have.

We could sell BitShares as a high tech financial plateform. Just that is not enough so we would  describe wich projects are related or running on it. In a way, we would give more importance in the web site in what is happenning and what we have running than the tech we have. Obviously, we have to show the tech also because is groundbreaking !

Just like if I would want to sell the very new kickass video game console. I would say quickly " this is kickass tech, 3sec block, free Tx, PM, ..." and then I would say "these are the game running on it : OL, Sharebits, Banx, MKR, gamebet, bunker, ..." and these are the future games : bla bla bla"

My idea was to stucture the projects, partners, 3rd parties, web site related, ... in categories. This is what I had in mind, I well aware that the categories are not good and that this is as ugly as sh... ;p

The Technology already has a tab in the header, if we only show tech related stuff, we frighten people away. Even Bitcoiners may have a hard time understanding all of it. I know I had to read it several time to understand everything and I was well aware of what BitShares is.

(I'm just throwing an idea to stimulate the brainstorm, nothing else)

I think, we will get more people exited with "free transaction" than "rate limited free transcation".
There is too much words which lower the impact of the only word that matter ... " free". Also, the word "limited" is really not good, commercially speaking.

Besides, everybody knows that, off course, they won't be able to send thousand Tx for free. That some mecanism is build to avoid spamming. I don't think we need to specified it in the title.
We are not exagerating saying "free transaction". Anyone would be able to verify it by trying it, several times and it will be, indeed, free.

When you go a reception and it says on the card "free cocktails", you know that you can't come with a couple of big buckets to fill them with cocktails. What the card means is you can have some cocktails for free.

Let's not waste a amazing opportunity to put BitShares back where it belongs, under the spot lights !

General Discussion / Re: Potential BitShares Road Map for 2016
« on: March 04, 2016, 12:38:06 am »
That should be spoken tomorow at the hangout. I hope one of you guys will throw the question in the hangout thread or in the live session.
My understanding of sidechain is not good enough to speak out but I'm very interested by the potential !

Id rather focus on the speed, scalability and flexibility of bitshares.  Fox is talking to the bizdev of hell of a strategy would be to show that, and then tall about the features (like smartcoins) as some examples of what can be done in the future. 

This guy wants to know about our flexibility, speed and scalability more than ANYONE.
+5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: 1st Liquidity Event - Retrospection Thread.
« on: March 03, 2016, 03:29:29 pm »
If someone want to check the volume on the DEx during the liquidity event (or any moment), I made a script who is taking the volume of CMC every hour since early february.

I plan on adding a nice graph to it but I'm a total noob in PHP and MySQL so it may take time.

I bookmarked your page when you said it in Telegram channel. It's very good.  +5%
I think @Akado may have interest in it. Just wanted to reply this to his trading / marketing thread, but I haven't found that thread.
Knowing I have a "follower" ;p on my DEx volume page gives me motivation to add it a graph !

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