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Messages - ruletheworld

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Marketplace / Re: Newbie interested in buying PTS
« on: December 03, 2013, 03:37:54 am »
Wrote a post recently on how to buy ProtoShares on my blog with my thoughts. Perhaps you'll find it useful:
Unless you're offering very good terms, it is unlikely anyone will trade with you for PayPal for reasons you're already articulated. The best way would be to do this on an exchange, and buy ProtoShares with Bitcoin. Good luck!

Great to have you on-board Brian. Do you have any YouTube/podcast links specific to crypto-currencies? Would love to know more about what and how you think about crypto-currencies. Also, I think you join Invictus at a crucial time and should help get the word out. Look forward to seeing your thoughts on the forums.

General Discussion / Re: Princeton Researcher on Prediction Markets
« on: December 03, 2013, 12:02:32 am »
There's another dimension to this. There is a large corpus or research showing that prediction markets work best in terms of prediction if the predictions themselves made by each agent are hidden from one another until the prediction date. Open predictions tend to invoke second order effects such as herd behavior and self-fulfilling prophecies.

The more projects the merrier.
Interesting point. A prediction market like BitShares/BitAssets is going to be completely open. Perhaps we can design a system for event-prediction markets and keep the 'bids' secret until the completion of the event. The major challenge as I see it is to create and verify the final result of the premise in a decentralized manner. Even something as simple as "Obama will be reelected president of the United States" can be challenging to verify in a decentralized way. Perhaps one way would be a decentralized voting system where somehow each participant has an incentive to vote for the truth.

BitShares PTS / Re: Why have we been removed from
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:02:34 pm »
Hopefully its an error but, Please make your voice be heard! is very important to us it lets everyone know how pts are doing and is a great advert to pull in investment.
It was temporary, I think they get some statistics from btsblock which was down yesterday. It's all back up now, relax :)

BitShares PTS / Re: ProtoShares on
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:00:25 pm »
is protoshares delisted from

It's look like temporary problems, ProtoShares and QuarkCoin disappear from, let's see tomorrow.
Back up. 7th place, $27.4m market cap

Keyhotee / Re: $300+ for a Keyhotee Founder ID?
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:45:00 pm »
It's a fair point, IMO. I remember when the price was slashed from 100 PTS to 10 PTS but the people who paid 100 PTS would have a higher 'reputation' in that they are more invested in their name. If the price of PTS keeps going up from here, perhaps there can be another drop in the price of the founder member badge. However, that might strike as being unfair by the people who've already paid 10 PTS for it. It would be a tough proposition for Invictus.

This is a very good idea, and I think the result would be a secure and reliable network. However, you still have to figure out how to distribute the coins. My biggest question is: what blockchain do you want to try to use this for?
ProtoShares of course :)

General Discussion / Re: Game development futures?
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:39:09 pm »
The Bitcoin dev team is looking at building contracts into the protocol. Perhaps you can beat them to it?
Assurance contracts (kickstarter type contract):

General Discussion / Re: BTER PTS Withdrawals Held
« on: November 30, 2013, 04:01:48 pm »
The fees there are too high. 0.1 PTS for withdrawl  :(
It's the same at Cryptsy

General Discussion / Princeton Researcher on Prediction Markets
« on: November 30, 2013, 03:25:57 pm »
I am posting under BitShares section as I think it's most relevant, but if mods disagree, feel free to move it out of here.


It's interesting that several academics have taken an interest in prediction markets. This is the second such article I am reading within a week. Apparently, there is a wealth of scientific studies ready to be unleashed - they are just waiting for the right regulatory environment.

The prediction marketplace of BitShares is a little different from the prediction markets described here. These are similar to what InTrade was. Essentially, you buy shares in an 'Event', so say, "Bitcoin will trade above $2000 on MtGox at any moment on Dec 31st 2013". This is a well defined event which may or may not happen. People will 'bet' accordingly. It gets interesting where the predictive power is very good, e.g. Intrade's claim to fame was how it could predict the US election results to within a percentage point.

One main challenge is to this in a decentralized way. There shouldn't be a 'moderator' who will decide whether the said event took place or not. The so called 'Oracles' are a few years away at least, so that doesn't seem like an issue. Not sure how voting would work, i.e. how to incentivize people to vote the right way.

Also, is this something that should be incorporated into BitShares or a new DAC perhaps? Thoughts?

Marketplace / Re: WTS 1000 PTS @ 0.011 BTC
« on: November 29, 2013, 11:24:51 pm »
I'm cheap and wanted to avoid fees. My damn fault for not even wanting to pay 1% though.
It's 0.2%, not 1%, which isn't bad, IMHO.

BitShares PTS / Re: Dying out
« on: November 29, 2013, 11:23:06 pm »
I thank you all for your responses, my objective has been met.
What was your objective?

General Discussion / Re: BTC withdrawal stuck
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:35:34 am »
I remember seeing some discussion on Bitcointalk forums about this as well. Please keep us informed about this and if you're able to get your BTC/PTS in and out of Bter, since this is a fairly big exchange in terms of overall PTS trade.

BitShares PTS / Re: Dying out
« on: November 28, 2013, 04:29:54 am »
IMO PTS is a VERY high risk investment even comparing to other altcoins, because a much higher percentage of PTS value is based on future promises.

But they are really good promises.
Why? There is a baseline already as just another alt-coin: it can't fall further than that, can it?

BitShares PTS / Re: Dying out
« on: November 28, 2013, 03:53:52 am »
Final smiles belong to truely believers who are adding the real value into 3i over th road. 

We stay focus on DAC models and Keyhotee platform.

Agree! Exchanges is one of the key parts of 3i, , but the real valued-added services will bring the real value of PTS up.

Short-term traders keep the trading market active, long-term investors keep the exchange price stable.We bless you both.

There are some good exchanges who are working on PTS/BTC and fiat trading.

Agreed. Right now, on CoinMarketCap, infinitecoin has a higher market value than ProtoShares. That's crazy. I think this is a good buying opportunity for long-term holders and believers.

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