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Messages - EstefanTT

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The current delay problem on Tx on the BTC network (3 days I heard ?) will be something more and more usual no ? Isn't it going to counter balance the hype of halving ?
I don't have BTC right now, I exchangef all of them in a very promising crypto 2.0 long time ago ;p
I'm wondering if I'll buy some more to exchange them in 2.0 projects after the possible pump caused by the halving.

General Discussion / Re: 1st Liquidity Event - Retrospection Thread.
« on: March 03, 2016, 02:09:53 pm »
If someone want to check the volume on the DEx during the liquidity event (or any moment), I made a script who is taking the volume of CMC every hour since early february.

I plan on adding a nice graph to it but I'm a total noob in PHP and MySQL so it may take time.

Maybe the administrator of the bts2.slack could create several channel of communication.
Each one for every aspect of the current problematic of bts ; GUI, free Tx, Stealth, side chains, marketing, announcement, ...
"Announcement" should be clean of conversations a only reserve to devs and contributors. If every important matter would be announce in the "announcement channel" (each new available beyond bitcoin hangout, each new GUI update, forks, updates on new features progress, new ideas,  ...) we could use the content of this channel to create a feed news on and give it more dynamism.

I also thought so. I hope we can learn something out of it and do something based on the conclusions ;)

General Discussion / Interesting feedback on BitShares from an outsider ...
« on: February 28, 2016, 09:59:58 pm »
I was speaking on polo trollbox with a guy who beleived BitShares was a dead project. I suggest him to PM me in the forum so we could talk about it if he wanted to know more about this not-dead-at-all project. He kindly accepted and gave me his impression after going throw, read the web site content, created a wallet and start using it. It's very interesting and we could grab some important points on his experience.

Here comes the message :

My recommend:

- Make a list of tasks that you think users should be able to perform
- Find some trial users that match your demographics
- Ask them to video record their session trying to perform the tasks from your list
    (randomized order is best but that's a dev thing from unit testing)
- Watch the videos and try to understand where the user is faltering vs succeeding
- Revise the UI to be more demographic attuned

I haven't studied your back office stuff (block chain & other implementation aspects) but the website promises a lot of features with clean, clear descriptions and iconography and the Wallet app just... has a bunch of fields you have to figure out

Some critiques on the Wallet app:
I have two accounts now (one several months ago and one yesterday) and can't tell how to switch between them
When I made my new account yesterday I put 100% in for witness fee because I didn't want to dig through the site and forums to understand the semantics of what I was deciding or how it affected my acct
Assets in a giant scrolling list all blend together and don't encourage investigation
Transfer has To, Memo and Fee fields but no amount field... send is disabled and nothing changes but the icon if I put my other acct as the To target
There isn't any nested context for the app navigation so the highlighted tab doesn't really reflect what I'm doing... only way to poke around is blindly clicking things that look like options and then hitting back to find familiar screens
Landing page assumes you know what each app is about, I have to leave the app to figure out what a witness vs committee is or click in to explore
I click on witness and it's like a Polo screen... maybe great for power users but there is no context or tool tips to understand that this is the runtime for the delegated proof of stake (which I only know from reading lots of other docs)

Check out the docs and follow the tutorials from the Maid release.

It doesn't actually do much (and several people in the box, including myself, were unimpressed with the features set comp to say eth) but the tutorials are clear, the call to actions are obvious, it felt good to use.

For what it's worth, hoping the honest critique is helpful.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing plan for Bitshares 2.1
« on: February 28, 2016, 08:30:44 pm »
At Bitshares French ConneXion we are finishing a video introduction for average Joe in French and english. That should be ready in a month. With that done we'll start our first communication campain in every place where people speak about crypto in french on internet.
So we can syncronise with the global wave of communication around stealth and 0.00 fee Tx. At least we'll do our part for the frenchies ;p

General Discussion / Re: Marketing plan for Bitshares 2.1
« on: February 28, 2016, 08:14:36 pm »
Some thoughts ;

MaidSafe didn't promises big things, they just said "hey guys, we are going to release a minimum viable wallet" and everybody get exited by themselves. Just check the current market trend they have. These people won't be disapointed because they didn't promise more than what they will have.
We should do the same. If we don't have bond market working in the wallet, we have to say that bond market is already coded in the blockchain protocol and is one of our millestone. Not that we have it just like the web page lead people to beleive, this lead to bad reputation.

Another thing, lot of poeple in the polo troll box thing that bts is a dead project (funny). We should have something dinamic in the web page, something that is showing some kind of roadmap, what we just did, the updates, forks, ... Just to give a feeling of dynamism.
This should be easy to change because we adapt so quickly that nothing should be made to last for weeks or months.

My english is not very good so I wouldn't even dream about writing such thing but if this article is created, I would translate it in french and add it to the BitShares French ConneXion web site. As everyone here, we are struggling to find the way to explain BTS with simple words to non crypto guys ;)

BANX / Re: Welcome To The Banx Forum
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:18:54 am »
I guess I'm not the only one to be confused about what you are doing.
If you find some spare time, it would be cool to explain quickly what it is you are integrating in BitShares and maybe some plans you may have.
If you have a quick official news, I would be more than happy to translate it and add it to the news section of BitShares French ConneXion web site.

In anyway, good luck and welcome aboard.

General Discussion / Re: Dilution in ...communication channels
« on: February 26, 2016, 01:24:22 am »
There is an easy fix for that. What we could have is a header or footer included at the forum page with all the conversation channel links. And why not all the bitshares projects / web site related. It's hard to keep up even for someones who read the forum every day.
That could be done quickly and kept update easily.

General Discussion / Re: EASY FIX to improve user experience on DEX
« on: February 16, 2016, 05:12:30 pm »
I read this thread quickly so maybe this has been already said but I think that ordering market by volume is also important. Poloniex way is very intuitive and also allows you to know directly when a coin is having more volume than usual.

Yes, as in Poloniex, my hope is to have markets grouped by primary assets: BTC, BTS, and a fiat (hopefully selectable by the user).  Within each group, the markets can be sorted by volume in terms of the primary asset.  So the idea is for BTC markets to be sorted by BTC volume, BTS markets sorted by BTS volume, and USD (just as an example) sorted by USD.
That could be great !

I don't think we have to feel ashamed by copying the cool stuff of poloniex. They did a great job, let's make the most of it.

I don't know if you see that but poloniex has a new movil version of his web page now. Check what they did to fit in the same page the charts and the market depth ... they copy us !!! They have a switch botton to switch from one to the other just like us ! Snicky bastards !!! ;p

General Discussion / Re: EASY FIX to improve user experience on DEX
« on: February 16, 2016, 04:26:44 pm »
I read this thread quickly so maybe this has been already said but I think that ordering market by volume is also important. Poloniex way is very intuitive and also allows you to know directly when a coin is having more volume than usual.

Freebie / Re: Automating ShareBits
« on: February 16, 2016, 04:17:48 pm »
Damn ... you guys from BitShares French Connexion rock !!! ;p ;p ;p

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: February 15, 2016, 02:08:31 pm »
I was looking for the SHAREBIT token and I only find this :

SHAREBITS  (innactive UIA / supply : 250,000)

There might be a small mistake, the actuall token with 250000 units is SHAREBIT (without"s") and it's active (at less there is buy and sell orders)

General Discussion / Re: Code Academy Learning Path?
« on: February 13, 2016, 02:39:25 pm »
Hi coders,

I recently learn HTML and CSS to build the BitShares French ConneXion web site. Now I'm starting to play with PHP an MySQL, trying some stuff.

I did this recently :
It checks the volume of our DEx every hour and store it in a database, then spits it in a table. Enjoy !!

I'm now trying something else. I made a script to go find the price of the different crypto coins I'm investded in. I multiplicate the price by the coins I have and it give me the total.
So I can have a quick look at how my global investment is going (it depends a lot of BitShares but the recent raise of maidsafe had an nice impact on it)

The only coin I have I can't go grab its value on coinmarketcap are brownies.

Anyone have an idea how could I get the browies price in bts, USD or EUR with some lines of PHP ?

EDIT 2016/02/15 : I found a way, I use the BROWNIE:PTS page of cryptofresh to grab the price.

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