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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Hard lesson learned about DNS
« on: May 02, 2016, 10:29:59 am »
I studied these things decades ago and lived through their development. I understood them better in the past, and what you say is not foreign to me. That's why this incident feels a bit like like cognitive dissonance.

However, you both seem to be missing the point I'm making concerning the empirical evidence this incident highlights. I see no point in repeating myself or the raw facts I've presented, but aside from pc's speculation that there were multiple problems coincidentally involved, neither of you have explained why huge swaths of the Internet could not reach my server's fixed IP address while others could. You seem to be saying that DNS was not the issue, and if so you haven't explained what took place. It seems clear that DNS was the entire reason for the incorrect routing despite IP addressing being correct on source and destination.

As I said in my last post, hypothetically if the DNS suddenly disappeared I suppose the transport layer could get packets from any IP address in the world to any other IP address, but even so, I suspect the delays would be so significant many if not all packets would be lost along the way unless major changes were made to TTL defaults used in routers and other networking devices.

No offense intended to either of you, I'm just trying to make sense of the raw facts I see and reconcile them with what I thought I knew about networking, particularly DNS. My previous understanding that DNS is merely a distributed name to number lookup is called into question by this incident, and so far I haven't heard a solid explanation to convince me that understanding is correct.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Hard lesson learned about DNS
« on: May 02, 2016, 03:50:24 am »
OK guys, I'll go back and study this more. Empirically I just don't see how the Internet would function if DNS disappeared. On the other hand, thinking back in the early days of the Internet back in the 1980's, the net functioned globally without DNS. Back then many nodes had hard coded lists of IP addresses in their hosts file though. It wasn't nearly as dynamic as today. However the TCP/IP protocol has not changed substantially since then, so I do recognize the complete picture or map if you will is not dictated by DNS alone.

One thing is for certain tho, that a single mistake in the DNS screwed up how traffic was routed, irrespective of everything else. Nothing was changed on my VPS or by my VPS provider between functional and non-functional routing of packets. Some request originators failed to reach my server while I and others had no difficulty at all.

...send a packet to the IP address of one root server and it will give you a list of IP addresses...

Those "root servers" as you call them are authoritative TLD DNS repositories. If the data they contain is wrong, how do you think packets will reach the correct destination? Perhaps if the TTL were long enough they eventually would find a way to arrive at the right place, but the ping time would probably be outrageous and the tracert long enough to circle the globe!

Regardless of the detailed mechanics at the lower levels, the effective result is that DNS influences the path packets take in reaching a target IP address, and if that path is too long they won't have time to reach their destination.

Hang in there Solly! I know it's hard with the all the skepticism bantered about, but there's nothing new about that. Thankfully it didn't start out that way! I fully agree about the whitepaper, just not useful for the type of market you're targeting, besides the fact whitepapers are mainly to explain theory and technical details, not really great as a business plan.

Like you said, BitShares will be doing all the heavy lifting on the technical side. Was there a whitepaper for BitShares 2.0? Hmmm...

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Hard lesson learned about DNS
« on: May 01, 2016, 03:58:54 pm »
I can assure you that DNS has nothing to do with how packets are routed through the internet. If that was the case, how could you look up DNS records in the first place?

With all due respect pc, the way that "DNS records are looked up in the first place" is b/c every machine knows where to route it's packets. There is a chain of authority and every link in that chain (if it is unaware of a direct path to an IP address) passes the packet "upstream", to the next "higher authority", where it processes the packet's destination the same way. Where do you suppose those packets would go without such a hierarchy? What does "upstream" mean? It means to the closest authoritative DNS zone. They are not broadcast (except UDP packets) as in a blockchain to all nodes, that would be inefficient and waste bandwidth.

There were not multiple issues at play. There was simply no know route by machines in the "dead" zones to get to my server. The DNS was the sole problem. If an IP address was ALL that was necessary everybody could reach my server regardless of DNS and that simply wasn't the case.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Hard lesson learned about DNS
« on: May 01, 2016, 01:09:16 pm »
I just realized that DNS is more than a lookup database of names to numbers, it is the central map of the Internet as well. DNS is not an independent name lookup service for IP addresses maintained in some other scheme or database, DNS IS the database that creates the map of Internet node interconnections.

Here all this time I thought if I had the IP address of a server and DNS went down or was unavailable I could still access the server directly by IP address. I now know that isn't true.

DNS has nothing to do with node interconnections.

You can access the *server* using only the IP address. Your problem is that many websites are hosted on a single server/IP-address, and the server distinguishes requests to these sites by looking at the "Host" in the browser request. That "host" is missing when you try to access the website by typing the server IP into your browser. That's why your website didn't turn up.

Not so pc. The issue was the failure to propagate DNS information to ALL DNS zones. What you describe would be an issue I had control over. If what you hypothesized were true, nobody would be able to make requests of my server and that wasn't the case. Nothing changed on my vps or the vps provider.

Most ISPs worked great and had the correct IP address for the domain name, but there were others that didn't. Those that didn't had a different IP address than my server b/c it wasn't propagated in the DNS system due to a screwed up DNSSEC record.

I used to think the DNS was separate from how packets were routed on the Internet, but that isn't the case. DNS is central in that process, and hence why I said it forms the basis of how interconnections between IP addresses (through DNS zones) are mapped. If that were not the case DNS could stop working and all anyone would need to access a server is the IP address.

This incident proved to me that isn't true. My server has not changed, it always has had a virtual host definition with the IP address and domain name in place. When the registrar removed the DNSSEC record from my domain name it allowed the correct information to  be propagated around the world enabling the TCP/IP packets to find their way to my server on the other side of the planet. Until the DNS information was allowed to propagate, an IP address (alone, no name) in a browser in one of the dead zones (the zones which had incorrect information) had erroneous information to route the request to my server. The DNS was integral for routing the packets, even when no domain name is used. My server responds to requests just fine with only an IP address. The VPS provider routes all packets for that IP address to my server, but they never reached my server due to incorrect routing, controlled by way of DNS zones.

Stakeholder Proposals / Hard lesson learned about DNS
« on: May 01, 2016, 12:56:55 am »
I just discovered that the DNSSEC record for a domain name I bought from NAMECHEAP is screwing up resolving its address. I have had this domain in place now for over 30 days and I have not changed anything in my DNS records for most of that time. Around 2 weeks ago suddenly certain users reported the website down, tho others had no issues. I checked many places around the world and most I checked said my domain name could not be found. Most users of the website had no problems resolving the name and reaching the site.

Moreover, I gave people the IP address to try to eliminate the DNS lookup entirely and they still could not reach my website. WTF? Not even directly by IP? Yes, that's right. It seems NAMECHEAP messed up the DNSSEC record which prohibited the distribution of the correct information. I just realized that DNS is more than a lookup database of names to numbers, it is the central map of the Internet as well. DNS is not an independent name lookup service for IP addresses maintained in some other scheme or database, DNS IS the database that creates the map of Internet node interconnections.

Here all this time I thought if I had the IP address of a server and DNS went down or was unavailable I could still access the server directly by IP address. I now know that isn't true. The DNSSEC records are nothing more than additional records containing cryptographic keys used to validate legitimate requests to change the DNS data so it can be propagated around the world. That is their only function; they do not encrypt any information.

Although namecheap offers names and services in exchange for Bitcoin, I will not be purchasing any more services from them in the future. Names ARE their business and mistakes like this are severe. It represents incompetence, mismanagement or both and should never have happened.

It's really a shame too, b/c with the fierce competition in the hosting space hosting services come & go often. When that happens it can tie up domains and make their ownership questionable. Namecheap got it's start in 2000 and added hosting to it's lineup as a secondary feature. That aspect of the company is quite small compared with the name services. I have used namecheap to insulate myself from the riskier volatility of the hosting market. If a hosting company or VPS provider suddenly goes out of business without notice all I have to do is buy another and point my domain to the new one. It has minimal impact with adequate backups of the old server.

Word to the wise - you might want to find a different place to buy your domains than your hosting company or Namecheap.

General Discussion / Re: Working on BitShares..
« on: April 27, 2016, 03:16:50 pm »
The problem is I think that bytemaster doesn't believe much in his original goal (or at least it is not well communicated to the rest of us)

This is unfortunately my perception as well.

I have  Z E R O  doubt bytemaster fully believes in his original vision for what BitShares should become. The problem may well be in his ability to communicate that vision effectively to the masses, but that's a marketing function, not that of a technical guru.

The problem in a nutshell isn't that BM has lost his passion for BitShares, it's that "BitShares" has lost its dedication to the mission. So as Stan says BM is simply looking for another way to fund his passion, and my hats off to him for the way in which he is doing that.

General Discussion / Re: STEALTH Status Update
« on: April 20, 2016, 03:24:38 pm »
I have doubts about the amount of time @svk or @abit (and even you arhag) are willing to invest for work on BitShares, when steem is attracting all the attention of the devs. Arhag, you say "Devs are paid for this..." but Kens approach to funding development would probably exclude those people due to their higher pay rate to get them interested, especially considering the opportunity costs associated with not working on steem.

Is it feasible to split true stealth implementation into 2 parts:

part 1: hiding the balance of transactions (i.e. blinded transactions)

part 2: hiding the metadata

If true stealth is the combo of parts 1 & 2, then working on part 1 first is working toward true stealth. Part 1 could be free / paid for by rate limited xanctions, part 2 for those that want / require it is optional and requires additional fees, perhaps to pay for backup storage.

Just thinking out loud here...

General Discussion / Re: STEALTH Status Update
« on: April 20, 2016, 03:53:21 am »
If you do not allow the user to set the password but force them to use a key with 256 bits of computer generated entropy that they keep safe locally, then there is no brute force issue.

So why is generating such a key, i.e. an algorithm produced brain key, seen as either inadequate or prohibitively inconvenient?

Seems like a small price to insure the security of one's assets, and why incur the extra cost and ANY extra steps to use stealth if unwilling to accept a safe, secure brain key instead of their own? If using the wallet generated brain key sequence is the ONLY way provided to use stealth, the user has no choice in picking a password. If that insures security what's wrong with that? If the user then ignores the warnings and admonitions about keeping that brain key safe how is that any more a liability than poor practices with the wallet password?

Apparently I just don't get BM's primary concern about using the blockchain as a storage vault for wallet backups. I know he's now of the belief fees are bad, but stealth has never been a feature designed with "no fees" as a requirement. If backups are essential for making stealth usable safely, then a charging a backup fee proportional to the amount of storage required for it is not unreasonable, just like charging a fee to use stealth was not seen as a bad thing.

General Discussion / Re: STEALTH Status Update
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:47:13 am »
Thoughts anyone?

I think you over-complicating it for little benefit. You can backup whatever you want to the blockchain (if it is cost effective that is) with encryption that cannot be brute forced (anymore than they can brute force the private key of your public keys). The client just needs to make sure that the key used for the encryption is derived from a 256-bit randomly generated seed. I would have an IDENTITY_SEED which is a randomly generated 256-bit number represented in the form of a sequence of dictionary words that you backup and keep somewhere safe (paper backup and flash drive stored in multiple safe locations). The IDENTITY_SEED plus an optional passphrase (that you must be able to remember if you choose to use it) is used to ultimately derive all the relevant keys (owner keys, active keys, blockchain backup keys, etc.). Most keys would ideally be deterministically derived using simple incrementing indices so that recovery is trivial and doesn't bloat the blockchain with many backups of new keys. For those keys that are non-deterministic, the client would back it up to the blockchain after encrypting the payload using locally stored private keys that have full 256 bits of entropy (and are deterministically derived from IDENTITY_SEED). Then restoring from scratch becomes possible as long as the user can retrieve their IDENTITY_SEED.

Thanks for taking the time to comment arhag. I'm no expert on cryptography, but it sounds like you and @bytemaster disagree about the viability and security of using the blockchain as the wallet backup medium. My perspective was similar to what you said in your first few sentences above, until BM came along the other week and said the encryption wasn't that safe against brute force methods. That was very surprising to hear actually. He explained an important difference was the delays imposed between each guess attempt by front door time outs and other measures which wouldn't exist in a blockchain backup scenario. It makes sense on the surface, but if such measures are so important in the security of the encryption which is the core security mechanism of the entire blockchain, it's far weaker than I thought. Frankly that seems highly unlikely.

Perhaps I misunderstood the weakness BM was concerned with. Perhaps it primarily rests on the identity_seed. No encryption is worth its LSBit if the encryption key used to generate the pub / priv pairs is weak. That is ALWAYS an issue, that can never be avoided. It's a fundamental concern, however decentralized wallets on computers everywhere are not readily accessible and thus are not subject to direct, repeated trials of potential key guesses to unlock the wallet. That changes when the wallet is on a public blockchain, thus my "elaborate" scheme to A) obfuscate the account owner of the wallet with the backup and B) to decentralize the backup data to prevent direct access to it.

General Discussion / Re: STEALTH Status Update
« on: April 19, 2016, 02:50:53 pm »
The primary reason BM believes backups on the blockchain are problematic is it allows direct access to a wallet for the purpose of brute force password cracking. Unless the wallet backup is disassociated from the account it is for hackers will be able to locate wallet backups of interest on the blockchain (the wallets associated with large account balances), obtain a copy of it and hammer it with concentrated, distributed CPU power to brute force hack the key / password to unlock it. That's what I took away from BM's discussion about stealth in the mumble the other day. The lessor point he raised is using Storj or IPFS will cost something, it won't be free, which will have a negative impact on the adoption of stealth. External storage also opens up a dependency outside the control of the BitShares ecosystem, and may well incur significant development costs to integrate with our stealth code, at least it's a possibility.

The association between the account and the backup is what needs to be obfuscated, and it seems like there ought to be a way to do that. The wallet backup could be split into small pieces and distributed as chunks in encrypted memo fields as Ken originally suggested, but with additional security as I'll explain. Also, as the number of these wallet backup chunks increase the harder it is to assemble all the right pieces back together for a specific wallet.

The encryption for each chunk would be separate so cracking one doesn't allow you to crack them all, and even after all the backup segments are reassembled, the wallet backup itself requires another separate key to unlock it. If each of these levels is like sha256 or sha512 encryption, each of which must be cracked to get to the next, doesn't that multiply the effort required to gain access to the wallet? Each chunk could contain the location (but not the key's to decrypt) the next chunk on the blockchain, in a kind of inner nested blockchain comprised of these encrypted memo fields. The advantage to this approach is it avoids the cost and risk of using external storage. The downside is the additional space and storage overhead it imposes on the BitShares blockchain.

The devil is in the details of a scheme like this, particularly in how the association is managed in a way that only the wallet owner can know. Ultimately it comes down to a secret the wallet owner must create strong enough, or, if created by algorithm and provided to the wallet owner they must remember and keep secure. So does that not bring us back full circle to the initial problem? If so I don't think any implementation can get around that.

Thoughts anyone?

choose whatever account names you want without creating them...

And just how do you do that? There's got to be some way to tell the minors where to put the steem they create, so "choosing" must require a wallet command. In BTS there is a create_account_with_brain_key, but that same cmd does not exist in this steem wallet. The steam wallet has 2 create_account commands:

Code: [Select]
create_account(string creator, string new_account_name, string json_meta, bool broadcast)

create_account_with_keys(string creator, string newname, string json_meta, public_key_type owner, public_key_type active, public_key_type posting, public_key_type memo, bool broadcast)

It isn't obvious which one should be used or what the arguments should be for "creator" or "json_meta". I have assumed "json_meta" to be an empty string value, same for "creator" and that dashes in the name are OK. I have tried a number of variations all of which produce an error.

I'm straddling 2 systems atm and can't login to the slack channel, but I have an invite waiting now.

There has never even been a proposal to reject or accept from cnx. I bet bts would even vote in a mas style program if a proposal was ever made.

If support for bond market functionality is so freakin high, why isn't a solid proposal created and floated before the shareholders? The answer: I see this plea as simply the voice of a small minority who refuse to take responsibility to rally the support for it to make it happen. "Let's just be a squeaky wheel and hope someone else will oil us".

I happen to believe a bond market is a niche market with a high cost to implement. It's yet another idea for a market experiment without ANY solid market research or numbers to make a case for how big such a market would be to the crypto world, or if trying to reach a broader audience what the cost of customer acquisition would be to attract people elsewhere who might be interested . In short, there has been no business case made for it, just statements people want it. Well that's just not enough. Let's focus on what we have and strengthen it, not take on a massive new effort like implementing a bond market experiment.

There are plenty of other projects and reasons to remain focused and committed to the vision of those who innovated this ecosystem. Nobody here is doing this solely based on principles and the long term mission of making financial freedom a reality. We are all here to make money in the process. I wish those who are here ONLY to make money and principles be damned were in the minority. I'm afraid however too many can't see the big picture and are in fact the majority.

Wake up and see BitShares for what it is, not for what it lacks! There is always room for improvement but look at all the amazing things happening with projects like those promoted by ccedk, BitShares' Munich Point of Sale, Maker, SollarsNsense, the Beyond Bitcoin gang, Bitland and others. Of all the other projects and chains in the CryptoSphere think of how great it is Bitland has chosen the BitShares platform to move forward with, and that Ronny@ccedk also sees it's potential and is willing to promote it. Think of Billions in Africa, think of the value those people and those projects collectively represent - how can all that NOT instill optimism?

Bytemaster moving on to Steem is not a blow to this community, it is an opportunity for us who remain to step up and take responsibility to push this platform and those who empower it to be successful. Calling all entrepreneurs! C'mon, lets go, if there ever was a time to focus and get after it that time is now!

General Discussion / Re: Should BTS end merger vesting BTS early?
« on: April 17, 2016, 06:57:00 pm »
Surprised nobody commented about the value these vested funds represent as I did. What good does delaying the vesting? The major point of vesting is to retain talent, and that aspect is mostly gone as empirical said. Same with deleting them. Sure that counters inflation, but how significant is that in the bigger picture? That primarily makes sense to the anti-dilution crowd, who offer zero input on how to pay for sustaining this ecosystem let alone improving it. They seem to loose sight of the fact their holding will become worthless if the ecosystem dies or cannot be maintained. Maybe the illusion of protecting their holdings is blinding them to the slow death that zero tolerance dilution will bring.

You could make the vesting period 5x longer and really slow the downward pressure.  You could also just stop the whole process for X years. 

What good would this do?  It would slow/stop the dilution that is apparently bleeding BTS.  My understand that is the objective of the suggestion in this thread. This would go further in the "good" it does.  It would keep people from saying their BTS was stolen from them.  Stolen from people who paid for the development of BTS2. My approach at least seems morally acceptable and is not blatant theft.

I see, that makes sense, total sense. I wasn't aware that the recipients of the vested BTS were selling them, or a significant portion of them, such that it has been negatively influencing the market. If that is indeed the case then delaying the vesting is a better solution, tho it is also changing the rules so is also quite controversial.

So much better than outright theft, whether that be to burn the unvested shares or use them for some other purpose.

The bottom line I think is the decision to do this is all about ethics and integrity, not about practicality.

Is self preservation ever an excuse for theft?

If self preservation is a rational basis for violence, even violence leading to the death of the aggressor,  which is the equivalent of theft of life, then it follows that the answer is yes, if survival is at stake theft is a rational response to what is threatening survival. Is it overly dramatic to apply that to the question at hand? If not there is no sound basis for the action proposed.

Although the case empirical made for eliminating the vesting and stopping future delivery of those shares is based on a failure of that vesting to achieve it's goal, that cannot be viewed as a good reason for taking the proposed action. As I said before, the contract was flawed, but it isn't reasonable to change the contract retroactively and that is exactly what this is.

Now that I've thought about this more and boil it down to the essentials, I find it difficult to see the present situation as one that threatens the survival of the ecosystem and so theft should be off the table IMO.

As to lengthening the vesting period, that retroactively violates the past agreement and this will negatively impact the integrity and trust others will have in BitShares and by induction the members of this entire community.

General Discussion / Re: Should BTS end merger vesting BTS early?
« on: April 17, 2016, 04:56:34 pm »
It really comes down to how one sees the vested balances. Does one see them as actual BTS?

Of course they're actual BTS, but you stimulated a question, are they already distributed, but have a lock, OR, are they not created until the "lock" (vesting period) expires? If the former, it is undeniably theft. If the later, it's an unkept promise. Either way it's essentially the same thing.

From a security standpoint, is it easier to hack a wallet if the BTS were delivered but marked as "locked" until the vesting is over or wait until the vesting is over before actual delivery into the wallet? In either case it would require a deeper knowledge of the code than I have.

And again it's probably an irrelevant point.

Surprised nobody commented about the value these vested funds represent as I did. What good does delaying the vesting? The major point of vesting is to retain talent, and that aspect is mostly gone as empirical said. Same with deleting them. Sure that counters inflation, but how significant is that in the bigger picture? That primarily makes sense to the anti-dilution crowd, who offer zero input on how to pay for sustaining this ecosystem let alone improving it. They seem to loose sight of the fact their holding will become worthless if the ecosystem dies or cannot be maintained. Maybe the illusion of protecting their holdings is blinding them to the slow death that zero tolerance dilution will bring.

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