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Messages - sschechter

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Technical Support / SOS
« on: March 04, 2014, 03:44:59 pm »
I write Java code for a living, and quite frankly, I have not seen anything more demoralizing than trying to build the Bitshares/Keyhotee workspace.  I have wasted countless hours on this to no avail.  Every hurdle cleared is met by the next obstacle.  If it were not for the fact that I have a DAC I want to build, I would have given up long ago.  I have invested far too much of my time and money for me to let this die.   THIS IS A CRITICAL ROADBLOCK FOR ANY POTENTIAL DAC DEVELOPER! For better or worse, my target platform is VS2012/Win7/64.  That means in addition to building the workspace on my platform, I need to build every single dependency on my platform too.  Quite frankly, the documentation to do this sucks.  The error codes suck.  The support sucks.  Not just I3,  but Boost, Qt, etc, everyone who needs to support my platform.  It sucks because every platform has its own set of quirks that the user must be familiar with,  and if every user is using a different environment, it increases the chances that they get unique errors that no one else has seen before.  Why did I pick my platform?  Because no one told me "use this" instead.  I would much prefer something that I know works than something I have a base level of comfort working in.  I was not married to using VS2102, but I may just be now since I've spent so much time on it. If it weren't for sites like Stack Overflow, I would be nowhere.  This is not just my problem.  This is everyone in the community's problem.  If I can't build you a DAC, then you are getting cheated as an AGS/PTS holder.  Like I said, I write Java code for a living.  I figured there would be some bumps along the way getting re-acquainted with C++, but this is just unacceptable. If I do this for a living and can't get this working, then I can't be the only one whose had issues and given up.  I'm willing to bet that there are others who have been made to feel stupid by this opaque process, and that they've been made to think that these issues are due to their own technical limitations. 

Here is what I propose as a solution.  I3 needs to hire a full time configuration management specialist.  They should be responsible for all working build environments.  Having a bounty for a working build system is not enough.  This CM person would be responsible for maintaining at the minimum, one working Windows, Mac, and Linux environment.  They would need to write tutorials for building the workspace for developers.  This has to be a step by step guide for building every dependency from a clean machine.  Make no assumptions about what the user knows.  I want a complete list of tools to use and the URL to find them.  It should be written in such a way that a non-developer can set set up the workspace.  And finally, they should be supporting developers who are still having issues in order to get it working.

ps - When building Qt statically, I get the following error, so please try to convince me that this doesn't suck:

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2'

There really is no such thing as an "expert" only people that are pretty knowledgeable and even then it doesn't mean they are always right. Where were all the economic experts who didn't prevent the expansion and implosion of the housing bubble?

This statement carries the underlying assumption that this wasn't an intended goal.

Technical Support / Re: Building Boost on Windows
« on: February 28, 2014, 06:13:44 am »
Ok I fixed all my previous linking errors.  It looks like I still need to do a static build of Qt to get Keyhotee compiled.  Every other project compiles except for bts_wallet, I get a few errors that look related to this one:

Error   4   error C2039: 'signal' : is not a member of 'fc'   C:\Users\Scott\Documents\GitHub\keyhotee\BitShares\bts_wallet\main.cpp   109   1   bts_wallet

Does anyone have any insight?

Technical Support / Building Boost on Windows
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:17:55 pm »
I'm having trouble building and properly linking Boost 1.54 for my Win 7 64 Visual Studio Express 2012 environment.  Apparently there's a bug in the coroutine library.  Theres a patch but I'm not sure if I applied it correctly, or if its my environment that is incorrect.  I keep getting errors when trying to build the Keyhotee solution that look like the following and its been driving me crazy:

Error   464   error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned __int64 __cdecl boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator::default_stacksize(void)" (?default_stacksize@standard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@SA_KXZ) referenced in function "public: __cdecl fc::context::context(void (__cdecl*)(__int64),class boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator &,class fc::thread *)" (??0context@fc@@QEAA@P6AX_J@ZAEAVstandard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@PEAVthread@1@@Z)   C:\Users\Scott\Documents\GitHub\Build\Keyhotee\BitShares\bts_wallet\fc_debug.lib(thread.obj)   bts_server
Error   465   error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned __int64 __cdecl boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator::default_stacksize(void)" (?default_stacksize@standard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@SA_KXZ)   C:\Users\Scott\Documents\GitHub\Build\Keyhotee\BitShares\bts_wallet\fc_debug.lib(mutex.obj)   bts_server
Error   466   error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator::allocate(struct boost::coroutines::stack_context &,unsigned __int64)" (?allocate@standard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@QEAAXAEAUstack_context@34@_K@Z) referenced in function "public: __cdecl fc::context::context(void (__cdecl*)(__int64),class boost::coroutines::detail::standard_stack_allocator &,class fc::thread *)" (??0context@fc@@QEAA@P6AX_J@ZAEAVstandard_stack_allocator@detail@coroutines@boost@@PEAVthread@1@@Z)   C:\Users\Scott\Documents\GitHub\Build\Keyhotee\BitShares\bts_wallet\fc_debug.lib(thread.obj)   bts_server

If anyone has seen this before and could help out, it would be much appreciated.  If you're specific instructions help me get this solution compiled, I will send you 1 PTS.   If I can get it working tonight, you'll have it before the snapshot.  Thanks. -Scott

General Discussion / Re: Official Bitshares Social Media
« on: February 26, 2014, 04:56:03 pm »
Brian, looks like Ethereum is getting on the Keiser report ( It would be amazing if we could do the same.

I suppose if enough of you write to Max and Stacy...

This would be amazing  +5%

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: February 20, 2014, 06:28:16 pm »

That would be a catastrophe. You should send out a notice via mail titled "urgent" or something like that, and likewise update the site with an "alert" on the frontpage. There are a million people clicking protoshares on now watching the frontpage of wondering why the price is rising. This is perhaps your main source of publicity right now. is rank 2000 in the USA. That's better than

 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

Technical Support / Re: how to setup the development workspace
« on: February 14, 2014, 03:07:40 pm »
I'm running into issues building this myself for Win7-64 VS2012.  Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

1. I get this message Could NOT find ICU (missing:  ICU_ROOT_DIR ICU_INCLUDE_DIR) - What should these be set as?

2.  CMake can't seem to find Boost.  I've downloaded and built Boost and tried setting BOOST_ROOT, BOOST_LIBRARYDIR, and BOOST_INCLUDEDIR to all sorts of different variations (probably not the right one) but I keep getting some version of this error:

CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1111 (message):
  Unable to find the requested Boost libraries.

  Boost version: 1.54.0

  Boost include path: C:/boost_1_54_0

  Could not find the following Boost libraries:


  No Boost libraries were found.  You may need to set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR to the
  directory containing Boost libraries or BOOST_ROOT to the location of
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:162 (FIND_PACKAGE)

CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1111 (message):
  Unable to find the requested Boost libraries.

  Boost version: 1.54.0

  Boost include path: C:/boost_1_54_0

  Could not find the following Boost libraries:


  No Boost libraries were found.  You may need to set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR to the
  directory containing Boost libraries or BOOST_ROOT to the location of
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:165 (FIND_PACKAGE)

Ok I will do that when I get home from work.  It will be in a few hours


I have a DAC idea that I've been working on that would fit well under the BitShares brand. It introduces some new concepts, including my attempt at a solution to a modular problem that can be applied to other DACs in this space. A demand for this product already exists in the mainstream and unlike other crypo coins who unfairly get criticized for facilitating black market trade, this DAC would actually help to eliminate black market activity from its field. I am not ready to publicly announce this project, but I would like to get the ball rolling before the conference which is months out. If this community doesn't build this project, someone else will. Oh yeah, and most importantly, I'm willing make PTS and AGS holders the majority shareholders.  Can I PM you and explain my idea in more detail?



I will most likely be attending this conference.  It seems to be that a reasonable expected cost would be from $500-$1000, but I guess this all depends on the agenda and the value provided. Any idea on when we can find out more info?

General Discussion / Re: Mining for World Domination!
« on: January 30, 2014, 03:35:24 pm »

Does this mean to treat our test shares as if they were the real thing because they might become so at any moment? Only a critical failure that requires a restart will reset their value?

General Discussion / Re: The NXT Clones Beware
« on: January 29, 2014, 05:21:20 pm »
This is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard.  I can't believe that topic even made it off the first page.  I think I might sell off whatever tiny amount of NXT I own if this is the kind of community that's involved.

BitShares AGS / Re: Repost: Announcing AngelShares & BitShares Allocation
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:39:37 pm »
This may be a really dumb question, but at what level of precision are AGS going to be calculated?  I am assuming 8 decimal places, but if it's less, I'm curious; also, if they're less, it would be nice to know if they are going to be truncated or rounded.

I only ask because I'm considering trickling in my daily mined PTS > AGS.

This is a very good question and I think my answer is that you should be considerate and send every small donation from the SAME source address.  Then when we build the genesis block it will only be 1 output rather than many small ones.   I would rather not make a rule on this, but for the sake of clarity I am going to make the min threshold to be 0.001 AGS

How do you specify this?  I keep having new addresses being generated.  All of my donations have been at least 1PTS or greater, so I'm not worried about the decimal issue, but its getting to be inconvenient tracking all of my donations.

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