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Messages - hpenvy

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General Discussion / Re: will there still be mkting push?
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:11:07 am »
Yes, things are on track and moving forward. We're coordinating our plan with the release of the new GUI, so there are a lot of moving parts to align.  b

I bet you are excited about the proposal to consolidate everything under the Bitshares brand name!  It was tough enough trying to explain to someone that understands Bitcoin the relationship between Bitshares, BTSX, BitUSD, Vote, DNS, DACs etc... I couldn't even wrap my head around the challenges your team faced. With the consolidation proposal, branding should be so much easier. Very exciting!

General Discussion / Re: Bytemaster's fireside chat 10-21-2014.
« on: October 21, 2014, 11:06:43 pm »
Thank you for recording and everyone that was involved in this session. I like the overall idea of consolidation in terms of not competing against ourselves and the unified marketing around Bitshares.  As far as the numbers, I'm still wrapping my head around it.

"Grow and divide"

That's strong.

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 21, 2014, 06:22:50 am »
I think if we were to make one BTS(BTSX) rule the others (DNS, MUSIC,VOTE..), they could be listed as assets on BTSX chain.

For example, asset Note is created with cap 1.5 billion, and the allocations are exactly the same as the ones cob is implementing. In other words, if AGS/PTS can get at least 10% each, then we are not breaking the social consensus. And no need to dilute BTSX.

good idea.

Yeah, interesting approach.

Very good idea.

General Discussion / Money2020
« on: October 21, 2014, 06:08:22 am »
Any update if Bitshares will be represented at Money2020?

General Discussion / Re: Lets get ebay not Open Bazaar...
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:40:50 am »
My point is that Open Bazaar is one use case.... and focusing on that use case we are missing out are the broader use case.

I understand where you are coming from.. and being on the inside, I'm sure there's quite a few exciting marketing opportunities developing. From this side of the fence, I'm in the dark.  Like others willing to donate for development, I just want to know what it would cost and if we have the resources. Maybe you have a payment processor in the works, maybe EBay is around the corner, I wouldn't know.  I just know about opportunities I can evaluate and fund.

I promise I'm not wearing my "I Love Open Bazaar" fanboy signed t-shirt. I like the opportunity, I'm just sharing my thoughts.

General Discussion / Re: Lets get ebay not Open Bazaar...
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:00:00 am »
Like others have said, if you can get eBay to accept BitUSD, great. That would obviously do us a lot of good. But how realistic is it to expect eBay/PayPal to integrate BitUSD into their platform? Especially considering BitUSD hasn't proven itself anywhere else and it's hard enough getting big businesses to accept Bitcoin. I'd really like to shoot for something actually achievable.

OpenBazaar is like a cheap and effective advertisement for the utility of BitUSD. A lot of very important businesses are watching what happens there. If we can get a solid footing on OB, I fully expect BitUSD to spread to other areas.

100%. I don't even know what to add to that point, it's spot on.  It's an advertisement above anything else.

General Discussion / Re: Lets get ebay not Open Bazaar...
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:11:57 am »
Like others have said, if you can get eBay to accept BitUSD, great. That would obviously do us a lot of good. But how realistic is it to expect eBay/PayPal to integrate BitUSD into their platform? Especially considering BitUSD hasn't proven itself anywhere else and it's hard enough getting big businesses to accept Bitcoin. I'd really like to shoot for something actually achievable.

OpenBazaar is like a cheap and effective advertisement for the utility of BitUSD. A lot of very important businesses are watching what happens there. If we can get a solid footing on OB, I fully expect BitUSD to spread to other areas.

 +5% i agree with this.  However, i'm getting the impression that the multisig support needed for OB is not trivial and that is why BM and the team don't seem that excited about it as everyone else.  Maybe BM can comment on how easy/hard it would be to support OB.

This.  I'd like to know:

1. How difficult to implement
2. Could it be community funded

General Discussion / Re: BanxShares
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:29:05 pm »

The banxstats site is actually pretty decent.  PTS but no BTSX.  :(

I just heard back from MarkLyford:

"Hi there, thanks for the contact. could you add me to skype ID mjlyford ?



BitUSD opportunities are out there, I don't think it ever hurts to talk.  Hopefully one of our senior guys here wouldn't mind making the initial connection. I'm not trying to pass the work (I am working on some grassroots initiatives with Gamey and a few others), I'm just not the in-person guy. Cheers.

General Discussion / Re: Forking Features
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:44:46 am »
Blockchain supports multisig, wallet does not

Thank you.

General Discussion / Re: Latest Bitcoin news - Caution Alert
« on: October 12, 2014, 02:12:51 am »
What is all this ridiculousness about?  Are you a legal expert or something?

Bitcoin and all crypto are potentially capable of putting us all in prison.  Also don't expect forum members of competing Cryptos to give you hugs when you come in talking about how you chosen platform is safer or better than theirs.  What are you thinking man?!

Nothing we say here will change what will happen down the road, we'll see what happens and adjust accordingly. I would think our time would be better spent helping push some of the Taskforce initiatives, maybe that's just me. Cheers.

General Discussion / Re: Forking Features
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:32:51 am »
It is already there no fork required

I remember seeing a developer on here mentioned we weren't able to do Open Bazaar because we lacked multi sig. Am I confusing something? If so, I apologize.

General Discussion / Re: Max Wright video tweeted on Coinapult
« on: October 12, 2014, 12:32:40 am »
The pond will be much larger if integrated into a system like OpenBazaar.

OB integration is not happening and we will most likely show up late to the party because of the amount of work that it would take to implement multi-sig, which OB said is basically mandatory.
Many of us think this is a huge mistake considering OB is not only a great idea but a very good hot topic right now. When you try to put things in context what tasks do you but your devs on? Wallets, polishing UI, MM bots....insert long list of important technical stuff here. Is it more import to make the UI look simple and pretty so that when you create these new user funnels, users will have a positive experience? Should you corner the guys and  explain that bitUSD,cny,gld etx all are not useful other then as a experiment if we don't have liquidity which a bot will greatly help?It is unrealistic to ask them to complete everything all at once and now.So what they are focusing should tie into who they are marketing to. I say this because I understand if you wait until everything is done the passengers will have all ready left on another crypto train.

What is the current list's of tasks for the dev's, in order of priority?
If you are going after the crypto crown OB is the obvious answer and that would make multi-sig a must have and first on the list?
If you are going after the retirement crowd it may be a better use of time to polish the UI to give them that bank like experience?

I3 has said more then a few times they want to focus on the non crypto crowd. The word balsy comes to mind. They are going to try to cast as big of a net via these funnels into the ocean of people that have never been exposed to crypto before. This could easily make the "to da moon" look laughable as we sling-shot past Uranus. I see it as a very all-in approach which I am fine with.

We wanna hit the lake...the people in the pool will find us regardless...and the ocean is the next stop.

2015 - A New Year. A New Economy.
From my perspective I think they are going from pond to ocean skipping everything in between. Look at the current funnels, I have seen a ad on youtube and that's it. You know how I found this place? I was a miner looking to get on the the ransacking of pts when it was easy to mine and great to sell. I did, thank god stop and take some time to read on it a bit and sold my gear to get on board. The point is many people find this place by accident. I feel like we are the janitor in Good Will hunting. A complete genius solving mathematical algorithms at night when no one is watching and going to be discovered and brought to light almost on accident.

I just saw the recent OB video, I think it's a mistake pass this up (I understand development resources are scarce).  It's great the official marketing team is going after larger markets, but OB would allow the grassroots to do their job as well.

New OB video

General Discussion / Beyond Bitcoin Reddit Questions for Dan and Brian
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:24:44 pm »
I know the team is extremely busy, I was hoping these questions could be answered:

[–]sacktap 3 points 13 hours ago

Where is cross-chain trading on the roadmap? Also curious about its implementation.

[–]Bitcoin_Boost 2 points 21 hours ago

At the InsideBitcoins event, did you or anyone on the team have a chance to talk with any of the larger exchanges such as BTCChina or processors such as Coinbase or GoCoin? Were they already familiar with what you are doing with Bitshares?

[–]Bitcoin_Boost 2 points 21 hours ago

There was mention in the forum concerning Money 20/20. Do you plan to speak at the event? Is there a plan for marketing representation at the event regardless if you are speaking? Thank you.

[–]Bitcoin_Boost 2 points 20 hours ago*

As the Bitcoin Conferences start spreading to locations such as Tel Aviv, Paris, Seoul and Singapore, it's not realistic to think you and the entire marketing team will be at each. Do you have backup speakers who can carry the torch in other locations?

[–]MeTHoDx 2 points 19 hours ago

For Brian: How would you describe the typical BitUSD user 1 year from now? Why is he using BitUSD?

[–]Brent_Allsop 1 point 18 hours ago

Does anyone know if any good arbitrage robots have been set up to help put liquidity into BitUSD. If so, who, are they organizing/co-opreating, how much money are they making...? How much money could they make?

[–]Shuai 1 point 18 hours ago

I would to know how important the team thinks being first mover is (vs nubits) in regards to capturing the coming open bazaar market, and other trading platforms using escrow.


How long until bitUSD is liquid/stable enough that we could start moving our savings over?

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