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Messages - CoinHoarder

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General Discussion / Re: Latest Bitcoin news - Caution Alert
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:04:32 pm »
I think we may be freaking out about nothing.

After a quick assessment, Invictus is a company registered in Hong Kong, China. Meaning that the SEC would probably not have jurisdiction.

General Discussion / Re: Latest Bitcoin news - Caution Alert
« on: October 10, 2014, 12:48:33 pm »
@ Adam - Ah, I guess you may be right. For some reason Angelshares didn't cross my mind.

Assuming worst case scenario happens does this mean that one should claim DNS and BTSX shares from AGS as soon as possible and leave these shares on the relevant clients just to be on the safe side?

The Feds couldn't confiscate DAC tokens, as each person owns their own private key to the crypto they sent in for AGS. It wouldn't affect future snapshots either as AGS distribution is known and the ledger is distributed. Worst case scenario is Invictus gets fined and even worse case scenario would be that the AGS development funds get confiscated, although I am leaning more towards just a fine.

General Discussion / Re: Latest Bitcoin news - Caution Alert
« on: October 10, 2014, 12:01:24 pm »
Code: [Select]
[6:17:07 PM] Wendell: SWARM… Who else?
[6:17:15 PM] Wendell: Is SWARM even incorporated?
[6:17:52 PM] Xavier  Hawk: Hmmm....CP, Bitshares, Swarm, mastercoin,
[6:18:09 PM] Xavier  Hawk: Ethereum
[6:18:13 PM] Gavin Knight: ethereum would be a likely target do to the mass volume, but they seemed to have tight legal
[6:18:17 PM] Xavier  Hawk: Storj
[6:18:23 PM] Xavier  Hawk: Maidsafe

Most of these companies are not based in the US from what I can tell. I know that Swarm, Ethereum, BitsharesX, and Maidsafe are not at least. CP didn't do an IPO, but burned Bitcoins to get genesis stake.. I'm not sure that would be counted either even though they do seem to be based in the US. Mastercoin probably falls under this category, unfortunately for them. The projects that have launched since them have been more cautionary in terms of regulatory issues.

This is still bad news over all though... just when Bitcoin/crypto is starting to rebound too. The powers that be can't stand it when the 99% have easy access to investing in disruptive technologies when they were blissfully unaware of their existence.

Re: Market/Adoption First

This looks like good marketing to me:

Maybe that spreadsheet is not entirely accurate, and maybe Options trading is not in the foreseeable or near future, but the other forms of derivatives are and you get the point that we have a lot to offer over competitors in that space. This is what I mean by it will help with adoption, by cornering a market that we are not currently going after. Sure we could wait, but the longer we wait the more we risk losing first mover advantage and thus the network effect for the first crypto <insert derivative here> broker. The competition is already here now. Luckily they just showed up and don't have much of a first mover advantage, and they are centralized:

If other forms of derivatives is on BTSX's road map as a business plan, then it is better to act sooner rather than later. Do we really want to wait and then have NuBitsharesXDerivativeBroker released a month after we release other forms of derivatives and once again be fighting for users and the network effect of that service? Didn't we learn our lesson in the whole Nubits deal? We have the potential to corner this market, garner network effect, and stake our claim by putting our flag on the moon (pun intended.) All of the basic building blocks are there... Bitassets = derivatives... we have a decentralized exchange... delegates can publish more price feeds... we can issue more bitassets.

It comes down to if we want to service the derivative market fully or not. If not then we can keep on doing what we are doing, but if so the time to act is now- not later. The world wasn't ready for Bitcoin when it was first created either, yet it gained a massive network effect while the world mostly knew nothing about it. The infrastructure, volume, and liquidity was all non existent 4 years ago. There were bugs, it was not as user friendly as it is now... Sound familiar!!?? Yet, Satoshi kept plugging away and so should we. The world will come (and thus liquidity and volume) when they realize everything we have to offer. In the meantime enjoy cheap coins while they last and pack space food.  ;D

As long as there is barely any volume in bitUSD I see no point in spending effort on getting volume in these other commodities.

I am wondering if there is some sort of plan for BTSX going into the future to increase utility, the potential user base, or increase the DACs profits. I would rather BTSX plan its future than to "wing it." I feel like the current slate of Bitassets is only utilizing a part of the potential of the DAC, and it is wasteful of the time spent developing the decentralized market place and market peg mechanism. Most of the derivatives would be trivial to add.. just a matter of updating the delegate price feed script and issuing new bitassets. We as shareholders could be making profits in the form of burned fees from these other derivative markets. Why not do it now compared to later... at least the ones that are easy to implement. Even if they initially had low volume or liquidity until the markets see better adoption, profit is profit and it would increase the profitability of the DAC. Volume and liquidity in the bitassets market will come when the infrastructure is developed fully along with adoption, and adoption can be furthered by giving users more options within the BTSX DAC. I think adding different types of derivatives is a huge selling point which will help adoption.

In my opinion I don't think the BTSX company should decide which derivatives are more important than others. I don't understand the obsession of bitUSD, as it is only one market in the dozens of markets we could be serving with more derivatives. Why not let the userbase and markets figure out which Bitassets are more important on their own? I think being able to diversify one's BTSX portfolio further would be a huge selling point. If we can pull in people's money that they would have invested elsewhere, I don't see any bad that can come of it speaking in terms of what is good for the company and burning as many shares as possible.

IMHO, I think the focus should be strengthening the peg and increasing the volume for the major currencies - USD, EURO, CNY by getting more players in.  Once you have the volume, the other currency-type/commodity players would be attracted to come in.  And of course, the wallet needs to be user-friendly, stable and less bugs. 

- my bitUSD0.02

I think the market peg is quickly approaching being as accurate as possible without completely centralizing the service, or restricting it to the point we can't call it a free market approach anymore (maybe it's already there I dunno.) There are only so many tweaks that can be made. As far as I know these tweaks- or market restrictions- are the same across every bitassets, so if we do come up with a better system it could be easily implemented across the board. Last I looked at it, Bitassets were tracking at something like 99.5%.. I called it a success a long time ago. I think tweaking it more seems unnecessary, because the more restrictions that are placed on the market the less the term "free market approach" is applicable.

Volume and liquidity will arrive when the infrastructure (exchanges, payment processors, services) are fully developed and BTSX is further adopted. I think it is unrealistic to want this now or in the immediate future. Bitcoin wasn't adopted in a matter of months, it took years to get to where it is at. I think we are being impatient in terms of adoption and marketing, and too patient in terms of issuing new bitassets or getting the ones that are already created running. While waiting on BTSX to be adopted further, we should focus on improving the service and product. Then the users will come eventually once they see the value in BTSX, proper marketing is done, and the network effect kicks in. They might not see the true value of BTSX without us pushing BTSX to be all that it can be, and part of that (including what you mentioned.. Fixing bugs, user friendly, stable) is giving users more options as to what derivatives they can diversify into.

Most of the things I am suggesting should not take much time away from the developers developing, as the market and trading mechanics already in place. They can continue fixing bugs and making the wallet more user friendly and stable. Most of this is low hanging fruit.. IE. it could be implemented quickly with little effort because the necessities for which are already in place. We are not using the software to its fullest potential and missing out on profit that can be easily obtained by simply issuing new bitassets and updating the delegate price feed script. What sane company does not go after the low hanging fruit?

By pushing bitUSD, we are only cornering one market.. a stable cryptocurrency market. I agree that is an important market, and one in which BTSX mainly has been designed to solve, but why not corner multiple markets in the meantime since it would be so easy to implement them? It will expand the possible user base and thus help speed up adoption rates. Judging by the amount of people already invested in crypto currencies, there are a lot of people that don't care about the volatility. By issuing these other derivatives and allowing them to diversify outside of cryptocurrencies while technically staying inside of cryptocurrencies will certainly convert at least a few of these people.

Nice list!


Thanks. I've seen a lot of discussion as to marketing and thus increasing market cap via adoption, but not so many on ways to increase profitability of the BTSX DAC itself. I think there is a lot of untapped potential that would be pretty trivial for BTSX to implement. It would also help with marketing and adoption by enlarging the demographics of users BTSX can go after and increasing the ability for users to diversify their portfolios. Attracting the more institutional-sized and professional traders would be huge as this is really where most of the money is at in derivatives. If we could get even just a fraction of that money in BTSX, it has the potential to easily surpass Bitcoin in terms of market cap and thus break Bitcoin's network effect.

I am interested in discussing ways to increase the demand for BTSX and also the profitability of the DAC at the same time. Here is what I see as the "low hanging fruit", or in other words.. targets or goals which are easily achievable and which do not require a lot of effort. Let's get a large piece of an $81 trillion+ derivative market!!! Why stop short at FIAT currencies, a few cryptocurrencies, and a few commodities? BTSX has the potential to be so much more than what it exists as today, and make share holders filthy rich in the meantime. :D

I'd like to see more discussions as to the future of BTSX... not as in marketing as we are doing plenty of that... but the future services BTSX will supply as in what derivatives can BTSX easily expand its business model to, and the specific derivative markets BTSX plans to go after. What is your vision for the future of BTSX? The clock is ticking and people are cornering cryptocurrency services and markets left and right. A centralized service for equity derivative investments via Bitcoin popped up just the other day.... we can beat them as we are not a centralized service... if we move on this quickishly (I know I made up that word!) It is time to plan how to expand our footprint, bring in new users through creating new Bitassets, allowing for more diversification of one's portfolio, and making the BTSX DAC more profitable!

  • Get the remaining bitAsset markets that have yet to go live up and trading.
    • This can be easily be done by delegates publishing all of the price feeds and achieving proper market depth in each of the markets. There are many bitAsset markets that have already been created but are not live.
    • Getting these markets live should be a priority for the BTSX DAC as it will increase the ability to diversify and utility, possibly bring in more users, and increase profits for the DAC through added transaction fees.
    • Getting the wallet & wiki translated into different languages could the help adoption rate for each nation's currency (FIAT) that BTSX supports. BTSX can then be heavily marketed in the countries whose currencies it supports as a non-volatile alternative to Bitcoin.
  • Creating other bitAssets (or derivatives.)
    • Currently the bitAssets that are trading, or are planned to go live soon are as follows. Along with my suggestions of bitAssets that should be added to the list.
    • Adding more bitAssets increases the utility of BTSX by allowing users to diversify their portfolios even more so, it has the potential to bring in more speculators whom are interested in investing in different types of derivatives that BTSX is not currently planning on supporting, and thus increases the profitability of the BTSX DAC through added transfer fees from the extra trading.
    • FIAT
      • AUD - Australian Dollar
      • CAD - Canadian Dollar
      • CHF - Swiss Franc
      • CNY - Chinese Yuan
      • EUR - Euro
      • GBP - British Pound
      • HKD - Hong Kong Dollar
      • JPY - Japanese Yen
      • MXN - Mexican Peso
      • NZD - New Zealand Dollar
      • RUB - Russian Ruble
      • SEK - Swedish Krona
      • SGD - Singapore Dollar
      • TRY - Turkish Lira
      • USD - US Dollar
      • Recommended:
        • I feel like BTSX already has a vast array of FIAT derivatives and I do not see the need for expanding upon them at this point in time.
    • Cryptocurrencies
      • BTC - Bitcoin
      • LTC - Litecoin
      • PPC - Peercoin
      • PTS - Protoshares
      • Recommended:
        • I think the amount of cryptocurrency bitAssets could be expanded upon. Currently there are some high volume and high market cap cryptocurrencies that we are not capitalizing on. I suggest at the very least adding the following popular coins, which are in order in terms of trade volume (IE. which ones would be more likely to be traded in higher volume = higher revenue cryptocurrencies in terms of transaction fees collected by the DAC.)
        • Dogecoin - 5th in Market Cap and $561,793 volume in the past 24 hours - The thorn in the side of innovative cryptocurrencies. The one and probably only crytocoin that will be able to survive based simply on copy and paste code and a meme.
        • Ripple - 2nd in Market Cap and $187,750 volume in the past 24 hours - A lot of venture capital and partners in the banking industry. Regardless if people like the original distribution, it is innovative  and that is why it sits atop the Market Cap list. I think Stellar is unlikely to be able to compete due to the resources and partners of Ripple and the network effect they have achieved in that crypto sphere.
        • Counterparty - 10th in Market Cap and $138,946 volume in the past 24 hours - The most popular asset issuance cryptocurrency built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. The recent announcement of Overstock working with the developers and Counterparty seems promising.
        • Darkcoin - 8th in Market Cap and $122,550 volume in the past 24 hours - Admittedly this is the only one on the list I'm not to keen on, but it has a lot of volume and support judging from its market cap. It is built for anonymous transactions via a variation of a "coin join" implementation.
        • Nxt - 6th in Market Cap and $118,146 volume in the past 24 hours - I think we mostly agree they are a good contender in the "cryptocoin 2.0" wars through their innovative approach and will to embrace innovation.
        • Namecoin - 9th in Market Cap and $118,056 volume in the past 24 hours - I know we have a DAC that will be competing with Namecoin, but they are branching off into other areas other than decentralized namespaces, they are the oldest (living) merge mined coin to Bitcoin, and they have decent trading volume.
        • Anoncoin - 21st in Market Cap and $100,254 volume in the past 24 hours - It seems it is eminent that Anoncoin will shortly be the first cryptocurrency to implement Zerocoin technology for anonymous transactions, thus it is the reason for the increased volume as of late. If they successfully do so it could stick around for quite some time at the top of the market cap boards with decent volume.
        • Monero - 12th in Market Cap and $68,123 volume in the past 24 hours - Monero is probably the best anonymous cryptocurrency that currently exists through the use of ring signatures.
    • Commodities
      • GLD - Gold
      • SLV - Silver
      • WTI - Light Sweet Crude Oil
      • Recommendations:
        • I think we should seriously consider adding more commodity derivatives onto the exchange. Allowing users to diversify and trade to their heart's content, possibly bringing in larger (more institutional-sized) commodity traders, and increasing profits from the DAC through more transaction fees. I would like to see BitsharesX become a full-on "one stop shop" for cryptocurrency derivatives, including different types of commodities, which will ultimately make the DAC more profitable. The following commodities have much higher volume and liquidity than the rest of the other commodities in real world markets, ranked from highest to lowest.
        • Heating Oil
        • Sugar
        • RBOB Gasoline
        • Corn
        • Wheat
        • Soybeans
        • Copper
        • Soybean Oil
        • Cotton
        • Cocoa
    • Equities and other derivatives
      • Equities and other derivatives are one thing that have not been discussed much, but I see them as a "no brainer" to be added to the BTSX bitasset exchange. To my knowledge there are no plans to add them.
      • Companies are entering the Bitcoin space for this very purpose, but they are centralized so we have an advantage. It would be trivial for delegates to add some equity derivatives to their price feeds and BTSX start trading them as the software for them is already developed. I think we should do so sooner rather than later so that we can corner the market before the centralized (or future decentralized) competition gains a network effect. This allows users to further diversify their portfolios, possibly attracts stock market traders, and thus increases profits for the via the added transaction fees.
      • Composite Market Equities - Dow, Nasdaq, Standard & Poor, Etc.. other world markets
      • Individual blue chip stock behemoths (perhaps a diverse portfolio of the largest companies in the S&P 500)
      • Mutual Funds
      • Bonds and Interest Rates
      • Weather derivatives (lol?)
      • Options - Would require programming the market to allow them so not feasible in the near term.
      • Off the wall idea: Sports betting "spreads". They are like a derivative in that they start out each week as one thing and then slightly shift depending on which sides everyone takes. Admittedly this would take quite a bit of programming, but I thought I would mention it.. people could take positions on which way the lines will move each week, and positions would be forced to close before each game. Furthermore, I thought a sports betting DAC would be pretty trivial to setup as there are many sports betting line feeds that delegates could publish easily.
      • Sports Ticket Derivatives
      • Think outside of the box! There can be derivatives for a lot of things that there aren't currently.. I am sure I am missing a few. I have read of a service that sold equity derivatives in professional athletes (I'm not kidding!)

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:45:45 pm »
There is no proof that the $2MM initial supply was even created by infusing $2MM USD.  I suspect barely any of their market cap began as more than: Each nubit = $1 = one breath of air

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That is very true there is no way to prove that the $2 million Nubits were actually purchased with USD/Peercoin/Bitcoin, since it was done off the market. We can only take their word for it, but I really hope that this wasn't the case.

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets ... aren't a killer feature
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:11:19 pm »
Please "up vote" my comment on the Coindesk article.  :D

Most countries allow REGULATED trading.of derivatives. This service will last until the day it doesn't. That day will be the day that whatever jurisdiction is applicable to this website shuts it down and likely confiscates/ties up the funds in a lengthy court process. Also.. there is counterparty risk involved with trusted third parties in that you need to trust this service to not steal your money or misuse customer funds (for instance commingling them with operating funds or some sort of quasi ponzi scheme.)

BitsharesX is a better solution for derivatives as each derivative is collateralized by 300% of the derivatives value by the BTSX token. Furthermore, it is a decentralized autonomous company so you do not have to worry about trusting a third party and the counterparty risk that comes with that, nor do you have to worry about a government shutting it down as it exists fully on a peer to peer network powered by a block chain and a decentralized exchange.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: October 07, 2014, 02:56:05 pm »
Can someone explain to me though why they have such high volume, ($1 million 24 hours) but the CAP of Nubits is staying the same, this week, circa $2.3 million? I don't understand.

NuBits market capitalization isn't changing, because the supply of NBT hasn't measurably changed and the price per NBT hasn't fluctuated much. CMC reports market cap as:

 * Marketcap = Price x Total Supply
 * Prices are calculated by averaging the prices at the major exchanges weighted by volume


Yes, since the price stays at $1 (until if/when it fails) then the market cap should closely resemble the demand for Nubits. If you guys remember prior to Nubits' launch they were soliciting for wealthy "market makers" to provide liquidity:

The NuBits project needs people/entities with substantial funds available to them to conduct automated exchange operations on an ongoing basis. No capital gains or losses are possible within the scope of the needed trading activity. Your funds will not be passed to anyone working on the NuBits project. You will need to deposit funds in your own account at an exchange and run a trading bot we will provide. Your principle risk will be exchange default. You will be compensated a negotiated rate for this risk. You will not be in a position to fill this role unless your net worth is well into the six figures USD or higher. Full details about the role you may fill and the NuBits project itself will be given to qualified candidates. Persons/entities that fill this role will be eligible to purchase shares of our venture immediately.

If you look at the market cap history, you can see the market cap for Nubits started around $2 million dollars. In other words, I speculate that this ~$2 million is the above solicited market makers. Subtract $2 million from the current market cap... $2,282,597 ... and you get $282,597 worth of demand for Nubits. In other words $282,597 is the "real" market cap from demand by the end users.

In comparison, the bitUSD market cap is sitting at $357,394 a large majority of which (~100%?) is actual demand from end users and not as purely a mechanism to provide liquidity and temporarily stabilize the price to $1. We were first and gained somewhat of a network effect, we have the lead as far as demand goes, we had a much more fair release of BTSX vs Nushares, we have a better underlying solution for a stable decentralized cryptocurrency, and our "market peg" is pretty damn accurate as it is currently sitting at $0.990355 per bitUSD. There is literally nothing to worry about, although I think we can all agree we would benefit from some marketing.

The only thing that puzzles me is Nubits' volume which is insanely higher than ours. This can be manipulated though, so I wouldn't give too much credence in the volume being higher. For instance, today's volume of $858,192 worth of Nubits could be bought for $1716.384 since CCEDK/BTER both charge 0.2% trading fees. It is for that reason I think the market cap is a better indicator of demand. Since the Nubits "market makers" started out with about $2 million worth of Nubits, you can assume that they will indefinitely keep $2 million worth of Nubits to provide liquidity and hold the market peg temporarily until changing the interest rates or printing new money can bring it back to equilibrium.

Maybe I am completely wrong, but I find it hard to believe the volume is not being manipulated considering the dynamics of the situation and the kind of volume CMC has been reporting. The Nushares holders could compensate the market makers for the 0.2% trading fees by printing more money and giving it to the market makers or raising interest rates on Nubits, so again it could be easily manipulated by the whole system.

Another theory is that since Nubits is still very new, they are still playing around with the interest rates and printing of money ratios to hold the market peg at a $1. Perhaps they were at first (possibly they still are) setting the interest rates on Nubits too high which would cause more demand. Which would then cause the Nushares holders and the market makers to have to print and sell more Nubits to maintain the market peg, thus creating somewhat artificial volume by both the demand of too high interest rates and the selling of the printed Nubits to maintain the market peg.

So, I think the market cap is a better measurement of the success of bitUSD vs Nubits and more closely resembles demand from end users (minus the ~$2 mil market cap Nubits started at.)

KeyID / Re: [DNS] v0.0.2 - Trade the snapshot and fight for delegate pay
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:24:31 pm »
Can someone tell me what I need to type in the wallet to get the information I need to send DNS to it from BTER (or to receive it from a donator)?

I'm setting up a Delegate as we speak.  The account has been created, password made, but it is not yet registered..

0% pay robrigo-delegate standing by and eager to produce blocks!

@ Fuzz: I will try my best to keep this page up to date with the latest versions of each DAC client:

Not the same as a stickied thread but it's something.  ;)
Thanks man :)

Np! You can register your name with faucet and then send DNS from BTER to your newly registered account name. I tried sending from bter to the public key of an account but it isn't supported yet (transaction gets canceled).

This was precisely the problem I was dealing with...woke up today and didnt see the funds in the account.  Thanks Rob.  +5%

Edited (after is what it returned):
"Unknown error: The wallet must be opened before executing this command (0) The wallet must be open before executing this command"

Do I need to register from my server wallet? What am I missing?

Did you already create a wallet and password for your keyid wallet? It works similar to BTSX in that you need to setup a password to protect it.

To create a wallet:
Code: [Select]
wallet_create mywallet
<enter password>
<confirm password>

If you already created a wallet use the following:
Code: [Select]
open mywallet
unlock 999999
<enter password>

Then try again

General Discussion / Re: BitShares Vegas Entourage
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:24:00 am »
Don't put all your bitUSD on black.

Put it on red instead.  :D

General Discussion / Re: DAC dilution model proposal
« on: October 04, 2014, 05:13:24 pm »
I found an issue with your proposal.

DAC dilution model proposal.

General Discussion / You know you are successful when...
« on: October 04, 2014, 03:42:12 pm »
Scams use your name to garner trust from victims.

Marketplace / Re: 150 PTS community fund!
« on: October 04, 2014, 02:22:31 am »
Awesome, much appreciated! :D

You can send mine here: Pd4eSzb13HTrS7qpWdpcvrZsi8HeKUNZFV

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