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Messages - Brekyrself

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LottoShares / Re: Neither Dice nor Lottery are producing results
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:36:20 am »
I am curious if the dev fund of lts was left alone or liquidated before this announcement, also the time seems odd as its right before ags/pts share's mature...

Care to comment on how much of the dev fund was cashed out before your announcement freetrade?

Sure. 0.

I was interested in building a successful project, not cashing out a few pennies. My view is that dev talent is scare and best redirected away from failed projects rather than throwing new effort at it.

I tried my best and ultimately failed. I can understand why participants might be disappointed, as am I, but personal attacks are unwarranted where hugely ambitious, hugely risky projects fail. I've risked more and lost more than anyone else with this project.

Better to try and fail then to never try in the first place, thanks for the fun.

Any insight into the next project?

LottoShares / Re: Neither Dice nor Lottery are producing results
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:15:04 am »

I've been trying to resolve two problems with LottoShares but have not managed to do so.

The first is a forking problem when the checkpointing server is running. The checkpointing server allows draws to take place but causes forks to take place when checkpoints aren't accepted by some clients.

The second is decentralizing the draw/random number generation. Using the block hash and a private key to generate unpredictable randomness is centralized and ultimately unsatisfactory. I think the second problem may only be resolvable in the context of a (bitshares style) delegate model.

Unfortunately I've been unable to resolve these problems in LTS despite a huge amount of effort. I have now decided to redirect my efforts to other projects.

Thanks to everybody who took part and I'm sorry it didn't turn out as well as we had all hoped.

Any more insight into this?  Is there another dev working on LTS?  Will you be porting LTS over to a BTSX model?  This just seems very blunt.

Is there anything else besides PTS actually worth mining?  I can't seem to find anything no matter the pts difficulty issues.

No easy answer.  BTSX fell to under pts/ags snapshot price after launch so it may make more sense to wait until after launch.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: PTS snapshot date. Ensure you have Notes at launch
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:50:56 am »
I would suggest to sticky this thread and also put one in the general discussion thread.  Not everyone will see this buried about the snapshot date.

« on: September 27, 2014, 12:54:36 am »
Looks about right when dividing what you provided in the github file by 117600000000.  Nice job, can't wait!

BitShares PTS / Re: Can we just move PTS to DPoS?
« on: September 24, 2014, 10:38:39 pm »
Let the dev's focus on BTSX for the time being while all 2 million PTS are mined.  While it would be nice to have it tied in at the moment it is not the best usage of the dev's limited time.

KeyID / How this all works sticky?
« on: August 30, 2014, 11:22:11 pm »
Can we sticky a thread with a high level non technical overview how this all will work?  This will help newcomers and future investors who are not tech savvy.

Even myself I run a simple vbulletin website, how would I go about moving this over to the new dns system?

General Discussion / Re: PTS Post Snapshot will likely fall again.
« on: August 21, 2014, 10:52:41 pm »
With the PTS price so low are people still going to sell?  Buy depth is very lacking and any major sell offs would drop the price significantly.


Follow those directions.  You may have to go to the most recent pages for the latest nodes.

it is caused by mining . around 30k pts were mined in the past 3 days

Im surprised the price of pts has not budged.  Last time around with btsx the price rocketed up and back down as anticipated.  Two very interesting products but no takers?

BTSX is bleeding them dry. Everyone wants in on that right now, even if it means sacrificing some stake in DNS and Vote. Also, I believe the difficulty rate in PTS has chased away some miners, or so I heard secondhand.

Makes sense, coinmarketcap shows 200k 24hr volume.  Miners are dumping and buyers can not keep up?

Im surprised the price of pts has not budged.  Last time around with btsx the price rocketed up and back down as anticipated.  Two very interesting products but no takers?

BitShares PTS / Re: Question about PTS snapshot on 8/21
« on: August 20, 2014, 12:10:48 am »
Is there a way tell slightly ahead of time what block the snapshot will take place on?

IE the last block on 8/21 before midnight GMT?

BitShares PTS / Re: Mining pool list - Updating
« on: August 07, 2014, 02:04:57 pm »
What pools and fast miners are we left with now?

YPool which uses YAM CPU miner
1GH which can use YAM CPU and their own GPU miner
UPCPU Mining Pool looks to use their own miners

Anyone have experience with these? is going offline today :( which you could use YAM for cpu and clpts for gpu.

General Discussion / Re: Worst Case Scenario Contingency Planning
« on: August 05, 2014, 08:02:27 pm »
Can't simply increasing the amount of total delegates help?  IE 1001 once the network is large enough?

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