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Messages - dannotestein

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Amazing Dan!

I have distributed howto BTC->NOTE on in Korean community. Hopefully many will be interested in.
Thanks, clayop, much appreciated. We just had our first order go through for notes already :-)

Although NOTE has a great potential and bullish future, there is a barrier against people those who are not familiar with Bitshares internal market. So I would like to suggest to add NOTE/BTC in Metaexchange and Blocktrades. Any thoughts?
Good idea, clayop! We've added these trading pairs to


438 now offers the following new conversions:

bitBTC -> BTC
bitCNY -> BTC
bitUSD -> BTC

General Discussion / Re: Selling BTS
« on: March 26, 2015, 09:19:22 pm »
Hi Guys,

I want to trande in some of my BTS for fiat.  Whats the best way to do this?  Bter to Bitcoin then exchange?

You can now trade BTS for BTC at
(just started offering it today)

General Discussion / Re: BTS 0.8.1 is forking
« on: March 26, 2015, 06:02:36 am »
delete your data folder keep your wallet and redownload chain, its faster now... BM also had to do this, I did and now I think im on the right chain.

I removed the chain and redownloaded.  After a long while, it resynced and was back to the main chain.  But it just went into the wrong chain yet again.  How to avoid getting into a fork?  How to recover from a fork quickly?

had you deleted the "peers.leveldb" folder when you removed the chain ?
if not ,try it

Yes, I did.  And it did not really help.
If you're on version 8.1 and you re-synched, we don't really expect it to happen again, so we need to see your logs. Can you zip up your p2p.log file and post it somewhere for us to look at?

General Discussion / Re: I don't want to buy Bitshares
« on: March 25, 2015, 09:14:43 pm »
So you want to use the cross markets then like BitBTC:BitUSD ?

That is what we all want. Why can't we do this?

In specific in the Bitshares client why can't we trade BitBTC:BitUSD? Can someone explain why we are trading BTS:BitUSD and BTS:BitBTC? No one wants to trade BTS and BitBTS. We want to trade BitFiat for BitBTC.

You can.  Its not easy to find though.  You have to search for " bitUSD:bitBTC  "  in the market search under featured markets.
searching for bitBTC:bitUSD will not give any results.

Why isn't it featured? Why aren't we all using it now?

I can't answer for the wallet, but I can say that we see far more purchases of BTS than BitUSD at So I suspect there is simply more interest in market speculation than in a stable place to hold value among the core user base right now (or else they don't trust USD to hold value at the moment), although the above posts make it clear that it's not true for everyone here. Also, I'm not sure how liquid bitBTC is currently.

I do agree that BitBTC/BitUSD is an important market, since it would give Bitcoin speculators an easy way to "park" value in a more stable asset and that it should be highlighted if we have or can get some good market makers operating for it.

General Discussion / Re: I don't want to buy Bitshares
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:19:08 pm »
I don't want to buy Bitshares, all I want is to buy/sell BitUSD for Bitcoin, or some other asset for Bitcoin.

Here you go:
This also works:

  I use blocktrades to exchange BTS ,.but I receive nothing, please help to find the btc,and send back to me ,ths
Done, I've PM'd you with details.

best regards,


Btw who is Valentine?
Valentine is the primary developer for the full client GUI (delegate: valzav.payroll.testz).

And to keep the "official" client neutral .. a plugin system should be added such that you can "install" metaexchange or other bridges/gateways as addon ..

alternatively, metaexchange could host it's own wallet having a bridge from BTC built in! @monsterer
I spoke to Valentine yesterday about adding a "MarketPlace" page to the wallet where blocktrades, metaexchange, etc can be listed and he indicated that it shouldn't be difficult to add. Hopefully we will see something like this soon.

Also, if there are other suggestions for the name of such a page, please post your idea about it.

Is it possible to have a link to that will point straight
to BTC/BitShare market (or some other specific market)?
You can now embed a link to BlockTrades that sets the initial coin conversion market. For example,

displays the rates for converting from BTC to BitUSD

The currently recognized coin types are:

btc (BitCoin)
trade.btc (BlockTrades-backed IOU for BTC on BitShares Network) (BlockTrades-backed IOU for BTC on DevShares Network)

ltc (Litecoin)
trade.ltc (BlockTrades-backed IOU for LiteCoin) (BlockTrades-backed IOU for LiteCoin on DevShares Network)


When it says 'recommended maximum 4.xx BTC', am I save sending up to this amount (will I get the listed exchange rate if I dont go above this?) 

If I send it 4 BTC, is this a lot riskier (in terms of maybe getting a worse rate) than sending just 1 BTC?
BlockTrades keeps a pool of each asset it sells for fast delivery. The suggested max deposit is a fraction of the amount in the pool (1/5 at the moment, if I recall correctly). The only reason we report it is just that so we don't get too many large simultaneous orders that exhaust the pool too rapidly. So it has no real relationship to the exchange rates we quote (see below for how we compute exchange rates).

We've set the suggested deposit limit  quite conservatively at the moment, in part just so that no one would place really large orders early in the site's life. As we continue to optimize our internal buying algorithms, we'll likely relax the suggested deposit limits.

Our exchange rates are set by how much it costs us to "replace" the order. When you fill in an amount you'd like to buy, we look to see how much it will cost to buy up that amount from the market. So you'll notice that if you increase the amount you want to buy to a large value, your exchange rate will go down as we start to have to buy up more "fringe" orders. Eventually you may even get a message "insufficient market liquidity", which means we can't buy enough to satisfy an order that large.

Any chance you will provide a btc to bitsilver/bitgold pairing?
Yes, we'll be adding it fairly soon.

Is it possible to have a link to that will point straight
to BTC/BitShare market (or some other specific market)?

I could share the link, but the default market rates Bitcoin/BitBTC don't look promotional.
Great idea! We'll change the default link to BTS, and we'll also make a few changes to support direct URLs to different conversions. Shouldn't take too long to do either.
We've made conversion to BTS the default now, so you can share the base link to "as-is" and it will quote for a Bitcoin to BTS conversion.

Is it possible to have a link to that will point straight
to BTC/BitShare market (or some other specific market)?

I could share the link, but the default market rates Bitcoin/BitBTC don't look promotional.
Great idea! We'll change the default link to BTS, and we'll also make a few changes to support direct URLs to different conversions. Shouldn't take too long to do either.

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