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Messages - brads

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Technical Support / Web Wallet Firefox Privacy
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:51:55 pm »
I'm unable to delete web wallet under Firefox, I mean even deleting everything (history, cache...) when I close the browser then open it and going to my wallet is here again. With google Chrome it is ok.

My other concern is do I have to backup wallet or is it enough to backup brain key ?

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:41:08 pm »
I'm not panicking I'm just thinking.

And what about an attacker from inside, I mean something able to get back creation cost ? Let's imagine a delegate being compromised. Then the attacker just have to create accounts from the delegate, so the fees return to him and the attack cost less (80% ?) ?

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:26:46 pm »
Change the newly created account fee to 20 BTS, and this issue should be solved.

Really ?

Imagine BTS start to be commercially used and this is occuring ? Do you mean that the delegates are able now to face this ? Or more likely they have to shutdown all servers and upgrade them with 248 GB RAM ? In this case how long will the network be off ? What would think our partners ?

In my opinion, upgrade the servers now to 248 GB and this issue should be solved. If an attacker wants to burn 1 milliion dollar to kill BTS credibility, you need 1TB RAM now. 1 million dollar is relatively low (5000 BTC) to kill a promising coin aimed to be number 1.

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 11:46:41 am »
I mean :

Every account with less than 100 BTS (to be adjusted) and no transaction ever occured, one week (to be adjusted) after creation are deleted.
Every account with less than 100 BTS (to be adjusted) and one year (to be adjusted) without transaction are deleted (even if transaction occured one year ago).

We should not change the rules retroactively. It'd hurt us even more.

According to Cryptomonex, 1 million accounts need 1 GB of RAM (and 150000 BTS for creation).

Imagine I'm a big competitor coin holder and I want to kill BTS. I could create 200 millions accounts for 30 millions BTS (150000 $). Is this a threat of not ? It is a true question, because I don't know the answer.

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 11:19:02 am »
I mean :

Every account with less than 100 BTS (to be adjusted) and no transaction ever occured, one week (to be adjusted) after creation are deleted.
Every account with less than 100 BTS (to be adjusted) and one year (to be adjusted) without transaction are deleted (even if transaction occured one year ago).

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 11:09:46 am »
I propose to delete accounts with less than 100 BTS one week after they are created if no transaction ever occured or no transaction for a year, and of course to higher creation cost.

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 10:47:26 am »
We should ask ETH fanboys to all register as many name as they can. This will destroy this coin (and my investment) so easily.

How many BTS for 10 millions names ?

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 10:40:06 am »
Yea looks like we have another retard spamming the blockchain, probably same guy as last time.

I'm surprised the account registration fee is so low tbh, it's probably the cheapest transaction we have. It makes sense in a way because faucet's won't require enormous amounts of funds to register users, but it does leave the door open for idiot spammers like this kdj.

@svk, it's highly unprofessional to call them "retards" and "idiots". They do it because they seek a business opportunity and only time will tell  if that makes sense.

If someone is an idiot it's us that we let it happen by setting the fess so low.

I think BM's startegy assuming that
names that contain a number, are longer than 8 characters, or contain no vowels are essentially free
is fundamentally flawed.

I disagree, the guy's an idiot, in the same way patent trolls are idiots. Even worse because the chances of someone ever paying him anything for these accounts are so remote that he's probably better off playing the lottery..

So you should design a coin for Disney World.

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 10:38:33 am »
How long was beta test. I'm suprised such a ridiculous flaw appears right now. Do you really want to compete with ETH ? You should ask for a security audit if you want serious investors to put money in.

General Discussion / Re: cheap register&high trans fee ***.com is taken
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:21:47 am »
Even if just names and not real domains they could be used later for scam.

I'm very disappointed such thing can happen. This looks to be very amateurish for something aimed to become a major financial protocol.

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