General Discussion / Market DAC - a place for decentralized buying/selling goods - the future eBay
« on: November 25, 2013, 11:48:51 am »
I have many ideas related to a DAC that may offer a completely decentralized market to humans, based on p2p and Keyhotee.
The market would be something similar to eBay/Bitmit/Amazon, and would allow:
Please contact me if you are interested, we could start to program intermediately after the first alpha of bitshares is released, or even start to settle down the ideas right now, design the system, etc. The opportunities are big!
The market would be something similar to eBay/Bitmit/Amazon, and would allow:
- The creation of virtual stores, associated with Keyhotee IDs
- The posibility to sell without stores for non-profesional (still a Keyhotee ID is required).
- Sellers can publish with or without fee. By paying a fee he/she obtains certain attractive benefits.
- Comisions and revenew would go directly to the shareholders of the DAC
- In my original idea, there are no real miners as we understand today, but there will be "servers". One person can dedicate part of their internet conection, or contract a VPS, and he would obtain shares of the Market DAC, proportional to how much he served, which then can return to him/her in the form of dividends, or by selling their share.
- A reputation system for sellers/buyers based on Keyhotee
- Escrow services. Anyone can register as an escrow entity and win the commissions related to their assigned escrow services. Of course escrowers will have their associated reputation too.
- Open API with main interface in Javascript, so anyone can use the system directly from their browsers.
- Of course a QT application would be feasible too, with advanced capabilities, specially for big sellers.
Please contact me if you are interested, we could start to program intermediately after the first alpha of bitshares is released, or even start to settle down the ideas right now, design the system, etc. The opportunities are big!