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Messages - santaclause102

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I have three related questions:

I myself can't see a better system than DPOS for BitAssets but maybe you can. Since you (BM) said on a mumble hangout two weeks ago that the Bitshares team is working on getting the fundamentals right (industrial grade blockchain technology, scaling etc.)...

1) Does the Bitshares team consider any changes to the consensus mechanism (DPOS at the moment)? Bitsaphire has suggested a few very interesting ideas in a mumble session about two weeks ago.
2) Do you see voter apathy as a problem? Voter apathy having two dimensions: a) Quantitative: amount of shares that votes. b) Quantitative: quality of shareholders decisions.
3) How fundamental is the consensus mechanism? How easy / difficult is it to replace it?

If this is better answered on the forum I can open a tread too...

General Discussion / Re: What is a DAC to you?
« on: April 21, 2015, 02:51:10 pm »

Great proposal  +5%

DPOShub as you described it would be a much needed tool! Is someone else already working on it? Who would do the programming? It's a big project! 

DPOShub might not be an ideal name since Bitshares at its core may not be about DPOS in the future. On the other side DPOShub centers around delegates... A few random ideas for naming: bitshareshub, delegatehub.

Great questions.. we do have someone who has started on some programming.. but we certainly have a lot of work to do so if there is anyone else who wants to get involved you are welcome.

We are staying away from the bitshares name specifically because DPOS operates across all chains. Toyed with delegate type names.. but it just became much longer in comparison.

I have never heard of DPOS not being in the future of bitshares.. actually it has been the rock upon everything else has tethered. Can you elaborate on knowing something rest of us don't? Or was it just a 'could be' commentary?
BM said a few times on mumble that he has a functional approach to the consensus system and that whatever serves bitshrares that best will be utilized. I didnt imply anthing specific.

Jabajaba and Fuzzy have had similar thoughts and maybe plans. Jabajaba can do programming. But I am sure you talked to Fuzzy and Jaba already...

Great proposal  +5%

DPOShub as you described it would be a much needed tool! Is someone else already working on it? Who would do the programming? It's a big project! 

DPOShub might not be an ideal name since Bitshares at its core may not be about DPOS in the future. On the other side DPOShub centers around delegates... A few random ideas for naming: bitshareshub, delegatehub.

General Discussion / Re: Privatizing BitAssets
« on: April 16, 2015, 10:26:50 am »
This would be dramatically more successful if a partner with expertise in the field of marketing (financial products) and price feeds would be found? A Bloomberg (like company)? Fidor bank?

It looks professional!  +5%
The text imo is not ideal. Grandiose claim first ("operate the whole world economy") - that is a bit much and demands a lot of explanation and specification when such a claim is made. Said this often here. Maybe this is a European thing. If someone makes grandios claims that makes him look like a scammer. May be different in other cultures.
Bitshares could help to "operate a new type of economy" but when such a claim is made it should be explained. Reputations systems, smart contracts, BitAssets, UIA - all those things combined can justify the claim. Nothing worse than claims without justification/explanation.
The volume Bitshares can handle at the moment is far from those of all the exchanges named.
IOUs can not only be used for stocks.
The target audience is not clear: If it can not address both it should be either directed towards the end consumer mass or crypto people.

General Discussion / Re: How about a bitshares leadership summer meet
« on: March 23, 2015, 03:44:34 pm »
I would come ti greece too :)

General Discussion / Re: Bitreserve article - again!
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:20:14 pm »
you should listen to his last sentences in this video  8)

General Discussion / Re: Alternative GUI for BitShares
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:34:25 am »
I would be interested in what your revenue model for the wallet is and how you finance(ed) the development?
So far it has been financed using our own resources.
As for the future, the most basic plan is to finance it by (hopefully) becoming a fully paid delegate and this thread gives us an estimate how realistic this option is.
That sounds like a very solid plan.
How far is the actual development?
Do you have a rough timeline for the release?

Deutsch (German) / Re: "BitShares e.V."
« on: March 19, 2015, 09:17:32 am »
was wären die Zwecke des Vereins?
Ich gehe mal davon aus Du hast den Satzungsentwurf bereits gelesen...
Darüber hinaus empfinde ich es als wichtig ein Netzwerk von Leuten aufzubauen die ein "gemeinsames" Ziel haben und sich persönlich kennen und regelmäßig treffen.
Ein Verein kann als juristische Person ganz anders nach Außen auftreten als nur Einzelpersonen.
Er ist rechtsfähig und kann somit auch Geschäfte abwickeln und einen gewissen Rechtsschutz bieten.
Danke. Hab ein paar Kommentare gemacht im Doc.

General Discussion / Re: Alternative GUI for BitShares
« on: March 18, 2015, 05:02:17 pm »
I would be interested in what your revenue model for the wallet is and how you finance(ed) the development?

General Discussion / Commercial taint analysis
« on: March 14, 2015, 09:53:05 am »

Is that possible with BTS too?

I guess the most harm they could do is slow down the network (or DDOS it completely if they had all nodes). Correct?

465 is such an awesome site (I have used some of their Linux build instructions) and so essential to success

Let's vote them in!

Btw, could you show what page views you have?

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