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Messages - santaclause102

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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: is here
« on: March 13, 2015, 01:02:32 pm »
I read your OP again. It really sounds good! Thanks!
The few obstacles I see:
No one has 3 delegates (except btsnow but that is core dev dan notenstein who has a handful of full time devs he pays in poland).
It might be a good idea to scale things up. Starting with the promotion / campaigning of 1 delegate which is dedicated to what you would perceive gives the most bang for the buck (most promotional effect per effort for you) and then adding more delegates if that is successful I think is more realistic.
Then the delegate campaign could also be made more specific so that shareholders can know exactly what will happen when they vote you in in terms of action from your side and have a rough estimate what the effect will be. In contrast: 3 Delegates and a lot of possible promotional possibilities are hard to evaluate.

Related: With the video adds and the sponsored serves you would be a bitshares employee (promotional delegate) and at the same time the employee / owner of where the ad space is bought. This would be a conflict of interest since you are the buyer and the seller of the ads. The lack of a free market gives no indication of a fair price. This though could be easily circumvented if there were standard rates (price and ad volume / size) or if you would make quotes before being elected as a delegate.

Just a few random thoughts :)

I also like the level headed approach (to communication) you take here! 

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: is here
« on: March 13, 2015, 11:53:01 am »
When would you start the promotion? I am thinking about the right time in so far a light wallet and probably a fiat gateway has be fully functional to attract this audience.

We will really need a light wallet to help us do this in the right manner.
A fiat gateway that can take paypal / debit card will be helpful, yes.
We'll lay the ground works for the promotions over the period of a month since being voted in and can go full in 15-20 days since being voted in.
Thanks for the quick answer!
So this means that atm you estimate that BitUSD / Bitasset integrations would not be valuable enough for your business to compensate for the integration?
Or would your delegates more pay for the promotion than the integration of BitAssets as a payment option?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: is here
« on: March 13, 2015, 11:00:58 am »
When would you start the promotion? I am thinking about the right time in so far a light wallet and probably a fiat gateway has be fully functional to attract this audience.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Developer delegate: dev.bitsharesblocks
« on: March 12, 2015, 03:16:55 pm »
Would it be a good idea to be able to see when a delegate has gotten how many votes? Atm I can only see at what block height votes changed. Basically the time is included in that but it is a little un intuitive :9

You can always look at the vote history and sort by vote size, then click on the block to see the date.
I didn't follow. So do I go to a certain delegate's page -> rank and votes -> votes evolution -> and then? I don't see the possibility to sort anything...

Click on the arrow at the right of the "Votes history" at the bottom, it'll display a table with all the votes that you can sort.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Bittunes
« on: March 12, 2015, 12:28:55 pm »
There is this episode of Bitcoins and Gravy (on LTB network).

It's called Episode #55: BitTunes: Setting Music Free!

Simon Edhouse is the man behind BitTunes, and he's taking it very seriously.

I was going to go through the episode and pick out any bits which may be useful but I don't have time right now.

Does anyone know if Cob and co. know much about BitTunes' plans?

As far as I got it (most important stuff seems to be around 45 min - 1:05) it like filesharing of songs (everyone can offer songs for download)
+ those that previously downloaded a song and keep on offering it for download get rewarded for that (discovery / incentive mechanism to download good songs before anyone else does)
+ artists officially authorize the sale of their songs
+ customers pay in Bitcoin and artist receive Bitcoin.
+ No artist coins but a list of most downloaded songs (in categories). Songs that are in the top 100 cost 1 usd songs out of top 100 cost 50cents. 

Money from songs purchases goes to:
- If in Top 100: 20 to Bittunes, 40% to Artist, 40% to Seeders.
- If out of Top 100: 50% to Artist, 50% to Seeders
Always 5 seeders are choosen to be paid randomly if there are more than 5.

Everyone has a deposit account and an earnings account.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Developer delegate: dev.bitsharesblocks
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:56:39 am »
Would it be a good idea to be able to see when a delegate has gotten how many votes? Atm I can only see at what block height votes changed. Basically the time is included in that but it is a little un intuitive :9

You can always look at the vote history and sort by vote size, then click on the block to see the date.
I didn't follow. So do I go to a certain delegate's page -> rank and votes -> votes evolution -> and then? I don't see the possibility to sort anything...

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Developer delegate: dev.bitsharesblocks
« on: March 12, 2015, 08:16:56 am »
Would it be a good idea to be able to see when a delegate has gotten how many votes? Atm I can only see at what block height votes changed. Basically the time is included in that but it is a little un intuitive :9

Hello, bitsharestalk! My name is Adam, and I'm also very excited about the possibilities that BitShares & crypto can bring. I'm going to be working with robrigo to spread the good word down here in Detroit via the meetup and other efforts.

Right now, it's all about building a tri-fold to promote Bitshares, crypto, and the meet. We're hoping to attract a few enthusiastic heads and figure out where we could go from there. We want to promote the tech to local businesses, artists, investors, etc. Can't wait to share the forthcoming BitAsset-capable mobile wallets.

Let's go!
Sounds great and like a plan! :) Welcome!

Technical Support / Re: To all newbies: What brought you here?
« on: March 11, 2015, 07:18:59 pm »
THANKS to EVERYONE who shared his/her perspective here! All very insightful! Keep it coming! ;)

General Discussion / Re: New episode.
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:29:12 am »
Great explanation (skills)!!

This protocol is definitely not made under the assumption that all parties are acting honestly, it would not be considered trustless if that were the case. Not going through with orders is much less critical than other types of attacks, since no funds would be stolen, the only damage is that funds will be locked up for a few hours before the refund unlocks.

However, this attack is completely solved by using security deposits: traders pay a one-time deposit or fee when they first begin using the trading platform to initialize their trading identity (which is pseudonymous). If the trader using that identity fails to go through with trades (they could possibly be given 3 strikes), the orderbook server will ban that identity, and the trader will have lost their security deposit. This mechanism makes it unprofitable to back out of trades.
Seriously? I can get banned from the central order book processing service?

Front running can be solved by including signatures along with orders that prove they are actually backed by unspent outputs, and by communicating over a p2p gossip network to ensure the orderbook is valid. These things will be worked on in the future, and will essentially make this model fully decentralized (but are more complicated, so Mercury's federated model should work fine until then). They will also require full node verification (or UTXO set queries), so they are not yet viable with SPV clients.
I hope the check for valid UTXO in any case ..
However, we might have different interpretations of front running .. but how does that prevent front running by the order processing entity? They can choose to process their own orders first!?
If you could go on BTCTALK and put forward your arguments a constructive and insightful discussion might arise ! ;)

General Discussion / Re: Bitcoin UP? Old bubble coming? Invest now!?
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:49:33 am »
Look at my graph:

Opened in sandbox. Not Website available...

@cass nxt forum has a setting that newbies can not post clickable links...

AFAIK .. order book is processed on a CENTRALIZED server .. hence, no competition to BTS imho
When making trades, your wallet will use the Mercury Order Book service to find bid or ask offers opened by other traders. This service is centralized, but it is never involved in the actual transfer of funds so it doesn't require any trust.

What are the flaws, if any in this approach?   Is this a way to make trustless transfers from bitbtc to btc?

We can also have trustless (well actually you need to trust a majority of the delegates to act as oracles) transfers from bitbtc to btc and vice versa and while keeping the order book on the blockchain as well rather than a centralized service. Check out theoretical's proposal and my tweak on it.

Also, the problem I see with the approach Mercury takes is that there is no way to prevent abuse. I assume that there is some nLockTime transaction in the atomic swap protocol to return the funds back after some amount of time, otherwise evil actors could make honest traders burn their money (or better yet extort them for some portion of the money by offering some fraction back). So with the necessary refund transaction in place as part of the protocol, the attackers could only lock the money of the other trader for some amount of time, but the key is that they can do this at no cost to the attacker. The system seems to be designed under the assumption that all actors will be honest. And even under that assumption it still has an additional flaw that it is trading assets that do not have values pegged to one another. This means even if the honest actor does not wish to hurt the other party for the sake of it, they may find that by the time they are going to claim the other coin by revealing the secret, the price could have significantly changed to their disadvantage. In that case, it would be rational to wait for the refund and buy at the new better price. The system described by the links above not only locks the trader in to carry out the exchange in a reasonable amount of time after the bids/asks are matched (or else the bidder loses their bond worth 10% of the value being traded), but there is also no serious volatility issue since the trading would occur between the Cryptocoin and the BitCryptocoin pairs only.

Deutsch (German) / Re: "BitShares e.V."
« on: March 09, 2015, 10:04:58 pm »
was wären die Zwecke des Vereins?

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