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Messages - santaclause102

Pages: 1 ... 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [33] 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ... 166
Beyond Bitcoin [closed] / Re: Bitshares Weekly
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:53:10 am »
that would be an awesome service! maybe in cooperation with or others that cover weekly updates...

Deutsch (German) / Re: Index MPA
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:29:39 pm »
Ok. die market cap machst sinn. Dachte es ginge um den Preis der MPA...

Deutsch (German) / Re: Index MPA
« on: March 08, 2015, 05:44:48 pm »
Bitshares Top5 Market pegged assets? Also BitUSD, BitGLD, BitEUR, BitCNY und BitSilver (oder was auch immer)?

Ich sehe nur generell ein Problem mit Indizes da sie ja auch immer eine manuelle Komponente haben.
In der Realität entscheiden Institutionen darüber was in einen Index aufgenommen wird oder rausfliegt.
Um diese Entscheidung zu autonomisieren bräuchte man schon eine recht komplexe Formel.
Mit BitShares könnte man das evtl. lösen indem diese Formel dann in die Blockchain gebrannt wird.

Also z.B. obige Formel + BitAssets die das Flag "Index=YES" gesetzt haben oder so.
Was soll der Verwendungszweck für einen solchen Index sein?

Deutsch (German) / Re: Index MPA
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:19:04 am »
Bitshares' Top5 Market pegged assets? Also BitUSD, BitGLD, BitEUR, BitCNY und BitSilver (oder was auch immer)?

General Discussion / Re: Sold all of my Bitshares
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:17:12 am »
It has become obvious through the recent happenings on these forums that a large bulk of Bitshares in circulation are held by a somewhat small group of investors who have successfully gagged the developers ...

No investor like a coin that is controlled by a small group of people. The fact has to be verified. If this is true, there needs to be transparency on when this control is over.

I believe it actually the opposite and investors love when whales take positions. Look at how stocks react when Icahn or other big hedge funds take a large position.  Most rocket up when the reports come out.  Most investors feel comfort when they follow a whale
All moralizing judgments aside (economics and psychology of envy) having large stakeholders is good for a DPOS system because the higher the stake the more motivated the parties are to vote and the more secure and competitive is the network/blockchain.
So be happy about the few that take the risk and put in the work.

It's the same for (NXT like) POS but there it would additionally be beneficial / necessary if the large stakeholders had all (roughly) the same stake size so not only one / the biggest stakeholders would produce blocks.

Not sure I follow your logic.  If security becomes greater the larger the stakeholder, inevitably, this would mean the most secure DPOS system is where a single stakeholder owns most if not all Bitshares.  The super stakeholder would then be the most motivated party to vote to keep control of the network.
There for sure is a balance / trade off between voting/forging participation and decentralization in any POS system.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Remove yunbi delegates
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:12:15 am »
They even don't answer anymore about what they do except listing the pairs

Deutsch (German) / Re: Index MPA
« on: March 07, 2015, 10:47:30 pm »
Was meinst du mit "genauso teuer"? Meinst du die fees um eins der beiden assettypen zu kreieren?

Idee: Man könnte mit coindesk kooperieren, die haben ja schon einen recht offiziell anerkannten Bitcoin Preis Index.

Andere Idee (keine Ahnung ob umsetzbar): Könnte man ein Skript schreiben, dass immer die market cap der Top 15 "coins" abbildet?

General Discussion / Re: Sold all of my Bitshares
« on: March 07, 2015, 05:38:39 pm »
It has become obvious through the recent happenings on these forums that a large bulk of Bitshares in circulation are held by a somewhat small group of investors who have successfully gagged the developers ...

No investor like a coin that is controlled by a small group of people. The fact has to be verified. If this is true, there needs to be transparency on when this control is over.

I believe it actually the opposite and investors love when whales take positions. Look at how stocks react when Icahn or other big hedge funds take a large position.  Most rocket up when the reports come out.  Most investors feel comfort when they follow a whale
All moralizing judgments aside (economics and psychology of envy) having large stakeholders is good for a DPOS system because the higher the stake the more motivated the parties are to vote and the more secure and competitive is the network/blockchain.
So be happy about the few that take the risk and put in the work.

It's the same for (NXT like) POS but there it would additionally be beneficial / necessary if the large stakeholders had all (roughly) the same stake size so not only one / the biggest stakeholders would produce blocks.

Deutsch (German) / Re: Fragen an den Rechtsanwalt
« on: March 07, 2015, 10:26:25 am »
Das mit dem Bitshares based corwdfunding war no so eine Idee. Hätte an euqity based crowdfunding gedacht...

Also meine Herangehensweise wäre: Erst Geschäftsmodell ausfstellen und dann nur so viel "legal Kram" machen wie eben nötig. Welches ist denn das konkrete Geschäftsmodell das eine Unternehmensform erfordert, die über einen Gewerbeschein hinausgeht (geschweigedenn eine Bafin Linzenz)?

Deutsch (German) / Re: Fragen an den Rechtsanwalt
« on: March 07, 2015, 08:51:46 am »
Schon klar das ich jetzt eine prima Witzfigur abgebe aber ich kann mir zumindest sagen, ich hab alles versucht ohne mich dabei zu ruinieren.
Ein eigenes Unternehmen ist einfach nicht drin, nicht als Nebenjob.

Nimm's nicht tragisch. Deine Herangehensweise war grundsätzlich völlig richtig.

Mir ist aber nicht ganz klar wie sehr ein eigenes Unternehmen gebraucht wird. Welche Tätogkeiten wären denn nicht mit einem einfachen Gewerbeschein möglich?

Sobald Du eine Genehmigung von der BaFin brauchst wirst Du ohne den Rahmen einer Kapitalgesellschaft nicht weit kommen.

Einen Delegate zu betreiben o. Ä. geht natürlich auch als "normaler" Gewerbetreibender.
Welche Tätigkeit wenn nicht die eines Delegates würde denn eine Bafin Lizenz erforndern? Bzw. was sind die allgemeinen Kriterien, die die Umstände unter denen so eine Lizenz nötig ist, beschreiben (und für die hier in Frage kommenden Geschäftsmodelle relevant wären)?

„Zahlungsdienste sind die Dienste, bei denen ohne Einrichtung eines Zahlungskontos auf den Namen eines Zahlers oder eines Zahlungsempfängers ein Geldbetrag des Zahlers ausschließlich zur Übermittlung eines entsprechenden Betrags an den Zahlungsempfänger oder an einen anderen, im Namen des Zahlungsempfängers handelnden Zahlungsdienstleister entgegengenommen wird oder bei dem der Geldbetrag im Namen des Zahlungsempfängers entgegengenommen und diesem verfügbar gemacht wird (Finanztransfergeschäft).“
D.h. eine Bafin Lizenz ist notwendig wenn man Geld annimt um es dann weiter zu leiten.

Den Tatbestand des Einzelhandels ( ; siehe auch erste Seite dieses threads) habe ich nicht verstanden. Wann ist das relevant und wann ist der tatbestand erfüllt? Jura Kaudawelsch ist grauenvoll :)

This is why I got involved in bitshares.   This is an absolute inevitability in my opinion.  Who are the entrepreneurs who will make it happen first?  Big bucks are lying around just wating to be picked up.
I would like to push this. Please contact me (anyone) if you are interested.

Wouldn't BitUSD / BitAssets beat Abra with the following model: I buy BitUSD at a gateway/teller for USD, then exchange those on the Bitshares DEX for BitPeso, then send BitPeso to my cousin in Mexiko who can sell his BitPeso for Peso.
This involves less less counterparty risk. With Abra tellers could do fractional reserve banking or run away with customer money. Not so with the Bitshares model because you BUY BitUSD from an exchange and SELL it to him instead of having an IOU pushed around on the Abra network. And with Bitshares you dont have to cash out at a gateway because finally stores might accept BitUSD too ;)

Yes.  I think this is a significant improvement on what I see of the ABRA model.  Is anyone in contact with the ABRA people?  Making it powered by BitShares would certainly save them a lot of trouble.  :P
I am exited about this because it would provide tremendous benefits to millions of people with little addition to the existing Bitshares infrastructure.
Let's brainstorm a bit about what is needed to make this work (at best all in one app):
- A reputation system for tellers/gateways. Would Bitshares DNS/reputation system be worth waiting for?
- Mobile wallet
- What else???

I am pretty sure Bytemaster has tought about all this already :) He definitely mentioned a few times that he would like to see a localbitcoins for Bitshares. 

Also paging Matt608 and his Latino crew. They must have thought about this :)

This is an exciting and very valuable use case, but it's also a pretty basic one, and one that I think has been intended from very early on.  The biggest technical requirement is an easy to use mobile wallet.  Reputation management would be handy, but people buy things from each other all the time and just manage reputation the old fashioned way...
Sure it would mainly be a marketing effort to package everything into one app and popularize it. I would say that a built  in reputation system would be necessary as long as BitAssets is not widely adopted and everyone buys and sells it.

Wouldn't BitUSD / BitAssets beat Abra with the following model: I buy BitUSD at a gateway/teller for USD, then exchange those on the Bitshares DEX for BitPeso, then send BitPeso to my cousin in Mexiko who can sell his BitPeso for Peso.
This involves less less counterparty risk. With Abra tellers could do fractional reserve banking or run away with customer money. Not so with the Bitshares model because you BUY BitUSD from an exchange and SELL it to him instead of having an IOU pushed around on the Abra network. And with Bitshares you dont have to cash out at a gateway because finally stores might accept BitUSD too ;)

Yes.  I think this is a significant improvement on what I see of the ABRA model.  Is anyone in contact with the ABRA people?  Making it powered by BitShares would certainly save them a lot of trouble.  :P
I am exited about this because it would provide tremendous benefits to millions of people with little addition to the existing Bitshares infrastructure.
Let's brainstorm a bit about what is needed to make this work (at best all in one app):
- A reputation system for tellers/gateways. Would Bitshares DNS/reputation system be worth waiting for?
- Mobile wallet
- What else???

I am pretty sure Bytemaster has tought about all this already :) He definitely mentioned a few times that he would like to see a localbitcoins for Bitshares. 

Also paging Matt608 and his Latino crew. They must have thought about this :)

Gateway to gateway transfers would make a lot more sense for simple remittances. Using bitAssets only makes sense if you want to hold your value in a decentralized bank.
BitAsset do make sense here because they allow everyone to become a gateway since "only trust needed is that the gateway not cheat you while you're physically standing there face to face".

Wouldn't BitUSD / BitAssets beat Abra with the following model: I buy BitUSD at a gateway/teller for USD, then exchange those on the Bitshares DEX for BitPeso, then send BitPeso to my cousin in Mexiko who can sell his BitPeso for Peso.
This involves less less counterparty risk. With Abra tellers could do fractional reserve banking or run away with customer money. Not so with the Bitshares model because you BUY BitUSD from an exchange and SELL it to him instead of having an IOU pushed around on the Abra network. And with Bitshares you dont have to cash out at a gateway because finally stores might accept BitUSD too ;)

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