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Messages - Brekyrself

Pages: 1 ... 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [33] 34 35
BitShares PTS / Re: [VOTING] NEW Protoshare Logo (YES/NO)
« on: December 10, 2013, 07:45:04 pm »
The current logo is ok however the one at is very distinct which can create nice brand recognition!

Marketplace / Re: HPI Savage X SS 4.6 Nitro RC Monter Truck
« on: December 07, 2013, 02:29:22 am »
Still have it.

BitShares PTS / Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« on: December 03, 2013, 08:41:17 pm »
Xeon L5639 @ 3.52ghz does ~280 cpm with -t 11 and 512mb/thread.  M7h SSE4 version.  Can do more threads but it slows down ltc mining on the same machine.

*12/11/13 updated cpm.

BitShares PTS / Re: Coyote Pool 2.0 - One Day Rounds Proportional Payout
« on: November 27, 2013, 07:51:44 am »
Bytemaster we need a gpu miner to jump start this pool back to life :)

Random Discussion / Best linux distribution for a newbie
« on: November 26, 2013, 05:37:32 am »
For a linux newbie, what is a good distribution to start out with?


BitShares PTS / Re: GPU Miners are here... if rumors are to be believed!
« on: November 25, 2013, 07:54:18 am »
~3x improvement in hpm...When can we have it? :)

General Discussion / Re: Lucky Mining Request for Proposals
« on: November 23, 2013, 08:43:41 am »
I'm not code savvy, but is there any safe guard to prevent against people pooling the new lotto system just like ordinary pools?  Granted they would be all or nothing payout, some pools with lots of hash may find it even more rewarding?

BitShares PTS / Re: Coyote Pool Miner CPU Benchmark Thread
« on: November 22, 2013, 07:59:06 pm »
x58 Foxconn Bloodrage motherboard.  L5639's sell for ~$80 on eBay compared with $$$ for a 6 core 980x or 990x.  Best 6 core bargain out there however do not work in ALL x58 boards.  Only 2x 7950's in this rig, will be adding two more if gpu mining makes sense for PTS.

Interesting! thanks for the idea, i might just try that path for my next build.  What cooler did you get for your L5639?

Been using the same Cooler Master v8 from 2008!  Keeps temps under 65c running Intel Burn Test at max.

BitShares PTS / Re: Coyote Pool Miner CPU Benchmark Thread
« on: November 22, 2013, 06:39:45 pm »
Intel L5639 @ 3.52ghz running 11 threads does ~162hpm

I have to keep a thread free for ltc mining  >:(  I'll try to overclock it a little more tomorrow.

Strange, you're using a Xeon build for GPU mining? what's the motherboard? how many GPUs?
Edit: also, seriously, consider ditching vista, it probably will help your performance, vista was terrible.

x58 Foxconn Bloodrage motherboard.  L5639's sell for ~$80 on eBay compared with $$$ for a 6 core 980x or 990x.  Best 6 core bargain out there however do not work in ALL x58 boards.  Only 2x 7950's in this rig, will be adding two more if gpu mining makes sense for PTS.

I would like win 8.1 however that will force me to spend money on an SSD and waste time re formatting instead of mining.

BitShares PTS / Re: Coyote Pool Miner CPU Benchmark Thread
« on: November 22, 2013, 05:44:05 am »
Intel L5639 @ 3.52ghz running 11 threads does ~162hpm

I have to keep a thread free for ltc mining  >:(  I'll try to overclock it a little more tomorrow.

General Discussion / Re: Momentum 2.0 Discussion
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:13:26 am »
Would this go along with the vesting period?

Botnets, ASIC, and even to an extent cloud computing should be the overall concern.  If GPU mining provides a < 50% speed boost it still levels the playing field as both CPU and GPU's will get faster with new technology.  Also, most new cpgpu's can do opencl so I do not believe GPU's should be the ultimate enemy, however momentum algorithm may limit their effectiveness which is a plus.

Yes.  The goal was to make minor improvements in every area based upon lessons learned.  I agree that GPUs are not an enemy by themselves unless the reason the GPU successful is because the algorithm is trivial for an ASIC.   I believe this will keep ASICs and GPUs using a large amount of memory.

Any thought on lowering the vesting time period to under 6 months?  45-90 days would be nice  :)

General Discussion / Re: Momentum 2.0 Discussion
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:46:55 am »
Would this go along with the vesting period?

Botnets, ASIC, and even to an extent cloud computing should be the overall concern.  If GPU mining provides a < 50% speed boost it still levels the playing field as both CPU and GPU's will get faster with new technology.  Also, most new cpgpu's can do opencl so I do not believe GPU's should be the ultimate enemy, however momentum algorithm may limit their effectiveness which is a plus.

1.  The simple idea mentioned earlier having a "penalty" for early withdraw is a very clean cut approach.  Restrict any block payout to > 30 days and with an increasing rate up to a full maturity 90 days out.  If this were the case, could any forfeited amount from early withdraw be added to the next block reward?

2. GUI miner is a must for non technical.  If available, we could all convince a handful of friends to run the node.  User selectable 25/50/75/100%, do not punish us that build powerful rigs and want them doing something productive while were not working.

3.  Really need to find out if GPU mining provides any reasonable hash gain over cpu.  It may prove to NOT cut out the casual miner who has an opencl capable cpgpu.

4. A clear cut tx fee structure should be implemented.  New comers may not grasp the fee per kb relationship.


As we see a lowered memory requirement for mining and possibility of a gpu miner are there any changes planned to the basis of momentum algorithm?

Gpu will level the field with cloud and bot nets.  better to find out now.

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