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Messages - santaclause102

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Bitshares Play and Music, Vote (follow my Vote) and DNS (if you will),,

General Discussion / Re: The NullStreet Journal [Newsletter Update]
« on: March 02, 2015, 01:38:58 am »
I am also working to provide an opportunity for the the non-english speaking chinese community to contribute

General Discussion / Re: New Ethereum Website
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:06:27 pm »
Notice the "Projects using Ethereum" section... Guys this is where we differentiate ourselves from them. Not in the technical features but in the vibrant community building on top of these wonderful features. When you are in the open source game that is the best place to show off what you are doing that no one else is.

We are attracting THESE kinds of entrepreneurs so to speak and they are not. That doesn't negate the tech it just prioritizes their selling to an audience. You sell the entrepreneur using the tech in the real world to a mainstream audience.

People and their personalities are not easily replicable. You can replicate a feature, but you cannot replicate the experience and mind of a Human being and all their uniqueness they can bring to a feature or project. Its the difference between a Facebook and a Myspace. An Instagram and the hundreds of copy cats. A snapchat and a (don't even know their competitors) A "Powered by BitShare's project and a "Project using Ethereum" project.

 If we could see this Ethereum simply wouldn't matter. Vitalik is great, but Vitalik is not Solomon is not Dan is not CLains is not Fuzzy. Again that is where we win. Nice website by the way... Looks similar to Ripple. Some color changes though.

General Discussion / Re: Bytemaster and Mumble - A Proposed Solution
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:37:38 am »
BitShares Community,

I would like to thank everyone who was able to participate in our discussion on mumble this morning,  and I want to extend my hand and express my gratitude for all of your efforts at helping to form a communication bridge between the east and west. I am looking forward to many such meetings in the future, and I am honored and humbled to be a part of such a brilliant and gifted group of individuals.

That said, I would like to offer to you a proposal. This topic was discussed in our meeting, however I do not wish to imply that there was any overall consensus. Rather, I have organized a version that I would like to bring forward in order to stimulate further discussion.

We cherish the level of intellectual intimacy that we have thus far enjoyed between ourselves and one of our beloved founders, Dan Larimer. We also understand that as a community, our organization has often suffered from sudden market turmoil because it seems we have yet to figure out how to enable the free and open exchange of ideas between us, without leaving ourselves vulnerable to subjective responses from people for whom it is impossible to grasp the larger picture. This is not by means the only force at play, but I present it for purposes of illustrative example.

We discussed, in our session today, the various PR blunders that we have experienced in the past year, and the point was often raised that if a radical idea was initially proposed by bytemaster in a mumble session, the blunder would be quickly contained and not escalate very far. We observed that this was likely due to the immediate feedback he received, combined with a general human tendency to grasp the more subtle implications of words when they are spoken, rather than written on a page. By extension, whenever he brought fourth a radical idea or concept on the forums, the asynchronous delay (lack of real-time participation) combined with natural language barriers became a powerful fertilizer for seeds of doubt that would then be cast and sewn across the landscape.

In most places within the United States, it is illegal to use recording devices inside a courtroom. The reason for this is because a recording can potentially be taken out of context, and used as a tool to manipulate public opinion. The written account of an eyewitness, or an artists graphic rendering of a dramatic court scene do not have 1: 10,000 the impact of a “viral” video or audio recording. To make up for this, a high percentage of court preceedings are open to the public, so as to protect against overt or blatant foul play. Again, by no means the rule, but presented for arguments sake.

My proposal to bytemaster and to this community is that he consider continuing to hold mumble sessions with us, but that we do not record them. I do not believe that this would betray our principals, because anyone is still welcome to join and participate. What it does provide is an opportunity for all of us to continue the lively discussions that we have grown fond of, while protecting ourselves significantly against the accidental rapid dissemination of subjective misinterpretation.

Public Relations is the art of managing the spread of information, much more than placing restrictions on the source of the information. Many Hollywood actors are prone to running at the mouth and making a fool of themselves, but if they have a good publicist, the channels through which this information might otherwise be spread are carefully observed and controlled. Thus, the restrictions I am proposing are aimed at limiting the damage that might be caused by our open discussion by eliminating the opportunity for it to spread.

The greater internal PR strategy will continue to fall upon those who are working closely within his circle of trust. Perhaps they might consider advising Mr. Larimer to limit all initial presentation of his more radical ideas to to weekly or bi-weekly mumble sessions? That way we can continue to enjoy the inspiration and excitement of his wisdom and understanding, and he can continue to enjoy the benefits of personal growth through our valuable feedback.

What say you all?
I think it would be unfair to have these mumble session like before and not record them. Like before means with updates and announcements. That would be a disadvantage for all market participants that can't attend.
If mumble sessions are not recorded then they should only serve the purpose of vetting ideas. If BM wants to discuss an idea (like the addition of bingo a few weeks ago; nothing entirely new and nothing that could shake up the market if implemented) and wants feedback from the average user (and not from blacksburg devs) he can use mumble sessions as a tool for that.

General Discussion / Re: No Bitassets on shapeshift
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:23:26 am »

Have you thought about implementing a multisig solution for protecting the reserves of the gateway in an easy to use daemon that can be deployed by some trusted third parties (e.g. a subset of the delegates)?
No, we hadn't considered this option, but we'll give it some thought.
Isnt multisig the lesson learned from all the breaches?

General Discussion / Re: Potentially weak spots
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:51:00 am »
NXT forgers get delegated power expired eventually
I didn't understand this one.

In Nxt there is a way to "delegate" forging/mining power. But max period is limited to 3 weeks.
Ok. I didn't know that. So after 3 weeks the delegated forging power is taken away from the forging pool again and the one that delegated the forging power would have to renew his vote if his forging power should not be "wasted"?

General Discussion / Re: Potentially weak spots
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:14:31 am »
Looking forward to your reply to the "democracy attack" :)

No. Because more miners can join Bitcoin
It is not about what would theoretically be possible but what is reality. Reality is that there are 6 mining pools that have as much power combined as all delegates combined. I dont see this changing.

NXT forgers get delegated power expired eventually
I didn't understand this one.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares' DPoS is being attacked on Cointelegraph
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:34:22 pm »
Is Supernet trying to copy us too? It seems that NXT hasn't had many original ideas since I started off with them...they just seem to sort of steal from BTS.
It seems that it is a multisig + colored coins approach to a decentralized exchange. Not super exiting imo, just making use of technology that is known for more than a year... (note that my whole knowledge about that supernet project comes from this article).

General Discussion / Re: Potentially weak spots
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:08:15 pm »
1. What is your design goal here? Make it more "democratic" (defined as what?)?
2. What do you mean here by "communication" and by "mean(s) of communication"?
3. What would be a situation that would lead to multiple chains/branches? Signing on more than one chain is a no1 reason for a delegate to be voted out. There is a great incentive for any delegate to always sign on the chain where most delegates sign blocks.
For this: "Voted-out delegates may generate a fake blockchain to trick newly connected nodes" -> What would be required to do this successfully?
I never could find quality info on what  Economic Clustering is. Could you explain what its purpose is and what the means to reach this purpose are?

1. More democratic means that a delegate represents as many shareholders as possible (at least 51% would be great). More info is here - - I didn't continue the discussion on BTT because it wasn't the topic of that thread.
2. Mean if communication is the blockchain as a channel for data sharing.
3. Fake blockchain is a blockchain where voted-out delegates excluded transactions that pushed them out of top 101. Online nodes will reject such the blockchain but catching up ones may jump on it eventually. Temporary network fragmentation may lead to inability to bound at least 51 delegates to the same branch. Also, it's possible to cause the fragmentation by controlling 33 delegates and having fast connections to honest delegates. Economic Clustering is explained here -
1. The end goal is security. Fairness or representation in my opinion are not of value here. Everyone can participate which is fair enough. In the end, voting participation will depend on how easy it is to vote (client and voting / delegate infrastructure will have to get more user friendly) and on how much stake one has.
2. Maybe I understand what you mean... Would you agree that in the same sense Bitcoin miners and NXT forgers also have that control over the blockchain (=communication channel)?
3. User arhag made a great post on that
You could challenge him in the above thread.
BM also made a post about such attacks

General Discussion / Re: Potentially weak spots
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:15:48 pm »
Thanks CFB, always refreshing to have you around here!

1. What is your design goal here? Make it more "democratic" (defined as what?)?
2. What do you mean here by "communication" and by "mean(s) of communication"?
3. What would be a situation that would lead to multiple chains/branches? Signing on more than one chain is a no1 reason for a delegate to be voted out. There is a great incentive for any delegate to always sign on the chain where most delegates sign blocks.
For this: "Voted-out delegates may generate a fake blockchain to trick newly connected nodes" -> What would be required to do this successfully?
I never could find quality info on what  Economic Clustering is. Could you explain what its purpose is and what the means to reach this purpose are?

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 101 is now on youtube.. (mostly)
« on: February 28, 2015, 06:20:14 pm »

Feedback welcome.
Woah great! Edit: The longer I watch the more powerful the message. You are doing a great job at that!

Is that the bitshares 101 book word by word (1:1)?

Edit: Just watching this .... I would really like to thank you Max for producing these videos. They are a great resource to point to in a discussion!!

Feedback for
- You say BitGLD instead of what is written on the screen (BitGOLD).
- BitEUR has a white background unlike the other bitassets without a reason.
- Min 12.36 " put in more security to cover your position, that is called a margin call". As far as I understnad a margin call is when the collateral is given to the other party in case the price of the collateral falls to much. That doesnt sound like what you described a margin call to be... Wouldnt a margin call equate to what you said after that: Giving the 50USD to me and I can guy a new contract with it?
-16:30 " be released into the ether?" :)

Feedback to
- different background was on purpose?
- since I watched the previous video which was about how derivative contracts work and I now have the impression that a bitasset is such a contract I do not yet know how a bitasset becomes a stable crypto currency. That transfer has not been done for me...This video just states that bitassets are stable crypto currencies as opposed to the impression about bitaasets I got from the last video.
- 2.20 the term "bitshares" is used in the sense of BTS the token... I think that is not yet clear to the viewer. I guess the viewer that doesnt know much about crypto currencies associated bitshares with "bitshares the project / the overall name for the whole thing". I would like to see the viewer being reminded that bishares are the shares in the Bitshares company.
- 4:00 the term private key is introduced. The newcomer probably doesnt know what that is and why its important though it is critical to what a crypto currency like Bitcoin and BitUSD has to offer. Not everything can be explained at the same time but maybe that is inspiration for what crypto currencies in general have to offer. Maybe that would have the potential to go viral in the bitcoin community if it is done well and this way would bitcoiners find their way to the rest of the videos :)
- 5:04: You say "When sally comes along THEY.."
- Around 9.20 it could be mentioned that the price feed results of the MEDIAN price feed from all delegates that produce one. That is a significant argument why the price feed can not be manipulated!

General Discussion / Re: Can I use UIA to start a club?
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:21:28 am »

Entirely possible like you described it.

What would be the best way to fund the club's ongoing costs like club house rent? Is there an easy way to collect membership fee automatically?
There has been some discussion about a future implementation of recurring / pull payments here;all

Voting for UIA owners is a feature that will definitely come.

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