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Messages - biophil

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I'd like to abstain from posting a feed on a shallow market.
Please try to post some orders first.
The markets you want feeds are too small and easily manipulated.

So I see it's a chicken-and-egg problem: the traders want feeds so they can place orders, but the delegates want orders so they can issue feeds.

One of the reasons I don't want to place orders is that I don't know when we'll get the magical number of feeds and the magical 500k market depth. Either of those events could happen at any time, and I can't be monitoring my orders constantly to make sure they are at prices I'm happy with. I could place a bunch of arbitrary orders some large distance from the median, but that would not be adding meaningful depth.

The bitCNY launch was beautiful because we all knew exactly when it was going to happen, because the market was effectively turned on by a hard fork. It would be awfully nice if we could have something like that for future market launches. Maybe a sufficient number of delegates could get together and announce a specific time and date that they are going to issue their feed.

emski, I'm curious: what kind of manipulation worries you?

can we hold off on opening new markets for a week?

Haha, and there go my ambitions to trade bitGLD this week. BM has spoken. :)

Bytemaster, mind if I ask your reason?

It does cost a single transaction fee .. so 0.5BTSX each update .. so maybe up to every 2-4 hours ..

we are indeed talking about pennies here .. yet .. I am undecided of how the charity delegates should take part ..
I will let the community gather some fact over the night and read through it tomorrow .. have nice day .. good night :-)

i don't get it - how much do delegates pays for publishing feeds?

so i would suggest that delegates who not publishing feeds are excluded from the trading fees this feeds make available. This way the delegates who are not doing their duty are punished and the delegates who are doing the job get more fees. i would just share this fees to the other delegates.

i don't see a reason to pay a delegate the trading fee say for bitGLD if he is not publishing the feed.

That's not a bad idea! It would align the incentives a little better.

It does cost a single transaction fee .. so 0.5BTSX each update .. so maybe up to every 2-4 hours ..

we are indeed talking about pennies here .. yet .. I am undecided of how the charity delegates should take part ..
I will let the community gather some fact over the night and read through it tomorrow .. have nice day .. good night :-)

You could set your tf to 0.1BTSX, yes?

My quick opinion is that getting more markets going will be healthy for BTSX, so it will ultimately increase transaction volume and increase delegate income. Of course, this is just a wild guess - there are probably diminishing returns eventually.

I'd love to hear why delegates are waiting to publish feeds. Is it simply because they don't know that the community is asking for them, or do they believe the feeds shouldn't be published? I'll refer you to this thread: and the listing of assets here:

In particular, we're 11 delegates short for GLD and 21 short for EUR. Would be nice to get these trading soon!

General Discussion / Re: Wallet command list
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:36:21 pm »
Type "help" into the console.

General Discussion / Re: Common Objections To BitShares X
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:48:30 pm »
It's just the FED 2.0!

You can't fork the FED, but you can fork BitShares X.

Or, just own it: if we're not trying to create systems that beat the Fed at its own game, we're just children playing in the sand. That's my take on it.

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General Discussion / Re: 100,000,000,000,000. FREE
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:44:31 pm »
I have 100 billion STARs available! :) Who wants some? They are free for the asking.

I wouldn't mind a couple thousand STARs... or just a couple. Or just one.

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BitShares PTS / Re: Can we just move PTS to DPoS?
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:37:54 pm »
I just bought some PTS yesterday... would a transition be smooth / would I lose my stake?

100% snapshot of current PTS blockchain ;)

It'll be smooth unless your PTS are on Cryptsy...

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General Discussion / Does anybody know anything about NuBits?
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:45:31 pm »
They have a countdown on their website, and they say they're releasing a whitepaper soon. Does anybody here know what they're up to? Their sales pitch makes them sound similar to bitsharesX: they solve volatility and pay dividends on the profits of such activites. What are they?

PPC price got a bump last night after their announcement.

General Discussion / Re: Next bitAsset to go: bitGLD and bitEUR
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:35:14 pm »
How exciting!

Hmm, is there a rule in effect that won't let you short BitUSD below the lowest ASK price?

I've offered to match a bid perfectly but my Short request just hangs in limbo as an open order. The transaction doesn't match to the available bid and I can't see the short request on the board.

Seems peculiar, no?

Another thing is that you should never try to match a bid perfectly; you should always overlap it by a tiny amount. A lot of the time there are decimals that you can't see which make your short look like it should match, but it's actually fractionally too high.

Probably though you're trying to short below the median price feed. BitUSD is currently trading at a discount to USD, so you can't short unless the price rises. There is a good chance that you'll have a hard time shorting USD in the near-term because there is a lot of it on the market. That's why the USD peg isn't very accurate. If you want to test out shorting, you might want to try the bitCNY market - the peg is holding more closely and the supply is much lower, so you're more likely to be able to get a short matched.

just a update but it looks like the interest is gone because I transferred money to myself. Yield est. is now zero. can anyone inform me what the correct way to collect interest from bitUSD is? don't want to lose anymore money guessing.

if this is true does it mean we loose yield every time we vote ?

Actually I think you RECEIVE the interest when you make a transaction. I sent some BitUSD to some for shirts and some interest was added to my account I think. I could be wrong but Check your transaction history.

Yes, when you make a transaction your "estimated yield' turns into "paid out yield".
Is there a way to see the paid out yield in the GUI/CLI yet? Does not seem to be represented by any particular transaction.

Filter your transaction history with the phrase "yield" and you will see it.  It only gets paid as part of transactions that move BitUSD/etc.
I filtered the transactions to yield and no payment. yield has also been reset because I can see a new amount accruing but it is no where near old amount. What can I do on my end to help this be looked at further?

I'm having the same issue. I had 0.24-odd bitUSD accrued, I transferred my entire bitUSD balance to myself, and zap - the yield now reads zero and I got no yield payment.

However, yesterday I placed a sell order with some bitUSD, and did receive a yield payment for that. So is it possible yield is re-setting for all transactions, but only paying for certain ones?

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets on coinmarketcap
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:03:21 pm »
the "market cap" of the bitUSD is part of the market cap of BTSX .. so either you cheat on all the people that thing those are independent markets .. or you have to clearly state that the bitUSD is part of btsx

once the bitUSD gets traded (shorted) on other DACs (MUSIC) too .. things get VERY messy

Current market cap of BitUSD is $497,780 and it is distinct from BTSX. BitUSD is backed by BTSX, but not 'part of'.
It seems I still need to learn alot about the economical part here :-) thanks for pointing it out ..
but .. in theory .. could it be possible for bitUSD to have a higher cap than btsx?

No, bitAssets can't ever have a higher cap than BTSX. Also, I could see an argument that bitAssets are contained within the market cap of BTSX, because for every bitUSD, there are at least 1.5 dollars' worth of BTSX tied up in collateral, effectively removed from the share supply.

So, if we want to be (needlessly, imo) precise on CMC, we really should be reporting the total BTSX supply as the actual total supply minus whatever is tied up as collateral.

Seems like some of the arguments here for NOT listing bitUSD on CMC hinge on the fact that there would be some kind of logical inconsistency about it: the net bitUSD value is zero, etc etc. But I'd fully support getting it listed as-is, with no caveats, for two reasons: 1) cheap marketing exposure, and 2) it will neatly showcase the market peg in action: people will be able to see 1 bitUSD = 1 USD.

Market cap isn't really a very useful measure anyway, except that it gives you bragging rights and free advertising on CMC. Let's not get hung up on the pedantic little details...

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General Discussion / Re: Lets see if it bounces.
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:47:05 pm »
To be honest .. from my engineering point of few .. all those linear extrapolations do most certainly never fit well :-|

Shhhh... TA isn't science, it's magic! ;)

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