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Messages - santaclause102

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Most interesting! Thanks a bunch, it finally makes sense to me!
Takes a while :) Took a ton of time without proper documentation for me to understand this.

It.. looks like a women's clothing store  :o
Ha, gentso1 said that was just place holder until the dev puts the actual content in place. The idea is to be able to off ramp with bitSilver by having physical silver drop shipped in exchange for it.

This then is not the same model as BullionVault? I am under the impression that they store the metals themselves.
That is what issuer issued assets are for. Say you are the issuer of a UIA called KarnalGOLD and you promise to exchange every 1 KarnalGOLD  for 1 ounce of real gold. You have a 100% reserve of real gold = you have as much real gold as KarnalGOLD are in existence. This company does this on Counterparty which also has IUA...
The risk with KarnalGOLD   is that the issuer is not trustworthy and runs away with the real gold leaving KarnalGOLD worthless or the real gold gets stolen... BitAsset do not have this counterparty risk. That is what their value proposition is.
You have same issue with USD in your bank account (when the bank goes broke (and doesnt get bailed out))  - your USD are worthless as they are just a promise by the bank to pay out USD in cash. BitUSD are always exchangeable for their value equivalent in BTS. They have their own risk (see MPE whitepaper). But I find the risk pretty mild.

My bad, the language I chose was ambiguous.

I meant to ask where to bitGOLD, bitSILVER etc come from, in the sense of what's stopping anyone from adding bitDRK or bitDOGE. Are bitGOLD, bitSILVER, bitBTC (and so on) built-in somehow, and can new ones be added?

I am assuming the answer (to the 2nd question) is yes -- it's the how that perplexes me!

See and 2. in

Nothing is fixed or built in. All Bitassets are equal structurally.
1. To open a market for a BitAsset it needs 51+ pricefeeds.
2. Then the first Bitxyz can be created by shorting it into existence.

:) Normal is about as vague as you can get :) But I am sure you read that "normal" somewhere...

There are three types of tokens:

1) BTS (native currency limited in supply; like bitcoins in Bitcoin)
2) User issued assets Also known as colored coins in the wider cypto world. There is a centralized issuer that promises to guarantee the value of the user issued asset. Anyone can create a user issued asset for a little fee.
3) Bitassets = market pegged assets. Those have no centralized issuer. The have the form Bitxxxx.

Yes, hence "normal" in quotes :) I'll try to remember "market pegged assets".

So, ok, there is no central issuer... but bitGOLD etc came from somewhere, can new ones be created in the same way?
You are asking good questions :) (a quality as opposed to common believe). I would really recommend to read the market pegged assets whitepaper! You will find a detailed explanation there (short: they are shorted into existence where the short position has to put up BTS as collateral (not liquid anymore than; 300% of the value of the bitasset that is shorted into existence)).
And all BitAssets are created in the same way.

General Discussion / Re: bitEUR volume
« on: February 25, 2015, 07:48:22 pm »
Isn't silver/gold's value expressed in fiat?

What would happen to the bitGOLD being held if the price dropped from $1300 to $300 ? Doesn't one get the equivalent of $300 at that point in time back in BTS?

My understanding might be severely flawed here..
BitGOLD is settled in BTS. Whatever the value of an ounce of Gold is you can always exchange it for BTS worth one ounce of gold. -> Based on this gateways will provide a service in the future where they exchange one ounce of gold directly for once ounce of BitGOLD or USD worth one ounce of Gold to 1 BitGOLD and back for a small fee.

:) Normal is about as vague as you can get :) But I am sure you read the word "normal" somewhere confuses more than it clarifies...

There are three types of tokens:

1) BTS (native currency limited in supply; like bitcoins in Bitcoin)
2) User issued assets Also known as colored coins in the wider cypto world. There is a centralized issuer that promises to guarantee the value of the user issued asset. Anyone can create a user issued asset for a little fee.
3) Bitassets = market pegged assets. Those have no centralized issuer. The have the form Bitxxxx.

General Discussion / Re: bitEUR volume
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:51:04 pm »
Atm bitassets are mostly used for hedging and since the USD to EUR exchange rate is relatively stable (in crypto terms) traders will just go to whatever fiat biasset has the most liquidity.

That's what I feared.

Perhaps it's for the best for now, in terms of visibility. Same argument could be made about bitCNY/bitUSD, though..
There is a huge Chinese community that is more comfortable with CNY including a gateway infrastructure that allows to go directly from CNY to BitCNY and back...

General Discussion / Re: bitEUR volume
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:43:53 pm »
Not wanting to derail;topicseen ..

Howcome bitEUR sees so little action? Are there almost no Europeans in on BTS?
Atm bitassets are mostly used for hedging and since the USD to EUR exchange rate is relatively stable (in crypto terms) traders will just go to whatever fiat biasset has the most liquidity.

When there is demand for BitEUR because merchants accept it it should change.

Technical Support / To all newbies: What brought you here?
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:38:07 pm »
It seems there are many new people here on the forum lately. I would be very helpful and interesting to know....

1) how you found Bitshares
2) and what sparked your interest enough to begin posting on this forum.

In addition the the poll above, please make a quick comment that specifies your vote: which article, which youtube video etc. And what argument, attitude or Bitshares feature has triggered your interest.

Your help is much appreciated!  :)

First result: Reddit isn't as important as we think it might be. Possible reason: Reddit/Bitcoin attracks a lot of people that know what they want anyway and seek for affirmation of their opinion (that Bitcoin is the holy grail).

EDIT 2: has been added as a voting option on June, 20th, 2015.

Hi peeps,  how would bits work for people making 2.75/hr, that like live on a low income and cant afford anythin.
Can you rephrase the question? What do you mean by "work"?

So you are saying the Mercury wallet as it is today is "extremely dangerous"? If so I didnt understand why.

With the current setup of Bitcoin, you would need to wait just above 100 confirmations to do secure ACCT (Atomic Cross Chain Trading). This would be 1 full round of all delegates for DPOS (about 15-20 minutes atm). These intervals don't make sense for trading. For ACCT to become viable for any chain (without waiting too much) you need a PBFT or PBFT-like real-time Consensus and Ordering Protocol (COP) on top of the main blockchain to make ACCT viable.

That, or the light client trading server does Paypal-like fraud detection and compensates counterparty risk accordingly with pretty high trading fees (anywhere from 0.5-4% of each transaction).
Thanks for those insights!
Disussion is on.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares Instagram
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:14:11 pm »
In an effort to do my part, I made a bitshares Instagram. Some here might find it laughable however, the simplicity of Instagram (imho) makes it a great venue for spreading the word/updates/general consensus. If the community agrees I will try to pursue it. If not, I will delete the account immediately. I might start out slow given current low morale in the community (my self included) but as 1.0 approaches, I look forward to a "New beginning"

Instagram @bitshares

I am open to all suggestions, feedback and donations.
Sounds like a great initiative!!  +5% +5%


He seems to be looking into adding Bitshares though...?

Yeah they will add bitshares for sure since its #4 at The issue for bitshares though is that a huge marketing opportunity could be missed. All this effort that is being spent on marketing yet the low hanging fruit of putting basic bitcoin wallet features into the bitshares client is still hanging. Also the first mover status in the crypto space is huge for marketing and having all the bitcoin/altcoiners jumping onto their atomic cross-chain trading(ACCT) bandwagon instead of bitshares would be a downer. Its not impossible to imagine that another alt-coin will come up with a viable bitUSD competitor and if the Mercury client wins the "smart wallet" race then BTS could become *completely* obsolete. This risk should be nipped in the bud asap.

In the latest episode ( Max also highlighted bitcoin wallet features and atomic cross-chain trading as the big touch-down for bitshares. Max is spot on! He predicts Q2 this year for delivery. But I am mildly concerned since I didn't hear the topic discussed yet in the bitshares hangouts ( Bytemaster said in the last hangout that BTER hack was terrible for bitshares price in the short term. Why should bitshares maintain dependencies that can damage the BTS price when it can stand alone without dependencies on external services as the ultimate "smart wallet" crypto-diversification tool? If I hear Bytemaster announce bitcoin wallet and ACCT features then I am buying more BTS. It will be so much easier to buy unlimited BTS when the client has these features. The bitshares community should not depend on, Mercury or other bitcoin wallet providers. 

Going beyond bitcoin and ACCT features the bitshares delegate model is also capable of escrowing any kind of prediction trading! The Bitshares delegate model is the only existing blockchain that allows human brain crunching into the oracle scripting mix yet it isn't leveraging this capability yet. The client could support a tool for delegates and investors to aggregate "price feed" questions wherever there is enough demand to fuel liquidity. For example: "Who will win POTUS in 2016?". Anyway this is a much lower priority than bitcoin and ACCT features.   

BTW my view currently is Bytemaster and the bitshares developers are doing an awesome job and that is why I will continue to buy BTS on the dips. Awesome work guys delivering early and often! Absolutely love it! My comments regarding new feature suggestions for the client are meant only for adding fodder into the community head space - I'm just an investor and there are many aspects of bitshares development I don't understand.

Atomic cross chain trading without a known set of TTPs (Trusted third parties) such as BTS delegates is extremely dangerous. Even AT would not solve this problem for BTC or other non TTP blockchains.

We've looked into doing the same in our Moonstone wallet, but atomic cross chain trading is simply too dangerous atm. For cross chain trading and even sidechains to become possible in the future all chains would need a setup very similar to this Something we have been talking about both on the forum and in the dev meetups for some time. We've already ported the existing HL PBFT code to CPP here, We're currently working on using the delegate public keys as PGP signatures for PBFT consensus. This would also make arbitrary and highly expandable DAPPs possible on top of DPOS.
So you are saying the Mercury wallet as it is today is "extremely dangerous"? If so I didnt understand why.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares now has a professional PR initiative
« on: February 25, 2015, 10:53:19 am »
This PR initiative is very understandable to me from how the Chinese side experienced Bitshares and from the trouble they had with Bitshares: Open discussions about possible strategic changes in English that were easily interpreted as announcements and led to a ton of FUD. I therefore appreciate this initiative also since the Chinese community is essential to the success of Bitshares! So I appreciate the initiative and think that James is a great person to handle this!

On the other side I think it is highly inappropriate for the English speaking side of the Bitshares community, for a few reasons:
1. The English of the announcement is not worthy of a Spokesman that is communicating in English. Try to picture how this is perceived from the outside: A non public perception sensitive communication (before this announcement) is replaced by communication with broken English.
2. I don't think BM and devs should not say anything in public anymore. There is more than all or nothing. Good PR / strategic comm. means communication that is aware of public perception and consistent in it's message but not non existent!
3. Bytemaster and his authenticity are unique in this space (and beyond). Much of the reason why I like to be here is that he let's others take part in his vision. I just always hoped that BM would be open to honest and constructive feedback to align the message he intents to put out there with the one that is received by the public.
4. How aware can James be of western narratives like this I am a bit sad that community feedback was ignored  that could have achieved (3).

Suggestion: A PR team for Bitshares which is shaped by its two relatively separate Chinese and Western Communities has to:
a) consist of a western and an eastern part that work together on a consistent message but adapt their communications according to the specifics of their audience (and I think James is the most excellent person for the Chinese side of this!!).
b) give BM as much freedom to express his vision while aligning the intended message with the perceived message and align the strategic goals of the Bitshares project with the way Bitshares is communicated (example:;all).

I tried to get a PR-feedback-as-a-service-group for the core dev team going (mumble session Jan. 16.). Everyone (incl. BM) was happy about the initiative. I messaged BM a few times here on the forum about it to get it going - no reply.

One essential rule to avoid PR disasters would be: Vet your actions with everyone involved. If we assume that the western marketing community (nullstreet) is a group that has an opinion on the PR matter, then this rule has been ignored here with a predictable result. 

I know James has a very good reputation among our eastern community members, and I am sure that is well deserved. Because of this, I will give him the benefit of the doubt that his intentions are pure and just.

However, I have to say that I his post on Bytemaster's Blog today did not have the signs of a good, professionally written piece of PR. It had several grammatical errors, awkward sentence structures, and tended to read like a damage control piece.

By "public relations", does he simply mean "speech advisor" ? His list of (7) decrees to limit the speech of the devs is appropriate and understandable in the context of private advisory, but a PR professional would never have posted something like that publicly.

That said, I wonder if James would be open to answering a few questions....

1. Is he only working in an advisory capacity to the devs, or does he plan to try and coordinate with all BitShares delegates?

2. Where is his operation based - China or the US? How much time will he focus on western markets, vs. eastern markets?

3. Does he plan to aggressively pursue relationships with western media contacts? Does he have any experience with Public Relations in the United States or Europe?

4. How soon can we expect Press Releases distributed over 1st tier western wires like PR newswire, Business Wire, or PR Web? This is a cornerstone to good PR, but is relatively expensive ($250 - $1000 per Press Release). Is he receiving funds from "Invictus" (aka. BM), or will he be relying entirely on delegate pay?

Keep in mind that good Public Relations means a steady and consistent feed of information, in order to help to "shape" the narrative. Let us keep a close eye on how well this job is handled...

Therefore we'll need a seperate investor site / Channel ... just my 2 cents!

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