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Messages - dannotestein

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Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: May 28, 2014, 04:47:39 am »
Did this thread move? Seems like a while since the last update.

It didn't move exactly, but a lot of the work being done on Keyhotee right now (including work I'm directly working on) is on the backend side: peer-to-peer code, web wallets, json-rpc interface, blockchain, etc, and the status for this work is being updated in the btishares xt status update thread rather than here.

On the Keyhotee GUI side, the main changes have been and/or in progress are addition of a webkit widget-based web browser (to support displaying our web wallets inside Keyhotee), work to integrate the bitshares_toolkit code into the Keyhotee code base, code to establish friend-based peer networks, and miscellaneous bug fixes. After that the other major planned change is to modify the way we send messages to multiple recipients for better network efficiency.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: May 12, 2014, 12:43:03 pm »
With DPOS ID registrations in every chain, will there still be a dedicated Keyhotee chain, or will Keyhotee basically be the name for the multi-DPOS chain wallet with communication features built in?  If there will be a dedicated chain, will it just be barebones DPOS, or will it have additional features that aren't in all the other DPOS chains?
It's currently planned to be a separate chain, with at least some differences because of the increased flexibility of what names are allowed in the Keyhotee blockchain.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: May 11, 2014, 09:49:52 pm »
May I ask what time officially out
There's no official date set right now, but the official release won't be until at least a week minimum after the bitshares_toolkit blockchain code is released, since it will use that code. And that code is currently undergoing a major design change, although I think it's a better design that will save us a lot of time in the future.

I'll have a better idea about the status once we've had a few days to evaluate the impact of the design change on things like the current p2p network code.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update Thread 2.0
« on: May 09, 2014, 05:26:59 pm »
Below is a graph of a transaction propagating on the bitshares peer-to-peer network.

The test network consisted of 50 nodes that each attempt to maintain a minimum of 3 connections and a maximum of 5 (we're using reduced connectivity to get longer paths between nodes in the network). This graph shows how a transaction generated by node 0 propagates to the other nodes in the network. Dashed lines indicate unused peer connections for each node, solid directed lines indicate the actual paths taken by the packet (including the propagation time across that link). This is all taking place on a single computer, so the slowdowns on later links is due to cpu bottlenecking for block validation rather than network propagation delays.

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: May 08, 2014, 08:34:09 pm »
Can you navigate to that folder using the command promt ('cmd') and start keyhotee from within there .. I guess there is some output!

Unfortunately not more helpful info. Thx.
I'm not sure if this will help any or not, since it looks like everything is there, but you could try downloading the free "dependency walker" tool to check if there's a missing DLL. This is probably only worthwhile if you have some programming background, however. Dependency walker is here:

Keyhotee / Re: keyhoote 7.1 id problem today
« on: May 08, 2014, 08:26:18 pm »
same issue here .. Let them finish bitshares-XT first .. maybe just some server offline or so ..
Sorry, some growing pains there, transferred control of the founder server to another guy to focus on coding, and he accidentally shut it down while doing some maintenance. It's back up now.

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: May 07, 2014, 07:42:58 pm »
0.7.92-win32.exe / 0.7.100-win32.exe  - not starting on win7 /32. No error or the like - just silent.

seems like something is missing  ;)
Looks like you have the correct set of files, with roughly the right size. Could you have some virus protection or firewall software that is blocking operation?

Thx for your quick reply. No reaction with FW & VP down, admin etc.  No issues with 0.7.0 (prematurely uninstalled...)
Check in task manager to be sure you don't have a copy of Keyhotee still running in a zombie-like state. Possibly the best way to do this is to reboot, then try re-running.

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: May 07, 2014, 05:07:32 pm »
0.7.92-win32.exe / 0.7.100-win32.exe  - not starting on win7 /32. No error or the like - just silent.

seems like something is missing  ;)
Looks like you have the correct set of files, with roughly the right size. Could you have some virus protection or firewall software that is blocking operation?

Keyhotee / Re: Profile not found
« on: May 02, 2014, 06:36:16 pm »
1) With Keyhotee not running, delete your existing Keyhotee profiles using file explorer. Your profiles are located in the directory:

Thanks for the pointer.

Yes, Keyhotee is now installed. I created a new profile. But it's not clear how I can apply my old keyhotee ID and foundercode to the new wallet. I tried to Create New Identity, but it did not match my old Public Key and Founderscode.

So now there is a new identity with my old Keyhotee ID and a new founderscode. Results in error, "Invalid ID/FounderKey Pair"
The public key will change, this is expected, that's why we're re-registering. You enter the founder's code, so I'm confused about what you mean by this didn't match...

I created a new profile, then logged into keyhotee.

Then I click CREATE NEW IDENTITY, and enter my existing Founder Code.

Then if I view SHOW DETAILS of my new Identity, it shows my name, my Keyhotee ID, and my public key. My Founder Code shows up in the NOTES section of SHOW DETAILS. Then there is a YELLOW alert box that says "Invalid ID/FounderKey Pair".

So it's a bit perplexing.
Let me know your founder ID, and I can check the log on the server side and see if I see anything about it.

Keyhotee / Re: Profile not found
« on: May 02, 2014, 03:23:11 am »
1) With Keyhotee not running, delete your existing Keyhotee profiles using file explorer. Your profiles are located in the directory:

Thanks for the pointer.

Yes, Keyhotee is now installed. I created a new profile. But it's not clear how I can apply my old keyhotee ID and foundercode to the new wallet. I tried to Create New Identity, but it did not match my old Public Key and Founderscode.

So now there is a new identity with my old Keyhotee ID and a new founderscode. Results in error, "Invalid ID/FounderKey Pair"
The public key will change, this is expected, that's why we're re-registering. You enter the founder's code, so I'm confused about what you mean by this didn't match...

Keyhotee / Re: Profile not found
« on: May 01, 2014, 10:38:05 pm »

The correct key should be  883E...Gd5...

When I create a new ID all I do is put my Kehotee ID and founder code and the key is different now with no points assigned.

Do you suggest I made a mistake on the main screen when I put my brain wallet and password and names? If so how do I amend this? Do  I need to re install kehotee and do the procedure from the beggining or there is another way to go to the main screen?
Here's the steps you'll need to do:

0) You do NOT need to re-install Keyhotee.

1) With Keyhotee not running, delete your existing Keyhotee profiles using file explorer. Your profiles are located in the directory:

Each subdirectory in this directory represents a profile you've created. You can delete this entire Keyhotee directory to delete all your existing profiles.

2) Launch keyhotee. If you deleted all your profiles, you will be prompted to create a profile, otherwise you can press the New profile button on the sign-in page to create a profile.

It's not clear where the profiles are located. Keyhotee is installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Keyhotee 0.7.100
There are no profiles in that directory.

I am on Windows 8.

My first wallet was keyhotee_0.5.5, which worked fine.

Since I tried to update to the latest version (0.7.100), I have been unable to access my old account.

When I launch Keyhotee, it recognizes my Profile name, but when I enter the password the result is an error alert that my profile was not found.

At this point I am stuck.

Any help would be appreciated.
1) With Keyhotee not running, delete your existing Keyhotee profiles using file explorer. Your profiles are located in the directory:

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: May 01, 2014, 03:29:47 am »
Guys I need some help.  I'm on a MAC OSX 10.9.2 computer.  When I  try to register founder ID on Keyhotee 7.0,  I receive the following error:

"..Cannot create profile: eof
unexpected end of file
    th_a  json.cpp:342 variant_from_stream

    th_a  application.cpp:518 create_profile.."

Please help!
This is a known problem on some macs that is currently being investigated. There'll be plenty of time to register after we fix this issue, so don't worry about it for now.

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: April 30, 2014, 10:31:19 pm »
On Windows 7 x64 I tried


None of them start at all.
We've tested Keyhotee-0.7.100-win32.exe on several windows 7 x64 systems here and it seems to work fine.

Keyhotee / Re: Changing my computer, how to transport my Keyhotee ?
« on: April 29, 2014, 08:35:25 pm »
Hello everyone:

Finally I bought a new computer.  So I don't know how to transport all my keyhotee data to my new computer?

My old computer is an Macbook pro with 10.8.3 OSX,  and my new computer is an iMac running 10.9 Mavericks OSX.

I already transported my BitShares-PTS wallet.dat file  from one computer to another.   But with Keyhotee is a similar method?
Which file do I have to transport? and
Where is located in my computer? also
Is it possible to transport my keyhotee data from Mac to Windows, and vice versa?

Thanks in advance for your support.
Within OS versions, you should be able to do it by copying the Keyhotee directory that contains your profiles to a similar location on your new system. Please bear in mind that this is currently untested, so we'd be interested in the results. This documents the location of the profiles directory on various systems:

Across platforms, I can't answer this question really. It may or may not work, depending on just how different the platforms are. It's certainly worth a try I suppose.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: April 29, 2014, 05:46:34 pm »
Hello guys, i registered id with version 0.7.0
its shows as registered in ver 0.7.1 too
public key 8dc9ejdw8vVoESvmVCHFwX8LCqodziLB3KUoGPGpZErb1Xxb1p
is it well enough?
Yes, that's all that's needed, you're fine.

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