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Messages - merivercap

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General Discussion / Re: BitShares?bitshares ? bitShares ?
« on: April 15, 2015, 05:19:27 am »
To me slashes that cut all the way through lines or letters reminds me too much of 'slashing' or violence... like slashing/cutting something... or slashing/cutting prices or marking mistakes/misspellings.. etc.

Just think of it as a tilted hat  ;)


General Discussion / Re: BitShares?bitshares ? bitShares ?
« on: April 15, 2015, 05:05:02 am »

␢AAPL    ␢GOOG    ....

is a blank symbol representing space().  I think space() is also an interesting way to view it:
It's nice there is a symbol you can use.  To me slashes that cut all the way through lines or letters reminds me too much of 'slashing' or violence... like slashing/cutting something... or slashing/cutting prices or marking mistakes/misspellings.. etc. 

General Discussion / Re: BitShares?bitshares ? bitShares ?
« on: April 15, 2015, 04:53:43 am »

I like "bitshares" , and it makes more sense due our bitshares logo that is a "b" ...  (and not a "B")

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 997D

yup. capitalization is so 20th century.  +5%

Agreed. IMO we should have "Bitshares" to refer to the DAC and "bitshares" to the shares themselves. I suppose it is too late for that? Camelcase for written words (as opposed to variables in a program) is just weird to me.

Also while we are on this topic, anyone opposed to declaring a bitshares symbol?

Latin lower case b with stroke for BTS currency symbol: ƀ

Append to market pegged asset: ƀUSD, ƀGOLD, etc.

I like this idea better, day by passing day
It just looks cool and unique!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

 +5%  Nice!  It's funny because I was just scribbling and playing around with symbols just a moment ago... and came up with just a short line at the top of the 'b' that goes to the left .. it looked ok..... anyways the one you have looks nice and there is already a unicode for it with all the various fonts:
The design firm in that article suggests the lower & upper case versions of that symbol for the Bitcoin logo.  It looks pretty good to me.  Not sure how much traction it's getting in the Bitcoin world. 

I also was playing around with other ideas to represent  bitCurrencies.  Just trying to keep it simple.  I was thinking of making use of dots around the currency symbols:
1)  one dot above & below the vertical line or slash for the US dollar
2) one dot on both sides of the horizontal line for the Pound
3) dots at both ends of the curve for the Euro
4) dots below the vertical and on top of the two slanted lines for the Yen and Yuan...

Easy to write with pen and paper..... but you guys might have forgotten how to use a pen and paper.... :P  What do you guys think?

emulating Bitfinex would be a good place to start IMO

The concept is quite simple really.  Copy the user experience of centralized exchanges.  The difference being a backend controlled by the bitshares blockchain instead of a centrally managed database. 

I like to think of it as similar to http vs https.  Users are trained to look for the 's' at the end to know they are on a secure website.  They have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.  They see no difference when interacting with the secure vs non-secure site.  They just know that general consensus is that the 's' means it is secure. 

Users should see no difference between interacting with a centralized exchange vs a decentralized exchange.  Perhaps they see something that says 'Powered by Bitshares' to confirm security, just as they see an 's' to confirm security.  They have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, they just know that 'Powered by Bitshares' means they are in a secure environment, and that secure environment utilizes the bitshares blockchain as the backend instead of a centrally managed database
+5% Brilliant. I like the way you think.

I think this is good, but are you suggesting the core devs focus on the front end too or mainly be the backend blockchain & market engine and provide an SDK for other companies to build various UI/UX (ie. Etrade/Think or Swim/Tradestation/Bitfinex/Kraken etc.)?  I think the current BitShares webwallet can be combined with a good UI/UX trading platform, but there is so many ways to go with the UI/UX I'm wondering if it could be left to other companies to run with it just like for wallets.  I think it would be good to use Bitfinex as the model for the bitShares version because it's one of the better ones out there.  I think even Bitfinex can significantly be improved, but they have a relatively simple UI/UX which is very good compared to others.  They get most of their volume through leverage, ability to margin/short & earn interest on Bitcoin.  The UI/UX is very good, but it's secondary to the features.   

bitUSD is not much more useful than paypalUSD. From the  shopper's perspective, bitUSD is much slower and harder to obtain. Some merchants have a lot to gain, but these merchants are not offering big discounts for using bitUSD, so why would the customers bother obtaining bitUSD? Getting a 20% discount by using bitUSD would do a lot for adoption, but we can't force merchants to offer discounts.   

Yes bitUSD is hard to obtain right now because it's a new asset.  I even have trouble getting it.  You can't expect it to take over the world overnight.  It takes work.   Why do you think payment startups like Stripe & Braintree & Dwolla exist if it is 'not much more useful than paypalUSD'?  Why would Square start Square Cash?  Why do you think Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft (who is getting MSB licenses in 50 states btw) are all getting into the payments space?   Why do you think Bitpay has raised the 2nd most VC funds after Coinbase who's also in the payments space.  Is this all for giggles?  It's nearly a $100B/yr market.  The big advantage with crypto compared to the other solutions is you bypass the banking system inefficiencies and fees.  (BTW we should really go after BitPay.  Once the bitShares platform is stable and has a strong level of merchant/user adoption they might consider supporting bitUSD.  Also there are other Bitcoin hedging solutions that are popping up they may lean towards.)

If that's the core value proposition, then it looks like we're fucked. Large companies like have negotiated much better deals than 3%. More like 1%.
I would hope that the core value proposition for cryptoassets would be as a stores of wealth, like gold. Transactional use is only helpful for establishing a baseline value. Bitcoin's transactional use couldn't support an even 1 billion dollar market cap. The velocity of money is too high.

Did I mention Amazon has Amazon Payments that is 'not much more useful than paypalUSD'?   Also people do shop at other places other than Amazon. 

Store of wealth and why?   What makes cryptoassets a store of anything?  Why is Bitcoin not worth zero?  I have my own answers, but it would be interesting to know your perspective. 

BitShares can do what other platforms can't:
A big advantage is that BitShares allows you to trade anything. I'm American. If I could, I'd trade some Chinese stocks with BitShares that are not available in America. Chinese people would like to trade some American stocks that are not available in China. Those are just two examples.

BitShares will be the best way to let everyone trade everything.

Counterparty risk: It's common for brokerage accounts to be locked, disabled, or seized for some legal reason. BitShares will never lock your account.

Good point about securities access.  That is another advantage.  I wrote about how people should be able to create exchanges on top of the Bitshares blockchain/market engine here:,15248.msg199016.html#msg199016
If people want to build an E*Trade/Think or Swim/Tradestation/Schwab/Interactive Brokers on top of the blockchain with various UI/UX I think that's a good model and one of the businesses I planned to help build anyways. 

Currently, trading on bitshares is not attractive because 20x-50x margin is not available. If I trade bitEUR:bitUSD, how much money can I make? Think about it.

Fair point about leverage in Forex.  I do think the 'legalized gambling' nature of trading and speculating is an attractive selling point.  A majority of speculators will lose money to trading costs, but the assets they trade will get more liquidity which is a positive to the ecosystem.  Most people are focused on opportunity and less on probability so the subjective value for speculating differs from any objective measure.   (I would expect 95%+ of speculators to lose money to trading costs over the long run in traditional brokerages compared to a buy/hold strategy.)  Anyways.

1.  Stock trading is a great market to enter eventually and exchanges are extremely important for liquidity, but I think the core value proposition of bitAssets currently is its usefulness for mainstream users for payments. 

2.  The core value proposition of Bitcoin/altcoins as a payment system is to save the 3% credit card fees for merchants.  $3 Trillion+ credit card volume is nearly $100 Billion/yr in fees.   The remittance market has $500+ billion dollars in volume and at an avg 10% rate you are talking about $50 Billion/yr in fees.   

3.  People go into crypto trading because they want to trade crypto and believe in the value proposition of Bitcoin and other altcoins.   I'm sure some people get addicted to trading and would want to trade other assets, but most of the volume in crypto-exchanges/gateways is between Bitcoin & local currencies.  Also bitAssets on exchanges may not be as compelling because you can already trade into local currency from Bitcoin on exchanges.   The main value proposition for using the bitShares exchange vs another exchange is because it's decentralized, not because it has pegged assets.

4. Right now Bitcoin exchanges charge .2 - .5% per trade. (Competition will drive that lower)  Regular mainstream online brokerage accounts charge .5%-1% on an average trade of $1-$2k.   Settlement will be much faster using crypto.  Smaller and microtrades are compelling.  Not that many people worry about counterparty risk for securities.  There are advantages, but how compelling is it for investors or traders to switch? The biggest downside is there won't be much liquidity compared to regular brokerage accounts. 
The market size of retail online brokerage trading is maybe $10Billion/yr?  (Interactive brokers & E-Trade make about $1B rev per year)

5. We technically have a Forex exchange using bitAssets already.  Is there a lot of Forex activity?  I don't think there is much of any.  Most people just trade between local currency and BTS.  (I think there will be a lot of Forex activity eventually, but only after there is a core value proposition to use BTS for payments in various local currencies)

6. I think stock trading will do well if integrated into BitShares over time, but right now we need to focus and I say focus on bitUSD (and bitCNY).  There's hardly much liquidity in BitGold & BitSilver now so if you add bitBRK or any other bitStock it will be even less liquid and the more you add the more you spread yourself thin.

7. If you want to promote the trading aspect, I would start by promoting Forex trading with bitAssets first to see how compelling that is to mainstream investors & traders. 

1) "A referral program alone won’t get users to share your product. Your product has to solve a painful problem that the customer would naturally want to talk about even without the incentive." 

Problem: Bitcoin volatility and confirmation times for mass merchant/user adoption for payments
Solution: bitUSD (save 3% on credit card transaction fees just like Bitcoin without volatility or slow confirmation times.  Note: credit cards account for well over $3 Trillion out of $8.5 Trillion total payment processing volume.)  Focus everybody.  We need focus.

2) "Once you have a great product, make referrals as natural and effortless as possible."

From: The 2 Things You Need to Make Your Referral Program a Hit

Dropbox Example -

How Referrals Built The $10 Billion Dropbox Empire

3) Their product cost:  $99.   Cost of Acquisition: $238-388

4) 2-sided referral program - Both referral and referred got extra space.  Why not do the same with BTS?

5) Great Dropbox product + great referral = 100k to 4 million users in 15 months. 

Much realness from the OP.  :P

What do you think of Clojure?

I agree with all the comments on the thread. 

Also it's hard to measure traction when the webwallet is still in beta. 

We have a well thought out referral program that will be game changing and that cannot be gamed.

  +5% +5% +5% :)

It seems that there is such a strong interest to donate BTS rather than BTC our crowdfunder that some people are thinking about buying MOONFUND tokens on the internal exchange straight with BTS. (See this thread,15663.0/topicseen.html)

We're opening therefore a poll to see whether enough people are interested in us putting a sell order of Moonstones at about 0.9-0.92 BTS on the internal exchange. This way almost everybody should be able to participate (though at a slightly lower potential return rate, as we still need to cash out to fiat for operations). We would then also need to update the funds collected on the website manually a few times a day.

Please let us know what you think, and please vote in the poll!

I think the more options the better so this is a good idea. 

General Discussion / Re: Rand Paul Announces
« on: April 08, 2015, 01:32:45 am »
You know another thing is Adam and the Follow My Vote guys should really piggyback off the Rand Paul campaign.   During the Ron Paul campaign in '08 and '12 there was a lot of talk of vote rigging and fraudulent voting machines.   The Republican primaries start with the first major Straw Poll in Iowa in the summer.  I used to be very active in politics.  You can publicize Vote by getting one of the local GOP groups to use the system for a Straw Poll or just do even post-vote audit surveys using the system.   This presidential campaign season is probably the best time to get publicity for Follow My Vote.  You can recruit a lot of former Ron Paul supporters to promote the system because  a fair number of them will support Rand as well.

Let's pump up the value of Vote...and spin it off for $100 million soon...  ;)

Yeah  I'm with svk, Ander & Fuzzy on the 'merger' subject. 

I started following BTS after the 'merger' but it was always a puzzle why it was necessary.  Building a conglomerate seemed contrary to the ethos of decentralization and also business competition.  The 'merger' was spun as the creation of a  'SuperDAC' and I understand putting everything in a positive light for marketing, but I think from a business perspective it would be good to reflect on the 'merger' to decide if it was worth it.  It was really just an acquisition of Vote & DNS for 20% of the company post-merger.   Was that a good decision? 

I don't think so.  We're a long away from the days of vertical integration and monopolization as Rockerfeller did with the oil industry  Most businesses in the last couple decades have seen the value of spin-offs, breaking up supply chains to focus on core competencies.  Big businesses with a lot of cash acquire smaller companies to stifle competition, but it decreases the overall value-creation process.  In this case the acquisition is odd because it looks more like a startup acquiring two businesses that are entirely unrelated.  It's like Facebook in the early days trying to acquire an early-stage McDonalds and early-stage Exxon.  (I know, I know there is tech overlap, but I'm trying to make a point.)  Devs could have worked on multiple projects and had two sources of income.   The value of Vote, DNS and BitsharesX would be valued much more highly as separate companies than as a MonopolyDAC. 

I'm very excited about Vote & DNS, but I think they're much more valuable on their own.  Besides shouldn't a voting blockchain be separate from an asset exchange blockchain?  Why add confusion to different consumer demographics? 

The reason why I discuss this rather than let it get swept under the rug is we can always reverse actions.  If there's eventually a demand to spin-off Vote & DNS down the road I'll be in favor.   Bring the total shares back to 2 Billion and spinoff Vote & DNS with a % equity in DAC shares.  Total combined marketcap of all three would be much greater and each DAC would focus on core competencies. 

The funny thing with all this is the original thread was complaining about delegate pay when I think more BTS should be spent on delegate pay for everything, especially for faster and quality core development.  Imagine taking 100 million of the 500 million BTS used to acquire  Vote & DNS and using it to fund faster & better tech development.  The DAC delegate pay model was a core advantage over other ecosystems that struggle to make ends meet.   Why don't we use more delegate spots to double the salary of developers or get new developers to help?   Feeling like there is not enough funds for development is self-induced.  Heck we could have used all 500 million BTS we used to purchase Vote & DNS to fund Bitshares development over time instead.   That would have been better use of dilution.

General Discussion / Re: Rand Paul Announces
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:26:28 pm »
Rand Paul Accepts Bitcoin for Presidential Campaign

"During a 2014 interview, Paul suggested that the concept of digital currencies could be improved if they were backed by stocks."
Hey isn't he really describing Bitshares?   :P

Hi Guys

I am Oscar Darmawan, CEO of - Biggest Cryptocurrency Exchanger in South East Asia. We are orignally from Indonesia.  We would like to let you know that now we support BTS/BTC trading pair with 0% trading fee. I like the concept of Bitshares as well as how Bitshares has been one of hottest topic of Bitcoin 2.0 recently.

We will help to promote your Bitshares to all of our member through newsletter, forum and our social media. We have more than 50,000 members currently in our system.

We are welcome for any international member to join our marketplace. We do not require any KYC for altcoin trading :) Please let me know if you have any question regarding our exchange. I will be happy to answer your question

Thank you

 +5%  Thanks for your support and glad to have you here!

I don't believe delegate dilution has much to do with lower prices.   We are in a general bear market for crypto.  The demand side for crypto hasn't been that strong AND the shift from current investor's allocation from alt-coin to Bitcoin is increasing slightly.  Since Bitcoin dominates with 85% of  total market cap of crypto a small shift in favor of Bitcoin will suck a significant amount of the marketcap from the altcoin market.  It's analogous to when sentiment goes from small cap stocks to large cap stocks.  Furthermore I'm a firm believer in selling equity for growth.  That's how all startups and growth companies work. 

Furthermore delegate pay not only brings value to the system, it also gets new people involved as employee/owners and also releases more shares to the public so new investors can come in.  There's already a preception of a 'pre-mine' and the idea that original investors and whales want to just sit on their shares, do nothing and get rich off the technology is not a good business strategy or good for perception.  If that's the plan someone can probably quip: 'Might as well stick a fork in you cuz you're done.'  They would mean this figuratively and literally. 

All companies dilute.  From a seed/angel round to an A-B-C-D round of founding...and then an IPO.  You give up equity for cash in all these stages to grow.... I don't mean you should do it aimlessly, but it's standard practice.   There's also usually a good balance between business & operations/ product & technology/ sales & marketing. 

If there were a real marketing initiative, they would've picked up on the current controversy with the Bitcoin Foundation and how Bitshares solved the primary concern and original intent of the BF, how to fund core Devs? Bitshares should've been mentioned in every single thread I read on reddit over the past few days on the issue. I scrolled through most of the comments and saw replies from some of the bitcoin celebs concerned about how Devs would get funded and who would administrate those funds. Not a single Bitshares reference. Missed opportunity with a majority of the 100's being marketing delegates.

 +5% The scarcity of reddit (and hackernews) forum comments  these days is quite noticable. Nul- street would have been on top of that in the past.

I agree that this would be a perfect opportunity to highlight the DAC model after the whole Bitcoin Foundation debacle.  Of course we probably should work out the kinks a bit and more heavily promote our DAC when operations are humming.  In any case I am fascinated with this DAC experiment and think it can work out very well.   I don't think operations have been that inefficient and relative to traditional startups the cash burn rate has been below average.  However we can always improve and direct resources that will provide the most value in the long run.  I do think product & tech development should be paid more. 

With that said maybe we can put a website together that highlights the delegates & responsibilities and have another section where we can expect weekly progress reports and have some accountability (we can keep this open or private to members).  Eventually I think we need to put a delegate team page with pictures for the bitShares DAC delegates.  I know some may be uncomfortable so it shouldn't be required, but whenever you look at a company you want to know who is behind it.  It brings the human element to the project.  Just like the Peer-to-Peer tour, Stan, Bytemaster etc bring a human element to bitShares.  You gain trust much faster from others that way.  That's an advantage Bitshares will always have over the anonymous guys from NXT, Darkcoin etc.  It would be good to recruit more females and global talent because money is universal and we want everyone involved.   It's great we have a strong Chinese contingent. 

Anyways you can link up a delegate website to the's delegate page, but keep it running seperately.  It can have real-time financials totally transparent for everyone to see.  When you think about the level of transparency you can have with the DAC compared to regular corporations & governments, this system is definitely revolutionary.  I can grab the domain: if people like that domain?  I can even set up a simple Wordpress site, but we have to have someone build a data feed of delegate info to it.  The website page can read:  BitShares DAC, 'The World's First Decentralized Autonomous Company'...  anyways what do you all think?

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